Commit 0a84cf89 authored by Ben Collins's avatar Ben Collins Committed by Tim Gardner

UBUNTU: [debian] Add custom_override rule to allow for alternate kernel file/install

On PowerPC, the flavours have different make targets and installable
images. For example, e500/e500mc use a target of uImage, since that is
the native format for U-Boot systems.
Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Collins <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarTim Gardner <>
parent 374c4d89
......@@ -230,3 +230,8 @@ endif
lockme_file = $(CURDIR)/debian/.LOCK
lockme_cmd = flock -w 60
lockme = $(lockme_cmd) $(lockme_file)
# Checks if a var is overriden by the custom rules. Called with var and
# flavour as arguments.
custom_override = \
$(shell if [ -n "$($(1)_$(2))" ]; then echo "$($(1)_$(2))"; else echo "$($(1))"; fi)
......@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ build-%: $(stampdir)/stamp-build-%
# Do the actual build, including image and modules
$(stampdir)/stamp-build-%: target_flavour = $*
$(stampdir)/stamp-build-%: bldimg = $(call custom_override,build_image,$*)
$(stampdir)/stamp-build-%: dtb_target = $(notdir $(dtb_file_$*))
$(stampdir)/stamp-build-%: $(stampdir)/stamp-prepare-%
@echo Debug: $@
$(build_cd) $(kmake) $(build_O) $(conc_level) $(build_image) modules $(dtb_target)
@echo Debug: $@ build_image $(build_image) bldimg $(bldimg)
$(build_cd) $(kmake) $(build_O) $(conc_level) $(bldimg) modules $(dtb_target)
@touch $@
# Install the finished build
......@@ -47,29 +48,33 @@ install-%: bindoc = $(pkgdir)/usr/share/doc/$(bin_pkg_name)-$*
install-%: dbgpkgdir = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-$*-dbgsym
install-%: signed = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-signed
install-%: basepkg = $(hdrs_pkg_name)
install-%: kernfile = $(call custom_override,kernel_file,$*)
install-%: instfile = $(call custom_override,install_file,$*)
install-%: hdrdir = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(basepkg)-$*/usr/src/$(basepkg)-$*
install-%: target_flavour = $*
install-%: dtb_file=$(dtb_file_$*)
install-%: dtb_target=$(notdir $(dtb_file_$*))
install-%: checks-%
@echo Debug: $@
@echo Debug: $@ kernel_file $(kernel_file) kernfile $(kernfile) install_file $(install_file) instfile $(instfile)
dh_clean -k -p$(bin_pkg_name)-$*
dh_clean -k -p$(hdrs_pkg_name)-$*
ifneq ($(skipdbg),true)
dh_clean -k -p$(dbg_pkg_name)-$*
# The main image
# compress_file logic required because not all architectures
# generate a zImage automatically out of the box
ifeq ($(compress_file),)
install -m600 -D $(builddir)/build-$*/$(kernel_file) \
install -m600 -D $(builddir)/build-$*/$(kernfile) \
install -d $(pkgdir)/boot
gzip -c9v $(builddir)/build-$*/$(kernel_file) > \
chmod 600 $(pkgdir)/boot/$(install_file)-$(abi_release)-$*
gzip -c9v $(builddir)/build-$*/$(kernfile) > \
chmod 600 $(pkgdir)/boot/$(instfile)-$(abi_release)-$*
ifeq ($(arch),amd64)
......@@ -77,10 +82,10 @@ ifeq ($(uefi_signed),true)
install -d $(signed)/$(release)-$(revision)
# Check to see if this supports handoff, if not do not sign it.
# Check the identification area magic and version >= 0x020b
handoff=`dd if="$(pkgdir)/boot/$(install_file)-$(abi_release)-$*" bs=1 skip=514 count=6 2>/dev/null | od -s | awk '($$1 == 0 && $$2 == 25672 && $$3 == 21362 && $$4 >= 523) { print "GOOD" }'`; \
handoff=`dd if="$(pkgdir)/boot/$(instfile)-$(abi_release)-$*" bs=1 skip=514 count=6 2>/dev/null | od -s | awk '($$1 == 0 && $$2 == 25672 && $$3 == 21362 && $$4 >= 523) { print "GOOD" }'`; \
if [ "$$handoff" = "GOOD" ]; then \
cp -p $(pkgdir)/boot/$(install_file)-$(abi_release)-$* \
$(signed)/$(release)-$(revision)/$(install_file)-$(abi_release)-$*.efi; \
cp -p $(pkgdir)/boot/$(instfile)-$(abi_release)-$* \
$(signed)/$(release)-$(revision)/$(instfile)-$(abi_release)-$*.efi; \
......@@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ endif
# Now the image scripts
install -d $(pkgdir)/DEBIAN
for script in postinst postrm preinst prerm; do \
sed -e 's/=V/$(abi_release)-$*/g' -e 's/=K/$(install_file)/g' \
sed -e 's/=V/$(abi_release)-$*/g' -e 's/=K/$(instfile)/g' \
-e 's/=L/$(loader)/g' -e 's@=B@$(build_arch)@g' \
$(DROOT)/control-scripts/$$script > $(pkgdir)/DEBIAN/$$script; \
chmod 755 $(pkgdir)/DEBIAN/$$script; \
......@@ -149,7 +154,7 @@ endif
if [ -f $(DEBIAN)/control.d/$(target_flavour).inclusion-list ] ; then \
install -d $(pkgdir_ex)/DEBIAN; \
for script in postinst postrm ; do \
sed -e 's/=V/$(abi_release)-$*/g' -e 's/=K/$(install_file)/g' \
sed -e 's/=V/$(abi_release)-$*/g' -e 's/=K/$(instfile)/g' \
-e 's/=L/$(loader)/g' -e 's@=B@$(build_arch)@g' \
debian/control-scripts/$$script > $(pkgdir_ex)/DEBIAN/$$script; \
chmod 755 $(pkgdir_ex)/DEBIAN/$$script; \
......@@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ ifneq ($(skipsub),true)
install -d debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-$$sub/DEBIAN; \
for script in postinst postrm preinst prerm; do \
sed -e 's/=V/$(abi_release)-$*/g' \
-e 's/=K/$(install_file)/g' \
-e 's/=K/$(instfile)/g' \
-e 's/=L/$(loader)/g' \
-e 's@=B@$(build_arch)@g' \
$(DROOT)/control-scripts/$$script > \
......@@ -237,7 +242,7 @@ endif
# Now the header scripts
install -d $(CURDIR)/debian/$(basepkg)-$*/DEBIAN
for script in postinst; do \
sed -e 's/=V/$(abi_release)-$*/g' -e 's/=K/$(install_file)/g' \
sed -e 's/=V/$(abi_release)-$*/g' -e 's/=K/$(instfile)/g' \
$(DROOT)/control-scripts/headers-$$script > \
$(CURDIR)/debian/$(basepkg)-$*/DEBIAN/$$script; \
chmod 755 $(CURDIR)/debian/$(basepkg)-$*/DEBIAN/$$script; \
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