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 MPI Header File Change History

 Copyright (c) 2000-2008 LSI Corporation.
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7 8

9 10
 Header Set Release Version:    01.05.19
 Header Set Release Date:       03-28-08
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11 12 13 14

 Filename               Current version     Prior version
 ----------             ---------------     -------------
15 16 17
 mpi.h                  01.05.16            01.05.15
 mpi_ioc.h              01.05.16            01.05.15
 mpi_cnfg.h             01.05.18            01.05.17
 mpi_init.h             01.05.09            01.05.09
 mpi_targ.h             01.05.06            01.05.06
20 21
 mpi_fc.h               01.05.01            01.05.01
 mpi_lan.h              01.05.01            01.05.01
 mpi_raid.h             01.05.05            01.05.05
23 24
 mpi_tool.h             01.05.03            01.05.03
 mpi_inb.h              01.05.01            01.05.01
 mpi_sas.h              01.05.05            01.05.05
 mpi_type.h             01.05.02            01.05.02
 mpi_history.txt        01.05.19            01.05.18
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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

 *  Date      Version   Description
 *  --------  --------  ------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_SCSI_RESIDUAL_MISMATCH definition.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update MPI_VERSION_MAJOR and MPI_VERSION_MINOR.
 *  06-22-00  01.00.02  Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_LAN_ definitions.
 *                      Removed LAN_SUSPEND function definition.
 *                      Added MPI_MSGFLAGS_CONTINUATION_REPLY definition.
 *  06-30-00  01.00.03  Added MPI_CONTEXT_REPLY_TYPE_LAN definition.
 *                      Added MPI_GET/SET_CONTEXT_REPLY_TYPE macros.
 *  07-27-00  01.00.04  Added MPI_FAULT_ definitions.
 *                      Removed MPI_IOCSTATUS_MSG/DATA_XFER_ERROR definitions.
 *                      Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR definition.
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Added new function codes.
 *  01-09-01  01.01.03  Added more definitions to the system interface section
 *                      Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_STS_DATA_NOT_SENT.
 *  01-25-01  01.01.04  Changed MPI_VERSION_MINOR from 0x00 to 0x01.
 *  02-20-01  01.01.05  Started using MPI_POINTER.
 *                      Added defines for MPI_DIAG_PREVENT_IOC_BOOT and
 *                      MPI_DIAG_CLEAR_FLASH_BAD_SIG.
 *                      Obsoleted MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_FC_ defines.
 *  02-27-01  01.01.06  Removed MPI_HOST_INDEX_REGISTER define.
 *                      Added function codes for RAID.
 *  04-09-01  01.01.07  Added alternate define for MPI_DOORBELL_ACTIVE,
 *                      MPI_DOORBELL_USED, to better match the spec.
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *                      Changed MPI_VERSION_MINOR from 0x01 to 0x02.
 *                      Added define MPI_FUNCTION_TOOLBOX.
 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  New function code MPI_SCSI_ENCLOSURE_PROCESSOR.
 *  11-01-01  01.02.03  Changed name to MPI_FUNCTION_SCSI_ENCLOSURE_PROCESSOR.
 *  03-14-02  01.02.04  Added MPI_HEADER_VERSION_ defines.
 *  05-31-02  01.02.05  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  07-12-02  01.02.06  Added define for MPI_FUNCTION_MAILBOX.
 *  09-16-02  01.02.07  Bumped value for MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  11-15-02  01.02.08  Added define MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_INVALID_IO_INDEX and
 *                      obsoleted define MPI_IOCSTATUS_TARGET_INVALID_IOCINDEX.
 *  04-01-03  01.02.09  New IOCStatus code: MPI_IOCSTATUS_FC_EXCHANGE_CANCELED
 *  06-26-03  01.02.10  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT value.
 *  01-16-04  01.02.11  Added define for MPI_IOCLOGINFO_TYPE_SHIFT.
 *  04-29-04  01.02.12  Added function codes for MPI_FUNCTION_DIAG_BUFFER_POST
 *                      and MPI_FUNCTION_DIAG_RELEASE.
 *                      Added MPI_IOCSTATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_RELEASED define.
 *                      Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT value.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Bumped MPI_VERSION_MINOR for MPI v1.3.
 *                      Added codes for Inband.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added defines for Host Buffer Access Control doorbell.
 *                      Added define for offset of High Priority Request Queue.
 *                      Added new function codes and new IOCStatus codes.
 *                      Added a IOCLogInfo type of SAS.
 *  12-07-04  01.05.02  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  12-09-04  01.05.03  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  01-15-05  01.05.04  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  02-09-05  01.05.05  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  02-22-05  01.05.06  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  03-11-05  01.05.07  Removed function codes for SCSI IO 32 and
 *                      TargetAssistExtended requests.
 *                      Removed EEDP IOCStatus codes.
91 92 93
 *  06-24-05  01.05.08  Added function codes for SCSI IO 32 and
 *                      TargetAssistExtended requests.
 *                      Added EEDP IOCStatus codes.
94 95
 *  08-03-05  01.05.09  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  08-30-05  01.05.10  Added 2 new IOCStatus codes for Target.
 *  03-27-06  01.05.11  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  10-11-06  01.05.12  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  05-24-07  01.05.13  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
99 100 101
 *  08-07-07  01.05.14  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  01-15-08  01.05.15  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
 *  03-28-08  01.05.16  Bumped MPI_HEADER_VERSION_UNIT.
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102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added _MSG_IOC_INIT_REPLY structure.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Added CurReplyFrameSize field to _MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
 *  06-12-00  01.00.02  Added _MSG_PORT_ENABLE_REPLY structure.
 *                      Added _MSG_EVENT_ACK_REPLY structure.
 *                      Added _MSG_FW_DOWNLOAD_REPLY structure.
