• Hugo Villeneuve's avatar
    arm64: dts: imx8mp-evk: add support for I2C5 · 8134822d
    Hugo Villeneuve authored
    Add support for i2c5, which is used to access the
    external I2C bus on connector J22 of the imx8mp-evk.
    Limit the speed to 100kHz since this is an external I2C bus.
    Disabled by default, since it is shared with the CAN1 bus.
    To enable i2c5, you need to disable the CAN1 function, enable the i2c5
    function and also configure the CAN1/I2C5_SEL GPIO to HIGH to
    select i2c5 instead of CAN1. This can be done by defining a gpio-hog
    inside the pca6416 node, in your board device tree, like in this example:
    &flexcan1 {
    	status = "disabled";
    &i2c5 {
    	status = "okay";
    &pca6416 {
    	can1-i2c5-sel-hog {
    		gpios = <2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
    		line-name = "can1-i2c5-sel";
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHugo Villeneuve <hvilleneuve@dimonoff.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarShawn Guo <shawnguo@kernel.org>
imx8mp-evk.dts 14.2 KB