• Salvatore Benedetto's avatar
    crypto: kpp - Key-agreement Protocol Primitives API (KPP) · 4e5f2c40
    Salvatore Benedetto authored
    Add key-agreement protocol primitives (kpp) API which allows to
    implement primitives required by protocols such as DH and ECDH.
    The API is composed mainly by the following functions
     * set_secret() - It allows the user to set his secret, also
       referred to as his private key, along with the parameters
       known to both parties involved in the key-agreement session.
     * generate_public_key() - It generates the public key to be sent to
       the other counterpart involved in the key-agreement session. The
       function has to be called after set_params() and set_secret()
     * generate_secret() - It generates the shared secret for the session
    Other functions such as init() and exit() are provided for allowing
    cryptographic hardware to be inizialized properly before use
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSalvatore Benedetto <salvatore.benedetto@intel.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHerbert Xu <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au>
kpp.c 2.94 KB