• David Vrabel's avatar
    wusb: whci-hcd shouldn't do ASL/PZL updates while channel is inactive · 56968d0c
    David Vrabel authored
    ASL/PZL updates while the WUSB channel is inactive (i.e., the PZL and
    ASL are stopped) may not complete.  This causes hangs when removing the
    whci-hcd module if a device is still connected (removing the device
    does an endpoint_disable which results in an ASL update to remove the
    If the WUSB channel is inactive the update can simply be skipped as the
    WHC doesn't care about the state of the ASL/PZL.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Vrabel <david.vrabel@csr.com>
asl.c 9.06 KB