 *                      Added _MSG_TOOLBOX_REPLY structure.
 *  06-30-00  01.00.03  Added MaxLanBuckets to _PORT_FACT_REPLY structure.
 *  07-27-00  01.00.04  Added _EVENT_DATA structure definitions for _SCSI,
 *                      _LINK_STATUS, _LOOP_STATE and _LOGOUT.
 *  08-11-00  01.00.05  Switched positions of MsgLength and Function fields in
 *                      _MSG_EVENT_ACK_REPLY structure to match specification.
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *                      Added a value for Manufacturer to WhoInit
 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Modified IOCFacts reply, added FWUpload messages, and
 *                      removed toolbox message.
 *  01-09-01  01.01.03  Added event enabled and disabled defines.
 *                      Added structures for FwHeader and DataHeader.
 *                      Added ImageType to FwUpload reply.
 *  02-20-01  01.01.04  Started using MPI_POINTER.
 *  02-27-01  01.01.05  Added event for RAID status change and its event data.
 *                      Added IocNumber field to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
 *  03-27-01  01.01.06  Added defines for ProductId field of MPI_FW_HEADER.
 *                      Added structure offset comments.
 *  04-09-01  01.01.07  Added structure EVENT_DATA_EVENT_CHANGE.
130 131 132
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *                      New format for FWVersion and ProductId in
 *                      MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY and MPI_FW_HEADER.
 *  08-31-01  01.02.02  Addded event MPI_EVENT_SCSI_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE and
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
 *                      related structure and defines.
 *                      Added event MPI_EVENT_ON_BUS_TIMER_EXPIRED.
 *                      Added MPI_IOCINIT_FLAGS_DISCARD_FW_IMAGE.
 *                      Replaced a reserved field in MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY with
 *                      IOCExceptions and changed DataImageSize to reserved.
 *                      Added MPI_FW_DOWNLOAD_ITYPE_NVSTORE_DATA and
 *                      MPI_FW_UPLOAD_ITYPE_NVDATA.
 *  09-28-01  01.02.03  Modified Event Data for Integrated RAID.
 *  11-01-01  01.02.04  Added defines for MPI_EXT_IMAGE_HEADER ImageType field.
 *  03-14-02  01.02.05  Added HeaderVersion field to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
 *  05-31-02  01.02.06  Added define for
 *                      Added AliasIndex to EVENT_DATA_LOGOUT structure.
 *  04-01-03  01.02.07  Added defines for MPI_FW_HEADER_SIGNATURE_.
 *  06-26-03  01.02.08  Added new values to the product family defines.
 *  04-29-04  01.02.09  Added IOCCapabilities field to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY and
 *                      added related defines.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added four new fields to MSG_IOC_INIT.
 *                      Added three new fields to MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
 *                      Defined four new bits for the IOCCapabilities field of
 *                      the IOCFacts reply.
 *                      Added two new PortTypes for the PortFacts reply.
 *                      Added six new events along with their EventData
 *                      structures.
 *                      Added a new MsgFlag to the FwDownload request to
 *                      indicate last segment.
 *                      Defined a new image type of boot loader.
 *                      Added FW family codes for SAS product families.
 *  10-05-04  01.05.02  Added ReplyFifoHostSignalingAddr field to
 *                      MSG_IOC_FACTS_REPLY.
 *  12-07-04  01.05.03  Added more defines for SAS Discovery Error event.
 *  12-09-04  01.05.04  Added Unsupported device to SAS Device event.
 *  01-15-05  01.05.05  Added event data for SAS SES Event.
 *  02-09-05  01.05.06  Added MPI_FW_UPLOAD_ITYPE_FW_BACKUP define.
 *  02-22-05  01.05.07  Added Host Page Buffer Persistent flag to IOC Facts
 *                      Reply and IOC Init Request.
 *  03-11-05  01.05.08  Added family code for 1068E family.
 *                      Removed IOCFacts Reply EEDP Capability bit.
173 174
 *  06-24-05  01.05.09  Added 5 new IOCFacts Reply IOCCapabilities bits.
 *                      Added Max SATA Targets to SAS Discovery Error event.
175 176 177 178
 *  08-30-05  01.05.10  Added 4 new events and their event data structures.
 *                      Added new ReasonCode value for SAS Device Status Change
 *                      event.
 *                      Added new family code for FC949E.
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
 *  03-27-06  01.05.11  Added MPI_IOCFACTS_CAPABILITY_TLR.
 *                      Added additional Reason Codes and more event data fields
 *                      to EVENT_DATA_SAS_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE.
 *                      Added EVENT_DATA_SAS_BROADCAST_PRIMITIVE structure and
 *                      new event.
 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_SMP_ERROR and event data structure.
 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_INIT_DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGE and event
 *                      data structure.
 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_INIT_TABLE_OVERFLOW and event
 *                      data structure.
 *                      Added MPI_EXT_IMAGE_TYPE_INITIALIZATION.
190 191 192
 *                      Added MaxInitiators field to PortFacts reply.
 *                      Added SAS Device Status Change ReasonCode for
 *                      asynchronous notificaiton.
194 195 196 197
 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_EXPANDER_STATUS_CHANGE and event
 *                      data structure.
 *                      Added new ImageType values for FWDownload and FWUpload
 *                      requests.
198 199 200 201 202 203 204
 *  02-28-07  01.05.13  Added MPI_EVENT_PRIMITIVE_ASYNCHRONOUS_EVENT for SAS
 *                      Broadcast Event Data (replacing _RESERVED2).
 *                      For Discovery Error Event Data DiscoveryStatus field,
 *                      replaced _MULTPL_PATHS with _UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE and
 *                      added _MULTI_PORT_DOMAIN.
 *  05-24-07  01.05.14  Added Common Boot Block type to FWDownload Request.
 *                      Added Common Boot Block type to FWUpload Request.
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
 *  08-07-07  01.05.15  Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_INIT_RC_REMOVED define.
