• Guo Ren's avatar
    csky: Add memory layout 2.5G(user):1.5G(kernel) · 0c8a32ee
    Guo Ren authored
    There are two ways for translating va to pa for csky:
     - Use TLB(Translate Lookup Buffer) and PTW (Page Table Walk)
     - Use SSEG0/1 (Simple Segment Mapping)
    We use tlb mapping 0-2G and 3G-4G virtual address area and SSEG0/1
    are for 2G-2.5G and 2.5G-3G translation. We could disable SSEG0
    to use 2G-2.5G as TLB user mapping.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGuo Ren <guoren@linux.alibaba.com>
ckmmu.h 1.58 KB