• Linus Torvalds's avatar
    32-bit inodes: patch4 · a5dcf393
    Linus Torvalds authored
    Ok, patch4 implements 32-bit inode numbers (and thus the new
    stat/lstat/fstat system calls), as well as correcting the bad
    rs-performance on some machines that showed up in patch3. It's
    currently only on banjo, but I'll copy it around eventually.
    Again, you don't miss much if you don't use this patch: it's mainly for
    (a) the serial problems and (b) for hlu etc that want to test out the
    32-bit interface. It does some other magical tricks as well (uses less
    memory in the low 1M region by moving the screen and tty buffer to high
    memory), if anybody is interested.
stat.c 2.82 KB