 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_IR2_RC_DUAL_PORT_ADDED and
 *                      MPI_EVENT_IR2_RC_DUAL_PORT_REMOVED for IR2 event data.
 *                      Added SASAddress field to SAS Initiator Device Table
 *                      Overflow event data structure.
 *  03-28-08  01.05.16  Added two new ReasonCode values to SAS Device Status
 *                      Change Event data to indicate completion of internally
 *                      generated task management.
 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_DSCVRY_ERR_DS_SATA_INIT_FAILURE define.
 *                      Added MPI_EVENT_SAS_INIT_RC_INACCESSIBLE define.
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215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
 *  06-08-00  01.00.02  Added _PAGEVERSION definitions for all pages.
 *                      Added FcPhLowestVersion, FcPhHighestVersion, Reserved2
 *                      fields to FC_DEVICE_0 page, updated the page version.
 *                      Changed _FREE_RUNNING_CLOCK to _PACING_TRANSFERS in
 *                      SCSI_PORT_0, SCSI_DEVICE_0 and SCSI_DEVICE_1 pages
 *                      and updated the page versions.
 *                      Added _RESPONSE_ID_MASK definition to SCSI_PORT_1
 *                      page and updated the page version.
 *                      Added Information field and _INFO_PARAMS_NEGOTIATED
 *                      definitionto SCSI_DEVICE_0 page.
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230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275
 *  06-22-00  01.00.03  Removed batch controls from LAN_0 page and updated the
 *                      page version.
 *                      Added BucketsRemaining to LAN_1 page, redefined the
 *                      state values, and updated the page version.
 *                      Revised bus width definitions in SCSI_PORT_0,
 *                      SCSI_DEVICE_0 and SCSI_DEVICE_1 pages.
 *  06-30-00  01.00.04  Added MaxReplySize to LAN_1 page and updated the page
 *                      version.
 *                      Moved FC_DEVICE_0 PageAddress description to spec.
 *  07-27-00  01.00.05  Corrected the SubsystemVendorID and SubsystemID field
 *                      widths in IOC_0 page and updated the page version.
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *                      Added Manufacturing pages, IO Unit Page 2, SCSI SPI
 *                      Port Page 2, FC Port Page 4, FC Port Page 5
 *  12-04-00  01.01.03  Config page changes to match MPI rev 1.00.01.
 *  12-05-00  01.01.04  Modified config page actions.
 *  01-09-01  01.01.05  Added defines for page address formats.
 *                      Data size for Manufacturing pages 2 and 3 no longer
 *                      defined here.
 *                      Io Unit Page 2 size is fixed at 4 adapters and some
 *                      flags were changed.
 *                      SCSI Port Page 2 Device Settings modified.
 *                      New fields added to FC Port Page 0 and some flags
 *                      cleaned up.
 *                      Removed impedance flash from FC Port Page 1.
 *                      Added FC Port pages 6 and 7.
 *  01-25-01  01.01.06  Added MaxInitiators field to FcPortPage0.
 *  01-29-01  01.01.07  Changed some defines to make them 32 character unique.
 *                      Added some LinkType defines for FcPortPage0.
 *  02-20-01  01.01.08  Started using MPI_POINTER.
 *  02-27-01  01.01.09  Replaced MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_SCSI_LUN with
 *                      MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_RAID_VOLUME.
 *                      Added definitions and structures for IOC Page 2 and
 *                      RAID Volume Page 2.
 *  03-27-01  01.01.10  Added CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_8 and CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_9.
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_3 now supports persistent by DID.
 *                      Added VendorId and ProductRevLevel fields to
 *                      RAIDVOL2_IM_PHYS_ID struct.
 *                      Modified values for MPI_FCPORTPAGE0_FLAGS_ATTACH_
 *                      defines to make them compatible to MPI version 1.0.
 *                      Added structure offset comments.
 *  04-09-01  01.01.11  Added some new defines for the PageAddress field and
 *                      removed some obsolete ones.
 *                      Added IO Unit Page 3.
 *                      Modified defines for Scsi Port Page 2.
 *                      Modified RAID Volume Pages.
276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *                      Added SepID and SepBus to RVP2 IMPhysicalDisk struct.
 *                      Added defines for the SEP bits in RVP2 VolumeSettings.
 *                      Modified the DeviceSettings field in RVP2 to use the
 *                      proper structure.
 *                      Added defines for SES, SAF-TE, and cross channel for
 *                      IOCPage2 CapabilitiesFlags.
 *                      Removed define for MPI_IOUNITPAGE2_FLAGS_RAID_DISABLE.
 *                      Removed define for
 *                      Added define for MPI_CONFIG_PAGEATTR_RO_PERSISTENT.
 *  08-29-01 01.02.02   Fixed value for MPI_MANUFACTPAGE_DEVID_53C1035.
 *                      Added defines for MPI_FCPORTPAGE1_FLAGS_HARD_ALPA_ONLY
 *                      Removed MPI_SCSIPORTPAGE0_CAP_PACING_TRANSFERS,
 *                      MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE0_NP_PACING_TRANSFERS, and
 *                      MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_RP_PACING_TRANSFERS, and
 *                      MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_PPR_ALLOWED.
 *                      Added defines for MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_WDTR_DISALLOWED
 *                      and MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_SDTR_DISALLOWED.
 *                      Added OnBusTimerValue to CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_1.
 *                      Added rejected bits to SCSI Device Page 0 Information.
 *                      Increased size of ALPA array in FC Port Page 2 by one
 *                      and removed a one byte reserved field.
 *  09-28-01 01.02.03   Swapped NegWireSpeedLow and NegWireSpeedLow in
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_LAN_1 to match preferred 64-bit ordering.
 *                      Added structures for Manufacturing Page 4, IO Unit
