• Nicolai Stange's avatar
    crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from get_random_bytes() · 8ea5ee00
    Nicolai Stange authored
    In contrast to the fully prediction resistant 'pr' DRBGs, the 'nopr'
    variants get seeded once at boot and reseeded only rarely thereafter,
    namely only after 2^20 requests have been served each. AFAICT, this
    reseeding based on the number of requests served is primarily motivated
    by information theoretic considerations, c.f. NIST SP800-90Ar1,
    sec. 8.6.8 ("Reseeding").
    However, given the relatively large seed lifetime of 2^20 requests, the
    'nopr' DRBGs can hardly be considered to provide any prediction resistance
    whatsoever, i.e. to protect against threats like side channel leaks of the
    internal DRBG state (think e.g. leaked VM snapshots). This is expected and
    completely in line with the 'nopr' naming, but as e.g. the
    "drbg_nopr_hmac_sha512" implementation is potentially being used for
    providing the "stdrng" and thus, the crypto_default_rng serving the
    in-kernel crypto, it would certainly be desirable to achieve at least the
    same level of prediction resistance as get_random_bytes() does.
    Note that the chacha20 rngs underlying get_random_bytes() get reseeded
    every CRNG_RESEED_INTERVAL == 5min: the secondary, per-NUMA node rngs from
    the primary one and the primary rng in turn from the entropy pool, provided
    sufficient entropy is available.
    The 'nopr' DRBGs do draw randomness from get_random_bytes() for their
    initial seed already, so making them to reseed themselves periodically from
    get_random_bytes() in order to let them benefit from the latter's
    prediction resistance is not such a big change conceptually.
    In principle, it would have been also possible to make the 'nopr' DRBGs to
    periodically invoke a full reseeding operation, i.e. to also consider the
    jitterentropy source (if enabled) in addition to get_random_bytes() for the
    seed value. However, get_random_bytes() is relatively lightweight as
    compared to the jitterentropy generation process and thus, even though the
    'nopr' reseeding is supposed to get invoked infrequently, it's IMO still
    worthwhile to avoid occasional latency spikes for drbg_generate() and
    stick to get_random_bytes() only. As an additional remark, note that
    drawing randomness from the non-SP800-90B-conforming get_random_bytes()
    only won't adversely affect SP800-90A conformance either: the very same is
    being done during boot via drbg_seed_from_random() already once
    rng_is_initialized() flips to true and it follows that if the DRBG
    implementation does conform to SP800-90A now, it will continue to do so.
    Make the 'nopr' DRBGs to reseed themselves periodically from
    get_random_bytes() every CRNG_RESEED_INTERVAL == 5min.
    More specifically, introduce a new member ->last_seed_time to struct
    drbg_state for recording in units of jiffies when the last seeding
    operation had taken place. Make __drbg_seed() maintain it and let
    drbg_generate() invoke a reseed from get_random_bytes() via
    drbg_seed_from_random() if more than 5min have passed by since the last
    seeding operation. Be careful to not to reseed if in testing mode though,
    or otherwise the drbg related tests in crypto/testmgr.c would fail to
    reproduce the expected output.
    In order to keep the formatting clean in drbg_generate() wrap the logic
    for deciding whether or not a reseed is due in a new helper,
    Signed-off-by: default avatarNicolai Stange <nstange@suse.de>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarStephan Müller <smueller@chronox.de>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHerbert Xu <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au>
drbg.c 60.3 KB