• Eric Dumazet's avatar
    net: reorganize "struct sock" fields · 5d4cc874
    Eric Dumazet authored
    Last major reorg happened in commit 9115e8cd ("net: reorganize
    struct sock for better data locality")
    Since then, many changes have been done.
    Before SO_PEEK_OFF support is added to TCP, we need
    to move sk_peek_off to a better location.
    It is time to make another pass, and add six groups,
    without explicit alignment.
    - sock_write_rx (following sk_refcnt) read-write fields in rx path.
    - sock_read_rx read-mostly fields in rx path.
    - sock_read_rxtx read-mostly fields in both rx and tx paths.
    - sock_write_rxtx read-write fields in both rx and tx paths.
    - sock_write_tx read-write fields in tx paths.
    - sock_read_tx read-mostly fields in tx paths.
    Results on TCP_RR benchmarks seem to show a gain (4 to 5 %).
    It is possible UDP needs a change, because sk_peek_off
    shares a cache line with sk_receive_queue.
    If this the case, we can exchange roles of sk->sk_receive
    and up->reader_queue queues.
    After this change, we have the following layout:
    struct sock {
    	struct sock_common         __sk_common;          /*     0  0x88 */
    	/* --- cacheline 2 boundary (128 bytes) was 8 bytes ago --- */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_begin__sock_write_rx[0]; /*  0x88     0 */
    	atomic_t                   sk_drops;             /*  0x88   0x4 */
    	__s32                      sk_peek_off;          /*  0x8c   0x4 */
    	struct sk_buff_head        sk_error_queue;       /*  0x90  0x18 */
    	struct sk_buff_head        sk_receive_queue;     /*  0xa8  0x18 */
    	/* --- cacheline 3 boundary (192 bytes) --- */
    	struct {
    		atomic_t           rmem_alloc;           /*  0xc0   0x4 */
    		int                len;                  /*  0xc4   0x4 */
    		struct sk_buff *   head;                 /*  0xc8   0x8 */
    		struct sk_buff *   tail;                 /*  0xd0   0x8 */
    	} sk_backlog;                                    /*  0xc0  0x18 */
    	struct {
    		atomic_t                   rmem_alloc;           /*     0   0x4 */
    		int                        len;                  /*   0x4   0x4 */
    		struct sk_buff *           head;                 /*   0x8   0x8 */
    		struct sk_buff *           tail;                 /*  0x10   0x8 */
    		/* size: 24, cachelines: 1, members: 4 */
    		/* last cacheline: 24 bytes */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_end__sock_write_rx[0]; /*  0xd8     0 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_begin__sock_read_rx[0]; /*  0xd8     0 */
    	rcu *                      sk_rx_dst;            /*  0xd8   0x8 */
    	int                        sk_rx_dst_ifindex;    /*  0xe0   0x4 */
    	u32                        sk_rx_dst_cookie;     /*  0xe4   0x4 */
    	unsigned int               sk_ll_usec;           /*  0xe8   0x4 */
    	unsigned int               sk_napi_id;           /*  0xec   0x4 */
    	u16                        sk_busy_poll_budget;  /*  0xf0   0x2 */
    	u8                         sk_prefer_busy_poll;  /*  0xf2   0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_userlocks;         /*  0xf3   0x1 */
    	int                        sk_rcvbuf;            /*  0xf4   0x4 */
    	rcu *                      sk_filter;            /*  0xf8   0x8 */
    	/* --- cacheline 4 boundary (256 bytes) --- */
    	union {
    		rcu *              sk_wq;                /* 0x100   0x8 */
    		struct socket_wq * sk_wq_raw;            /* 0x100   0x8 */
    	};                                               /* 0x100   0x8 */
    	union {
    		rcu *                      sk_wq;                /*     0   0x8 */
    		struct socket_wq *         sk_wq_raw;            /*     0   0x8 */
    	void                       (*sk_data_ready)(struct sock *); /* 0x108   0x8 */