 *                      Page 3, IOC Page 3, IOC Page 4, RAID Volume Page 0, and
 *                      RAID PhysDisk Page 0.
 *  10-04-01 01.02.04   Added define for MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_RAID_PHYSDISK.
 *                      Modified some of the new defines to make them 32
 *                      character unique.
 *                      Modified how variable length pages (arrays) are defined.
 *                      Added generic defines for hot spare pools and RAID
 *                      volume types.
 *  11-01-01 01.02.05   Added define for MPI_IOUNITPAGE1_DISABLE_IR.
 *  03-14-02 01.02.06   Added PCISlotNum field to CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_1 along with
 *                      related define, and bumped the page version define.
 *  05-31-02 01.02.07   Added a Flags field to CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_2_RAID_VOL in a
 *                      reserved byte and added a define.
 *                      Added define for
 *                      Added new config page: CONFIG_PAGE_IOC_5.
 *                      Added MaxAliases, MaxHardAliases, and NumCurrentAliases
 *                      fields to CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_0.
 *                      Added AltConnector and NumRequestedAliases fields to
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
 *                      Added new config page: CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_10.
 *  07-12-02 01.02.08   Added more MPI_MANUFACTPAGE_DEVID_ defines.
 *                      Added additional MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE0_NP_ defines.
 *                      Added more MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_RP_ defines.
 *                      Added define for
 *                      Added new config page: CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_DEVICE_3.
 *                      Modified MPI_FCPORTPAGE5_FLAGS_ defines.
 *  09-16-02 01.02.09   Added MPI_SCSIDEVPAGE1_CONF_FORCE_PPR_MSG define.
 *  11-15-02 01.02.10   Added ConnectedID defines for CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_0.
 *                      Added more Flags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
 *                      Added more Flags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_FC_DEVICE_0.
 *  04-01-03 01.02.11   Added RR_TOV field and additional Flags defines for
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
 *                      Added define MPI_FCPORTPAGE5_FLAGS_DISABLE to disable
 *                      an alias.
 *                      Added more device id defines.
 *  06-26-03 01.02.12   Added MPI_IOUNITPAGE1_IR_USE_STATIC_VOLUME_ID define.
 *                      Added TargetConfig and IDConfig fields to
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_1.
 *                      Added more PortFlags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_2
 *                      to control DV.
 *                      Added more Flags defines for CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
 *                      In CONFIG_PAGE_FC_DEVICE_0, replaced Reserved1 field
 *                      with ADISCHardALPA.
 *                      Added MPI_FC_DEVICE_PAGE0_PROT_FCP_RETRY define.
 *  01-16-04  01.02.13  Added InitiatorDeviceTimeout and InitiatorIoPendTimeout
 *                      fields and related defines to CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_1.
 *                      Added define for
 *                      Added new fields to the substructures of
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_FC_PORT_10.
 *  04-29-04 01.02.14   Added define for IDP bit for CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_PORT_0,
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_DEVICE_0, and
 *                      CONFIG_PAGE_SCSI_DEVICE_1. Also bumped Page Version for
 *                      these pages.
 *  05-11-04 01.03.01   Added structure for CONFIG_PAGE_INBAND_0.
 *  08-19-04 01.05.01   Modified MSG_CONFIG request to support extended config
 *                      pages.
 *                      Added a new structure for extended config page header.
 *                      Added new extended config pages types and structures for
 *                      SAS IO Unit, SAS Expander, SAS Device, and SAS PHY.
 *                      Replaced a reserved byte in CONFIG_PAGE_MANUFACTURING_4
 *                      to add a Flags field.
 *                      Two new Manufacturing config pages (5 and 6).
 *                      Two new bits defined for IO Unit Page 1 Flags field.
 *                      Modified CONFIG_PAGE_IO_UNIT_2 to add three new fields
 *                      to specify the BIOS boot device.
 *                      Four new Flags bits defined for IO Unit Page 2.
 *                      Added IO Unit Page 4.
 *                      Added EEDP Flags settings to IOC Page 1.
 *                      Added new BIOS Page 1 config page.
 *  10-05-04 01.05.02   Added define for
 *                      Added new Flags field to CONFIG_PAGE_MANUFACTURING_5 and
 *                      associated defines.
 *                      Added more defines for SAS IO Unit Page 0
 *                      DiscoveryStatus field.
 *                      Added define for MPI_SAS_IOUNIT0_DS_SUBTRACTIVE_LINK
 *                      and MPI_SAS_IOUNIT0_DS_TABLE_LINK.
 *                      Added defines for Physical Mapping Modes to SAS IO Unit
 *                      Page 2.
 *                      Added define for
 *  10-27-04 01.05.03   Added defines for new SAS PHY page addressing mode.
 *                      Added defines for MaxTargetSpinUp to BIOS Page 1.
 *                      Added 5 new ControlFlags defines for SAS IO Unit
 *                      Page 1.
 *                      Added MaxNumPhysicalMappedIDs field to SAS IO Unit
 *                      Page 2.
 *                      Added AccessStatus field to SAS Device Page 0 and added
 *                      new Flags bits for supported SATA features.
 *  12-07-04  01.05.04  Added config page structures for BIOS Page 2, RAID
 *                      Volume Page 1, and RAID Physical Disk Page 1.
 *                      Replaced IO Unit Page 1 BootTargetID,BootBus, and
 *                      BootAdapterNum with reserved field.
 *                      Added DataScrubRate and ResyncRate to RAID Volume
 *                      Page 0.
 *                      Added MPI_SAS_IOUNIT2_FLAGS_RESERVE_ID_0_FOR_BOOT
 *                      define.
 *  12-09-04  01.05.05  Added Target Mode Large CDB Enable to FC Port Page 1
