Commit 02c19d84 authored by Sudeep Holla's avatar Sudeep Holla

firmware: arm_ffa: Add support for FFA_MSG_SEND2

The FFA_MSG_SEND2 can be  used to transmit a partition message from
the Tx buffer of the sender(the driver in this case) endpoint to the Rx
buffer of the receiver endpoint.

An invocation of the FFA_MSG_SEND2 transfers the ownership of the Tx
buffer to the receiver endpoint(or any intermediate consumer). Completion
of an FFA_MSG_SEND2 invocation transfers the ownership of the buffer
back to the sender endpoint.

The framework defines the FFA_MSG_SEND2 interface to transmit a partition
message from the Tx buffer of the sender to the Rx buffer of a receiver
and inform the scheduler that the receiver must be run.

Link: default avatarSudeep Holla <>
parent 3c258bf6
......@@ -345,6 +345,38 @@ static int ffa_msg_send_direct_req(u16 src_id, u16 dst_id, bool mode_32bit,
return -EINVAL;
static int ffa_msg_send2(u16 src_id, u16 dst_id, void *buf, size_t sz)
u32 src_dst_ids = PACK_TARGET_INFO(src_id, dst_id);
struct ffa_indirect_msg_hdr *msg;
ffa_value_t ret;
int retval = 0;
if (sz > (RXTX_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(*msg)))
return -ERANGE;
msg = drv_info->tx_buffer;
msg->flags = 0;
msg->res0 = 0;
msg->offset = sizeof(*msg);
msg->send_recv_id = src_dst_ids;
msg->size = sz;
memcpy(msg + msg->offset, buf, sz);
/* flags = 0, sender VMID = 0 works for both physical/virtual NS */
.a0 = FFA_MSG_SEND2, .a1 = 0, .a2 = 0
}, &ret);
if (ret.a0 == FFA_ERROR)
retval = ffa_to_linux_errno((int)ret.a2);
return retval;
static int ffa_mem_first_frag(u32 func_id, phys_addr_t buf, u32 buf_sz,
u32 frag_len, u32 len, u64 *handle)
......@@ -871,6 +903,11 @@ static int ffa_sync_send_receive(struct ffa_device *dev,
dev->mode_32bit, data);
static int ffa_indirect_msg_send(struct ffa_device *dev, void *buf, size_t sz)
return ffa_msg_send2(drv_info->vm_id, dev->vm_id, buf, sz);
static int ffa_memory_share(struct ffa_mem_ops_args *args)
if (drv_info->mem_ops_native)
......@@ -1146,6 +1183,7 @@ static const struct ffa_info_ops ffa_drv_info_ops = {
static const struct ffa_msg_ops ffa_drv_msg_ops = {
.mode_32bit_set = ffa_mode_32bit_set,
.sync_send_receive = ffa_sync_send_receive,
.indirect_send = ffa_indirect_msg_send,
static const struct ffa_mem_ops ffa_drv_mem_ops = {
......@@ -254,6 +254,14 @@ struct ffa_send_direct_data {
unsigned long data4; /* w7/x7 */
struct ffa_indirect_msg_hdr {
u32 flags;
u32 res0;
u32 offset;
u32 send_recv_id;
u32 size;
struct ffa_mem_region_addr_range {
/* The base IPA of the constituent memory region, aligned to 4 kiB */
u64 address;
......@@ -414,6 +422,7 @@ struct ffa_msg_ops {
void (*mode_32bit_set)(struct ffa_device *dev);
int (*sync_send_receive)(struct ffa_device *dev,
struct ffa_send_direct_data *data);
int (*indirect_send)(struct ffa_device *dev, void *buf, size_t sz);
struct ffa_mem_ops {
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