• Crt Mori's avatar
    iio: mlx90614: Implement filter configuration · 764589b6
    Crt Mori authored
    Implemented Low pass 3db frequency filter which configures
    FIR and IIR values within the configuration register of EEPROM.
    For more standardized interface we have fixed the FIR value
    to 1024, while changes in IIR value are directly connected to
    filter responses. The new datasheet version will provide a
    simplified table (also in reStructured text format below) with
    this change, to provide quick overview of possible settings.
    Below sensor timings (bandwidth) are calculated for 3db frequency
    low pass filter.
    | Filter setting (%) | Band width (Hz) |
    |  (rounded to 1.0)  |                 |
    |         13         |      0.15       |
    |         17         |      0.20       |
    |         25         |      0.31       |
    |         50         |      0.77       |
    |         57         |      0.86       |
    |         67         |      1.10       |
    |         80         |      1.53       |
    |        100         |      7.23       |
    The diff is made towards togreg branch. Added myself to MAINTAINERS and
    authors as per discussion with Jonathan.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarCrt Mori <cmo@melexis.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJonathan Cameron <jic23@kernel.org>
mlx90614.c 17.6 KB