 *                      Flags field.
 *                      Added Auto Port Config flag define for SAS IOUNIT
 *                      Page 1 ControlFlags.
 *                      Added Disabled bad Phy define to Expander Page 1
 *                      Discovery Info field.
 *                      Added SAS/SATA device support to SAS IOUnit Page 1
 *                      ControlFlags.
 *                      Added Unsupported device to SAS Dev Page 0 Flags field
 *                      Added disable use SATA Hash Address for SAS IOUNIT
 *                      page 1 in ControlFields.
 *  01-15-05  01.05.06  Added defaults for data scrub rate and resync rate to
 *                      Manufacturing Page 4.
 *                      Added new defines for BIOS Page 1 IOCSettings field.
 *                      Added ExtDiskIdentifier field to RAID Physical Disk
 *                      Page 0.
 *                      Added new defines for SAS IO Unit Page 1 ControlFlags
 *                      and to SAS Device Page 0 Flags to control SATA devices.
 *                      Added defines and structures for the new Log Page 0, a
 *                      new type of configuration page.
 *  02-09-05  01.05.07  Added InactiveStatus field to RAID Volume Page 0.
 *                      Added WWID field to RAID Volume Page 1.
 *                      Added PhysicalPort field to SAS Expander pages 0 and 1.
 *  03-11-05  01.05.08  Removed the EEDP flags from IOC Page 1.
 *                      Added Enclosure/Slot boot device format to BIOS Page 2.
 *                      New status value for RAID Volume Page 0 VolumeStatus
 *                      (VolumeState subfield).
 *                      New value for RAID Physical Page 0 InactiveStatus.
 *                      Added Inactive Volume Member flag RAID Physical Disk
 *                      Page 0 PhysDiskStatus field.
 *                      New physical mapping mode in SAS IO Unit Page 2.
 *                      Added CONFIG_PAGE_SAS_ENCLOSURE_0.
 *                      Added Slot and Enclosure fields to SAS Device Page 0.
436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452
 *  06-24-05  01.05.09  Added EEDP defines to IOC Page 1.
 *                      Added more RAID type defines to IOC Page 2.
 *                      Added Port Enable Delay settings to BIOS Page 1.
 *                      Added Bad Block Table Full define to RAID Volume Page 0.
 *                      Added Previous State defines to RAID Physical Disk
 *                      Page 0.
 *                      Added Max Sata Targets define for DiscoveryStatus field
 *                      of SAS IO Unit Page 0.
 *                      Added Device Self Test to Control Flags of SAS IO Unit
 *                      Page 1.
 *                      Added Direct Attach Starting Slot Number define for SAS
 *                      IO Unit Page 2.
 *                      Added new fields in SAS Device Page 2 for enclosure
 *                      mapping.
 *                      Added OwnerDevHandle and Flags field to SAS PHY Page 0.
 *                      Added IOC GPIO Flags define to SAS Enclosure Page 0.
 *                      Fixed the value for MPI_SAS_IOUNIT1_CONTROL_DEV_SATA_SUPPORT.
453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469
 *  08-03-05  01.05.10  Removed ISDataScrubRate and ISResyncRate from
 *                      Manufacturing Page 4.
 *                      Added MPI_IOUNITPAGE1_SATA_WRITE_CACHE_DISABLE bit.
 *                      Added NumDevsPerEnclosure field to SAS IO Unit page 2.
 *                      Added MPI_SAS_IOUNIT2_FLAGS_HOST_ASSIGNED_PHYS_MAP
 *                      define.
 *                      Added EnclosureHandle field to SAS Expander page 0.
 *                      Removed redundant NumTableEntriesProg field from SAS
 *                      Expander Page 1.
 *  08-30-05  01.05.11  Added DeviceID for FC949E and changed the DeviceID for
 *                      SAS1078.
 *                      Added more defines for Manufacturing Page 4 Flags field.
 *                      Added more defines for IOCSettings and added
 *                      ExpanderSpinup field to Bios Page 1.
 *                      Added postpone SATA Init bit to SAS IO Unit Page 1
 *                      ControlFlags.
 *                      Changed LogEntry format for Log Page 0.
470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479
 *  03-27-06  01.05.12  Added two new Flags defines for Manufacturing Page 4.
 *                      Added Manufacturing Page 7.
 *                      Added MPI_IOCPAGE2_CAP_FLAGS_RAID_64_BIT_ADDRESSING.
 *                      Added IOC Page 6.
 *                      Added PrevBootDeviceForm field to CONFIG_PAGE_BIOS_2.
 *                      Added MaxLBAHigh field to RAID Volume Page 0.
 *                      Added Nvdata version fields to SAS IO Unit Page 0.
 *                      Added AdditionalControlFlags, MaxTargetPortConnectTime,
 *                      ReportDeviceMissingDelay, and IODeviceMissingDelay
 *                      fields to SAS IO Unit Page 1.
480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496
 *  10-11-06  01.05.13  Added NumForceWWID field and ForceWWID array to
 *                      Manufacturing Page 5.
 *                      Added Manufacturing pages 8 through 10.
 *                      Added defines for supported metadata size bits in
 *                      CapabilitiesFlags field of IOC Page 6.
 *                      Added defines for metadata size bits in VolumeSettings
 *                      field of RAID Volume Page 0.
 *                      Added SATA Link Reset settings, Enable SATA Asynchronous
 *                      Notification bit, and HideNonZeroAttachedPhyIdentifiers
 *                      bit to AdditionalControlFlags field of SAS IO Unit
 *                      Page 1.
 *                      Added defines for Enclosure Devices Unmapped and
 *                      Device Limit Exceeded bits in Status field of SAS IO
 *                      Unit Page 2.
 *                      Added more AccessStatus values for SAS Device Page 0.
 *                      Added bit for SATA Asynchronous Notification Support in
 *                      Flags field of SAS Device Page 0.
497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511
 *  02-28-07  01.05.14  Added ExtFlags field to Manufacturing Page 4.
 *                      Added Disable SMART Polling for CapabilitiesFlags of
 *                      IOC Page 6.
 *                      Added Disable SMART Polling to DeviceSettings of BIOS
 *                      Page 1.
