• Ben Skeggs's avatar
    drm/nouveau/acr: implement new subdev to replace "secure boot" · 22dcda45
    Ben Skeggs authored
    ACR is responsible for managing the firmware for LS (Low Secure) falcons,
    this was previously handled in the driver by SECBOOT.
    This rewrite started from some test code that attempted to replicate the
    procedure RM uses in order to debug early Turing ACR firmwares that were
    provided by NVIDIA for development.
    Compared with SECBOOT, the code is structured into more individual steps,
    with the aim of making the process easier to follow/debug, whilst making
    it possible to support newer firmware versions that may have a different
    binary format or API interface.
    The HS (High Secure) binary(s) are now booted earlier in device init, to
    match the behaviour of RM, whereas SECBOOT would delay this until we try
    to boot the first LS falcon.
    There's also additional debugging features available, with the intention
    of making it easier to solve issues during FW/HW bring-up in the future.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Skeggs <bskeggs@redhat.com>
hsfw.c 4.84 KB