    	long                       sk_rcvtimeo;          /* 0x110   0x8 */
    	int                        sk_rcvlowat;          /* 0x118   0x4 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_end__sock_read_rx[0]; /* 0x11c     0 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_begin__sock_read_rxtx[0]; /* 0x11c     0 */
    	int                        sk_err;               /* 0x11c   0x4 */
    	struct socket *            sk_socket;            /* 0x120   0x8 */
    	struct mem_cgroup *        sk_memcg;             /* 0x128   0x8 */
    	rcu *                      sk_policy[2];         /* 0x130  0x10 */
    	/* --- cacheline 5 boundary (320 bytes) --- */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_end__sock_read_rxtx[0]; /* 0x140     0 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_begin__sock_write_rxtx[0]; /* 0x140     0 */
    	socket_lock_t              sk_lock;              /* 0x140  0x20 */
    	u32                        sk_reserved_mem;      /* 0x160   0x4 */
    	int                        sk_forward_alloc;     /* 0x164   0x4 */
    	u32                        sk_tsflags;           /* 0x168   0x4 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_end__sock_write_rxtx[0]; /* 0x16c     0 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_begin__sock_write_tx[0]; /* 0x16c     0 */
    	int                        sk_write_pending;     /* 0x16c   0x4 */
    	atomic_t                   sk_omem_alloc;        /* 0x170   0x4 */
    	int                        sk_sndbuf;            /* 0x174   0x4 */
    	int                        sk_wmem_queued;       /* 0x178   0x4 */
    	refcount_t                 sk_wmem_alloc;        /* 0x17c   0x4 */
    	/* --- cacheline 6 boundary (384 bytes) --- */
    	unsigned long              sk_tsq_flags;         /* 0x180   0x8 */
    	union {
    		struct sk_buff *   sk_send_head;         /* 0x188   0x8 */
    		struct rb_root     tcp_rtx_queue;        /* 0x188   0x8 */
    	};                                               /* 0x188   0x8 */
    	union {
    		struct sk_buff *           sk_send_head;         /*     0   0x8 */
    		struct rb_root             tcp_rtx_queue;        /*     0   0x8 */
    	struct sk_buff_head        sk_write_queue;       /* 0x190  0x18 */
    	u32                        sk_dst_pending_confirm; /* 0x1a8   0x4 */
    	u32                        sk_pacing_status;     /* 0x1ac   0x4 */
    	struct page_frag           sk_frag;              /* 0x1b0  0x10 */
    	/* --- cacheline 7 boundary (448 bytes) --- */
    	struct timer_list          sk_timer;             /* 0x1c0  0x28 */
    	/* XXX last struct has 4 bytes of padding */
    	unsigned long              sk_pacing_rate;       /* 0x1e8   0x8 */
    	atomic_t                   sk_zckey;             /* 0x1f0   0x4 */
    	atomic_t                   sk_tskey;             /* 0x1f4   0x4 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_end__sock_write_tx[0]; /* 0x1f8     0 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_begin__sock_read_tx[0]; /* 0x1f8     0 */
    	unsigned long              sk_max_pacing_rate;   /* 0x1f8   0x8 */
    	/* --- cacheline 8 boundary (512 bytes) --- */
    	long                       sk_sndtimeo;          /* 0x200   0x8 */
    	u32                        sk_priority;          /* 0x208   0x4 */
    	u32                        sk_mark;              /* 0x20c   0x4 */
    	rcu *                      sk_dst_cache;         /* 0x210   0x8 */
    	netdev_features_t          sk_route_caps;        /* 0x218   0x8 */
    	u16                        sk_gso_type;          /* 0x220   0x2 */
    	u16                        sk_gso_max_segs;      /* 0x222   0x2 */
    	unsigned int               sk_gso_max_size;      /* 0x224   0x4 */
    	gfp_t                      sk_allocation;        /* 0x228   0x4 */
    	u32                        sk_txhash;            /* 0x22c   0x4 */