 *                      Added Multi-Port Domain bit for DiscoveryStatus field
 *                      of SAS IO Unit Page.
 *                      Added Multi-Port Domain Illegal flag for SAS IO Unit
 *                      Page 1 AdditionalControlFlags field.
 *  05-24-07  01.05.15  Added Hide Physical Disks with Non-Integrated RAID
 *                      Metadata bit to Manufacturing Page 4 ExtFlags field.
 *                      Added Internal Connector to End Device Present bit to
 *                      Expander Page 0 Flags field.
 *                      Fixed define for
512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525
 *                      define.
 *                      Added BIOS Page 4 structure.
 *                      Added MPI_RAID_PHYS_DISK1_PATH_MAX define for RAID
 *                      Physcial Disk Page 1.
 *  01-15-07  01.05.17  Added additional bit defines for ExtFlags field of
 *                      Manufacturing Page 4.
 *                      Added Solid State Drives Supported bit to IOC Page 6
 *                      Capabilities Flags.
 *                      Added new value for AccessStatus field of SAS Device
 *                      Page 0 (_SATA_NEEDS_INITIALIZATION).
 *  03-28-08  01.05.18  Defined new bits in Manufacturing Page 4 ExtFlags field
 *                      to control coercion size and the mixing of SAS and SATA
 *                      SSD drives.
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added SenseBufferLength to _MSG_SCSI_IO_REPLY.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
 *  06-08-00  01.00.02  Added MPI_SCSI_RSP_INFO_ definitions.
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Added MPI_SCSIIO_CONTROL_NO_DISCONNECT.
 *  02-20-01  01.01.03  Started using MPI_POINTER.
 *  03-27-01  01.01.04  Added structure offset comments.
 *  04-10-01  01.01.05  Added new MsgFlag for MSG_SCSI_TASK_MGMT.
538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *                      Added MPI_SCSI_STATE_QUEUE_TAG_REJECTED for
 *                      MSG_SCSI_IO_REPLY.
 *  09-28-01  01.02.03  Added structures and defines for SCSI Enclosure
 *                      Processor messages.
 *  10-04-01  01.02.04  Added defines for SEP request Action field.
 *  05-31-02  01.02.05  Added MPI_SCSIIO_MSGFLGS_CMD_DETERMINES_DATA_DIR define
 *                      for SCSI IO requests.
 *  11-15-02  01.02.06  Added special extended SCSI Status defines for FCP.
 *  06-26-03  01.02.07  Added MPI_SCSI_STATUS_FCPEXT_UNASSIGNED define.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added MsgFlags defines for EEDP to SCSI IO request.
 *                      Added new word to MSG_SCSI_IO_REPLY to add TaskTag field
 *                      and a reserved U16.
 *                      Added new MSG_SCSI_IO32_REQUEST structure.
 *                      Added a TaskType of Clear Task Set to SCSI
 *                      Task Management request.
 *  12-07-04  01.05.02  Added support for Task Management Query Task.
 *  01-15-05  01.05.03  Modified SCSI Enclosure Processor Request to support
 *                      WWID addressing.
 *  03-11-05  01.05.04  Removed EEDP flags from SCSI IO Request.
 *                      Removed SCSI IO 32 Request.
 *                      Modified SCSI Enclosure Processor Request and Reply to
 *                      support Enclosure/Slot addressing rather than WWID
 *                      addressing.
564 565
 *  06-24-05  01.05.05  Added SCSI IO 32 structures and defines.
 *                      Added four new defines for SEP SlotStatus.
566 567
 *  08-03-05  01.05.06  Fixed some MPI_SCSIIO32_MSGFLGS_ defines to make them
 *                      unique in the first 32 characters.
 *  03-27-06  01.05.07  Added Task Management type of Clear ACA.
 *  10-11-06  01.05.08  Shortened define for Task Management type of Clear ACA.
570 571
 *  02-28-07  01.05.09  Defined two new MsgFlags bits for SCSI Task Management
 *                      Request: Do Not Send Task IU and Soft Reset Option.
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
 *  06-22-00  01.00.02  Added _MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUFFER_POST_REPLY structure.
 *                      Corrected DECSRIPTOR typo to DESCRIPTOR.
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *                      Modified target mode to use IoIndex instead of
 *                      HostIndex and IocIndex. Added Alias.
 *  01-09-01  01.01.02  Added defines for TARGET_ASSIST_FLAGS_REPOST_CMD_BUFFER
 *  02-20-01  01.01.03  Started using MPI_POINTER.
 *                      Added structures for MPI_TARGET_SCSI_SPI_CMD_BUFFER and
 *                      MPI_TARGET_FCP_CMD_BUFFER.
 *  03-27-01  01.01.04  Added structure offset comments.
588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  Added structure for MPI_TARGET_SCSI_SPI_STATUS_IU.
 *                      Added PriorityReason field to some replies and
 *                      defined more PriorityReason codes.
 *                      Added some defines for to support previous version
 *                      of MPI.
 *  10-04-01  01.02.03  Added PriorityReason to MSG_TARGET_ERROR_REPLY.
 *  11-01-01  01.02.04  Added define for TARGET_STATUS_SEND_FLAGS_HIGH_PRIORITY.
 *  03-14-02  01.02.05  Modified MPI_TARGET_FCP_RSP_BUFFER to get the proper
 *                      byte ordering.
 *  05-31-02  01.02.06  Modified TARGET_MODE_REPLY_ALIAS_MASK to only include
 *                      one bit.
 *                      Added AliasIndex field to MPI_TARGET_FCP_CMD_BUFFER.
 *  09-16-02  01.02.07  Added flags for confirmed completion.
 *                      Added PRIORITY_REASON_TARGET_BUSY.
 *  11-15-02  01.02.08  Added AliasID field to MPI_TARGET_SCSI_SPI_CMD_BUFFER.
 *  04-01-03  01.02.09  Added OptionalOxid field to MPI_TARGET_FCP_CMD_BUFFER.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Added new request message structures for
 *                      MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUF_POST_BASE_REQUEST,
 *                      MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUF_POST_LIST_REQUEST, and
 *                      MSG_TARGET_ASSIST_EXT_REQUEST.
 *                      Added new structures for SAS SSP Command buffer, SSP
 *                      Task buffer, and SSP Status IU.
 *  10-05-04  01.05.02  MSG_TARGET_CMD_BUFFER_POST_BASE_LIST_REPLY added.
 *  02-22-05  01.05.03  Changed a comment.
 *  03-11-05  01.05.04  Removed TargetAssistExtended Request.
 *  06-24-05  01.05.05  Added TargetAssistExtended structures and defines.
 *  03-27-06  01.05.06  Added a comment.
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
