• John Johansen's avatar
    apparmor: fix introspection of of task mode for unconfined tasks · 5268d795
    John Johansen authored
    Fix two issues with introspecting the task mode.
    1. If a task is attached to a unconfined profile that is not the
       ns->unconfined profile then. Mode the mode is always reported
       as -
          $ ps -Z
          LABEL                               PID TTY          TIME CMD
          unconfined                         1287 pts/0    00:00:01 bash
          test (-)                           1892 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
       instead of the correct value of (unconfined) as shown below
          $ ps -Z
          LABEL                               PID TTY          TIME CMD
          unconfined                         2483 pts/0    00:00:01 bash
          test (unconfined)                  3591 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
    2. if a task is confined by a stack of profiles that are unconfined
       the output of label mode is again the incorrect value of (-) like
       above, instead of (unconfined). This is because the visibile
       profile count increment is skipped by the special casing of
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohn Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
label.c 51.1 KB