• Zong-Zhe Yang's avatar
    wifi: rtw89: debug: txpwr table supports Wi-Fi 7 chips · 036042e1
    Zong-Zhe Yang authored
    We add TX power table format for Wi-Fi 7 chips. Since Wi-Fi 7 tables are
    larger, in order to reuse some chunks, we extend code to process nested
    entries. Now, dbgfs txpwr_table can work with Wi-Fi 7 chips.
    An output example of dbgfs txpwr_table on Wi-Fi 7 chips is shown below.
    [TX power byrate]
    	<< BW20 >>
    CCK       	-  1M      2M      5.5M   11M  	|  20,  20,  20,  20,	dBm
    LEGACY    	-  6M      9M      12M    18M  	|  18,  18,  18,  18,	dBm
    LEGACY    	-  24M     36M     48M    54M  	|  18,  18,  17,  16,	dBm
    EHT       	-  MCS14   MCS15 		|   0,   0,		dBm
    DLRU_EHT  	-  MCS14   MCS15 		|   0,  18,		dBm
    MCS_1SS       	-  MCS0    MCS1    MCS2   MCS3 	|  18,  18,  18,  18,	dBm
    MCS_1SS       	-  MCS4    MCS5    MCS6   MCS7 	|  18,  17,  16,  15,	dBm
    MCS_1SS       	-  MCS8    MCS9    MCS10  MCS11	|  14,  13,  12,  11,	dBm
    MCS_1SS       	-  MCS12   MCS13 		|  10,   9,		dBm
    HEDCM_1SS     	-  MCS0    MCS1    MCS3   MCS4 	|  18,  18,  18,  18,	dBm
    DLRU_MCS_1SS  	-  MCS0    MCS1    MCS2   MCS3 	|  18,  18,  18,  18,	dBm
    DLRU_MCS_1SS  	-  MCS4    MCS5    MCS6   MCS7 	|  18,  17,  16,  15,	dBm
    DLRU_MCS_1SS  	-  MCS8    MCS9    MCS10  MCS11	|  14,  13,  12,  11,	dBm
    DLRU_MCS_1SS  	-  MCS12   MCS13 		|  10,   9,		dBm
    DLRU_HEDCM_1SS	-  MCS0    MCS1    MCS3   MCS4 	|  18,  18,  18,  18,	dBm
    MCS_2SS       	-  MCS0    MCS1    MCS2   MCS3 	|  18,  18,  18,  18,	dBm
    [TX power limit]
    	<< 1TX >>
    CCK_20M    	-  NON_BF  BF	|   0,   0,		dBm
    CCK_40M    	-  NON_BF  BF	|   0,   0,		dBm
    OFDM       	-  NON_BF  BF	|  18,   0,		dBm
    MCS_20M_0  	-  NON_BF  BF	|  18,   0,		dBm
    MCS_20M_1  	-  NON_BF  BF	|   0,   0,		dBm
    Signed-off-by: default avatarZong-Zhe Yang <kevin_yang@realtek.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPing-Ke Shih <pkshih@realtek.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarKalle Valo <kvalo@kernel.org>
    Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20231003015446.14658-8-pkshih@realtek.com
debug.c 116 KB