 *  06-12-00  01.00.02  Added _MSG_FC_ABORT_REPLY structure.
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *  12-04-00  01.01.02  Added messages for Common Transport Send and
 *                      Primitive Send.
 *  01-09-01  01.01.03  Modifed some of the new flags to have an MPI prefix
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638
 *                      and modified the FcPrimitiveSend flags.
 *  01-25-01  01.01.04  Move InitiatorIndex in LinkServiceRsp reply to a larger
 *                      field.
 *                      Added FC_ABORT_TYPE_CT_SEND_REQUEST and
 *                      FC_ABORT_TYPE_EXLINKSEND_REQUEST for FcAbort request.
 *                      Added MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_STOP_SEND.
 *  02-20-01  01.01.05  Started using MPI_POINTER.
 *  03-27-01  01.01.06  Added Flags field to MSG_LINK_SERVICE_BUFFER_POST_REPLY
 *                      and defined MPI_LS_BUF_POST_REPLY_FLAG_NO_RSP_NEEDED.
 *                      Added MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_RESET_LINK define.
 *                      Added structure offset comments.
 *  04-09-01  01.01.07  Added RspLength field to MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REQUEST.
639 640 641 642 643 644 645
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  Change name of reserved field in
 *                      MSG_LINK_SERVICE_RSP_REPLY.
 *  05-31-02  01.02.03  Adding AliasIndex to FC Direct Access requests.
 *  01-16-04  01.02.04  Added define for MPI_FC_PRIM_SEND_FLAGS_ML_RESET_LINK.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  05-24-00  00.10.02  Added LANStatus field to _MSG_LAN_SEND_REPLY.
 *                      Added LANStatus field to _MSG_LAN_RECEIVE_POST_REPLY.
 *                      Moved ListCount field in _MSG_LAN_RECEIVE_POST_REPLY.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
 *  06-12-00  01.00.02  Added MPI_ to BUCKETSTATUS_ definitions.
 *  06-22-00  01.00.03  Major changes to match new LAN definition in 1.0 spec.
 *  06-30-00  01.00.04  Added Context Reply definitions per revised proposal.
 *                      Changed transaction context usage to bucket/buffer.
 *  07-05-00  01.00.05  Removed LAN_RECEIVE_POST_BUCKET_CONTEXT_MASK definition
 *                      to lan private header file
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *  02-20-01  01.01.02  Started using MPI_POINTER.
 *  03-27-01  01.01.03  Added structure offset comments.
663 664 665
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
666 667 668 669 670
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  02-27-01  01.01.01  Original release for this file.
 *  03-27-01  01.01.02  Added structure offset comments.
671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *  08-29-01  01.02.02  Added DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER and related defines.
 *  09-28-01  01.02.02  Major rework for MPI v1.2 Integrated RAID changes.
 *  10-04-01  01.02.03  Added ActionData defines for
 *                      MPI_RAID_ACTION_DELETE_VOLUME action.
 *  11-01-01  01.02.04  Added define for MPI_RAID_ACTION_ADATA_DO_NOT_SYNC.
 *  03-14-02  01.02.05  Added define for MPI_RAID_ACTION_ADATA_LOW_LEVEL_INIT.
 *  05-07-02  01.02.06  Added define for MPI_RAID_ACTION_ACTIVATE_VOLUME,
 *                      MPI_RAID_ACTION_INACTIVATE_VOLUME, and
 *  07-12-02  01.02.07  Added structures for Mailbox request and reply.
 *  11-15-02  01.02.08  Added missing MsgContext field to MSG_MAILBOX_REQUEST.
 *  04-01-03  01.02.09  New action data option flag for
 *                      MPI_RAID_ACTION_DELETE_VOLUME.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
 *  01-15-05  01.05.02  Added defines for the two new RAID Actions for
 *                      _SET_RESYNC_RATE and _SET_DATA_SCRUB_RATE.
689 690
 *  02-28-07  01.05.03  Added new RAID Action, Device FW Update Mode, and
 *                      associated defines.
691 692 693
 *  08-07-07  01.05.04  Added Disable Full Rebuild bit to the ActionDataWord
 *                      for the RAID Action MPI_RAID_ACTION_DISABLE_VOLUME.
 *  01-15-08  01.05.05  Added define for MPI_RAID_ACTION_SET_VOLUME_NAME.
694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release.
 *  08-29-01  01.02.02  Added DIAG_DATA_UPLOAD_HEADER and related defines.
 *  01-16-04  01.02.03  Added defines and structures for new tools
 *.                     MPI_TOOLBOX_ISTWI_READ_WRITE_TOOL and
 *                      MPI_TOOLBOX_FC_MANAGEMENT_TOOL.
 *  04-29-04  01.02.04  Added message structures for Diagnostic Buffer Post and
 *                      Diagnostic Release requests and replies.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
 *  10-06-04  01.05.02  Added define for MPI_DIAG_BUF_TYPE_COUNT.
 *  02-09-05  01.05.03  Added frame size option to FC management tool.
 *                      Added Beacon tool to the Toolbox.
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release.
718 719 720
 *  08-30-05  01.05.02  Added DeviceInfo bit for SEP.
 *                      Added PrimFlags and Primitive field to SAS IO Unit
 *                      Control request, and added a new operation code.
721 722 723 724
 *  03-27-06  01.05.03  Added Force Full Discovery, Transmit Port Select Signal,
 *                      and Remove Device operations to SAS IO Unit Control.
 *                      Added DevHandle field to SAS IO Unit Control request and
 *                      reply.
725 726
 *  10-11-06  01.05.04  Fixed the name of a define for Operation field of SAS IO
 *                      Unit Control request.
727 728 729 730
 *  01-15-08  01.05.05  Added support for MPI_SAS_OP_SET_IOC_PARAMETER,
 *                      including adding IOCParameter and IOCParameter value
 *                      fields to SAS IO Unit Control Request.
 *                      Added MPI_SAS_DEVICE_INFO_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC define.
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
731 732 733 734 735 736 737
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 *  05-08-00  00.10.01  Original release for 0.10 spec dated 4/26/2000.
 *  06-06-00  01.00.01  Update version number for 1.0 release.
 *  11-02-00  01.01.01  Original release for post 1.0 work
 *  02-20-01  01.01.02  Added define and ifdef for MPI_POINTER.
738 739 740
 *  08-08-01  01.02.01  Original release for v1.2 work.
 *  05-11-04  01.03.01  Original release for MPI v1.3.
 *  08-19-04  01.05.01  Original release for MPI v1.5.
 *  08-30-05  01.05.02  Added PowerPC option to #ifdef's.
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
742 743 744 745
 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

