• Hector Marco-Gisbert's avatar
    x86/mm/32: Enable full randomization on i386 and X86_32 · 89df0e7a
    Hector Marco-Gisbert authored
    commit 8b8addf8 upstream.
    Currently on i386 and on X86_64 when emulating X86_32 in legacy mode, only
    the stack and the executable are randomized but not other mmapped files
    (libraries, vDSO, etc.). This patch enables randomization for the
    libraries, vDSO and mmap requests on i386 and in X86_32 in legacy mode.
    By default on i386 there are 8 bits for the randomization of the libraries,
    vDSO and mmaps which only uses 1MB of VA.
    This patch preserves the original randomness, using 1MB of VA out of 3GB or
    4GB. We think that 1MB out of 3GB is not a big cost for having the ASLR.
    The first obvious security benefit is that all objects are randomized (not
    only the stack and the executable) in legacy mode which highly increases
    the ASLR effectiveness, otherwise the attackers may use these
    non-randomized areas. But also sensitive setuid/setgid applications are
    more secure because currently, attackers can disable the randomizati...
mmap.c 2.93 KB