Commit 150f29ef authored by Tim Shimmin's avatar Tim Shimmin

[XFS] no longer using io_vnode, as was remaining from 23 cherrypick

Because we cherrypicked SGI-Modid xfs-linux-melb:xfs-kern:29675a
and it depended on the sgi mod which removed io_vnode (which was
not cherrypicked in 23) it was hand modified.
This fixes things back up (to the originial mod) now we have moved
on again.
Reviewed-by: default avatarLachlan McIlroy <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarTim Shimmin <>
parent 479ba36b
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ xfs_setfilesize(
ip->i_d.di_size = isize;
ip->i_update_core = 1;
ip->i_update_size = 1;
xfs_iunlock(ip, XFS_ILOCK_EXCL);
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