    	u8                         sk_pacing_shift;      /* 0x230   0x1 */
    	bool                       sk_use_task_frag;     /* 0x231   0x1 */
    	__u8                       __cacheline_group_end__sock_read_tx[0]; /* 0x232     0 */
    	u8                         sk_gso_disabled:1;    /* 0x232: 0 0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_kern_sock:1;       /* 0x232:0x1 0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_no_check_tx:1;     /* 0x232:0x2 0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_no_check_rx:1;     /* 0x232:0x3 0x1 */
    	/* XXX 4 bits hole, try to pack */
    	u8                         sk_shutdown;          /* 0x233   0x1 */
    	u16                        sk_type;              /* 0x234   0x2 */
    	u16                        sk_protocol;          /* 0x236   0x2 */
    	unsigned long              sk_lingertime;        /* 0x238   0x8 */
    	/* --- cacheline 9 boundary (576 bytes) --- */
    	struct proto *             sk_prot_creator;      /* 0x240   0x8 */
    	rwlock_t                   sk_callback_lock;     /* 0x248   0x8 */
    	int                        sk_err_soft;          /* 0x250   0x4 */
    	u32                        sk_ack_backlog;       /* 0x254   0x4 */
    	u32                        sk_max_ack_backlog;   /* 0x258   0x4 */
    	kuid_t                     sk_uid;               /* 0x25c   0x4 */
    	spinlock_t                 sk_peer_lock;         /* 0x260   0x4 */
    	int                        sk_bind_phc;          /* 0x264   0x4 */
    	struct pid *               sk_peer_pid;          /* 0x268   0x8 */
    	const struct cred  *       sk_peer_cred;         /* 0x270   0x8 */
    	ktime_t                    sk_stamp;             /* 0x278   0x8 */
    	/* --- cacheline 10 boundary (640 bytes) --- */
    	int                        sk_disconnects;       /* 0x280   0x4 */
    	u8                         sk_txrehash;          /* 0x284   0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_clockid;           /* 0x285   0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_txtime_deadline_mode:1; /* 0x286: 0 0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_txtime_report_errors:1; /* 0x286:0x1 0x1 */
    	u8                         sk_txtime_unused:6;   /* 0x286:0x2 0x1 */
    	/* XXX 1 byte hole, try to pack */
    	void *                     sk_user_data;         /* 0x288   0x8 */
    	void *                     sk_security;          /* 0x290   0x8 */
    	struct sock_cgroup_data    sk_cgrp_data;         /* 0x298   0x8 */
    	void                       (*sk_state_change)(struct sock *); /* 0x2a0   0x8 */
    	void                       (*sk_write_space)(struct sock *); /* 0x2a8   0x8 */
    	void                       (*sk_error_report)(struct sock *); /* 0x2b0   0x8 */
    	int                        (*sk_backlog_rcv)(struct sock *, struct sk_buff *); /* 0x2b8   0x8 */
    	/* --- cacheline 11 boundary (704 bytes) --- */
    	void                       (*sk_destruct)(struct sock *); /* 0x2c0   0x8 */
    	rcu *                      sk_reuseport_cb;      /* 0x2c8   0x8 */
    	rcu *                      sk_bpf_storage;       /* 0x2d0   0x8 */
    	struct callback_head       sk_rcu __attribute__((__aligned__(8))); /* 0x2d8  0x10 */
    	netns_tracker              ns_tracker;           /* 0x2e8   0x8 */
    	/* size: 752, cachelines: 12, members: 105 */
    	/* sum members: 749, holes: 1, sum holes: 1 */
    	/* sum bitfield members: 12 bits, bit holes: 1, sum bit holes: 4 bits */
    	/* paddings: 1, sum paddings: 4 */
    	/* forced alignments: 1 */
    	/* last cacheline: 48 bytes */
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEric Dumazet <edumazet@google.com>
    Acked-by: default avatarPaolo Abeni <pabeni@redhat.com>
    Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20240216162006.2342759-1-edumazet@google.comSigned-off-by: default avatarPaolo Abeni <pabeni@redhat.com>
sock.c 105 KB