mpi_history.txt         Parts list history

746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759
Filename    01.05.19   01.05.18   01.05.17   01.05.16   01.05.15
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.05.16   01.05.15   01.05.14   01.05.13   01.05.12
mpi_ioc.h   01.05.16   01.05.15   01.05.15   01.05.14   01.05.13
mpi_cnfg.h  01.05.18   01.05.17   01.05.16   01.05.15   01.05.14
mpi_init.h  01.05.09   01.05.09   01.05.09   01.05.09   01.05.09
mpi_targ.h  01.05.06   01.05.06   01.05.06   01.05.06   01.05.06
mpi_fc.h    01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_lan.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_raid.h  01.05.05   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03   01.05.03
mpi_tool.h  01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03
mpi_inb.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_sas.h   01.05.05   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.04   01.05.04
mpi_type.h  01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02
760 761

Filename    01.05.14   01.05.13   01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09
762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09   01.05.08   01.05.07
mpi_ioc.h   01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09   01.05.09   01.05.08
mpi_cnfg.h  01.05.13   01.05.12   01.05.11   01.05.10   01.05.09   01.05.08
mpi_init.h  01.05.08   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04
mpi_targ.h  01.05.06   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.05   01.05.05   01.05.04
mpi_fc.h    01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_lan.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_raid.h  01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02
mpi_tool.h  01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03
mpi_inb.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_sas.h   01.05.04   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_type.h  01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830

Filename    01.05.08   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.01
mpi_ioc.h   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03   01.05.02
mpi_cnfg.h  01.05.07   01.05.07   01.05.06   01.05.05   01.05.04   01.05.03
mpi_init.h  01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.01
mpi_targ.h  01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02
mpi_fc.h    01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_lan.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_raid.h  01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_tool.h  01.05.03   01.05.03   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02   01.05.02
mpi_inb.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_sas.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_type.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.05.01

Filename    01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.14   01.02.13   01.02.12
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.12   01.02.11   01.02.10
mpi_ioc.h   01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.08
mpi_cnfg.h  01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.14   01.02.13   01.02.12
mpi_init.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.07   01.02.07   01.02.07
mpi_targ.h  01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.09   01.02.09   01.02.09
mpi_fc.h    01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.04   01.02.04   01.02.03
mpi_lan.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
mpi_raid.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.09   01.02.09   01.02.09
mpi_tool.h  01.05.02   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
mpi_inb.h   01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01
mpi_sas.h   01.05.01   01.05.01
mpi_type.h  01.05.01   01.05.01   01.03.01   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02

Filename    01.02.11   01.02.10   01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.05   01.02.04
mpi_ioc.h   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.05
mpi_cnfg.h  01.02.11   01.02.10   01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06
mpi_init.h  01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.05   01.02.05   01.02.05   01.02.04
mpi_targ.h  01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.06   01.02.05
mpi_fc.h    01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.02
mpi_lan.h   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
mpi_raid.h  01.02.09   01.02.08   01.02.07   01.02.07   01.02.06   01.02.05
mpi_tool.h  01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01
mpi_type.h  01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02

Filename    01.02.05   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.10
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.07
mpi_ioc.h   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.07
mpi_cnfg.h  01.02.05   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.11
mpi_init.h  01.02.04   01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.05
mpi_targ.h  01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.04
mpi_fc.h    01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.07
mpi_lan.h   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.03
mpi_raid.h  01.02.04   01.02.03   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.02.01   01.01.02
mpi_tool.h  01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01
mpi_type.h  01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.02   01.02.01   01.01.02
Linus Torvalds's avatar
Linus Torvalds committed
831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868

Filename    01.01.09   01.01.08   01.01.07   01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.04
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.01.06   01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.04   01.01.04   01.01.03
mpi_ioc.h   01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.03   01.01.03
mpi_cnfg.h  01.01.10   01.01.09   01.01.08   01.01.07   01.01.06   01.01.05
mpi_init.h  01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.02
mpi_targ.h  01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.02
mpi_fc.h    01.01.06   01.01.05   01.01.05   01.01.04   01.01.04   01.01.03
mpi_lan.h   01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01
mpi_raid.h  01.01.02   01.01.01
mpi_type.h  01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01

Filename    01.01.03   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.07   01.00.06   01.00.05
----------  --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h       01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.04   01.00.04   01.00.03
mpi_ioc.h   01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.05   01.00.04   01.00.03
mpi_cnfg.h  01.01.04   01.01.03   01.01.01   01.00.05   01.00.05   01.00.04
mpi_init.h  01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02
mpi_targ.h  01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02
mpi_fc.h    01.01.02   01.01.02   01.01.01   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02
mpi_lan.h   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.00.05   01.00.05   01.00.05
mpi_type.h  01.01.01   01.01.01   01.01.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01

Filename     01.00.04   01.00.03   01.00.02   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
----------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
mpi.h        01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
mpi_ioc.h    01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
mpi_cnfg.h   01.00.03   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01
mpi_init.h   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
mpi_targ.h   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01
mpi_fc.h     01.00.02   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01
mpi_lan.h    01.00.03   01.00.02   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.02   00.10.01
mpi_type.h   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   01.00.01   00.10.01   00.10.01

 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------------