Commit 2f0f1ec2 authored by Phillip Potter's avatar Phillip Potter Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: r8188eu: remove _dbg_dump_tx_info function

Remove _dbg_dump_tx_info from hal/rtl8188e_xmit.c as it is just a
dumping function that contains a lot of unclear DBG_88E calls, and has
no other external effect, other than calling a function that ultimately
determines whether or not to dump/trigger the DBG_88E calls. Also remove
its declaration and single call site.
Acked-by: default avatarFabio M. De Francesco <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarPhillip Potter <>
Link: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent e8bcb482
......@@ -42,34 +42,3 @@ void handle_txrpt_ccx_88e(struct adapter *adapter, u8 *buf)
void _dbg_dump_tx_info(struct adapter *padapter, int frame_tag,
struct tx_desc *ptxdesc)
u8 dmp_txpkt;
bool dump_txdesc = false;
rtw_hal_get_def_var(padapter, HAL_DEF_DBG_DUMP_TXPKT, &(dmp_txpkt));
if (dmp_txpkt == 1) {/* dump txdesc for data frame */
DBG_88E("dump tx_desc for data frame\n");
if ((frame_tag & 0x0f) == DATA_FRAMETAG)
dump_txdesc = true;
} else if (dmp_txpkt == 2) {/* dump txdesc for mgnt frame */
DBG_88E("dump tx_desc for mgnt frame\n");
if ((frame_tag & 0x0f) == MGNT_FRAMETAG)
dump_txdesc = true;
if (dump_txdesc) {
DBG_88E("txdw0(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw0);
DBG_88E("txdw1(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw1);
DBG_88E("txdw2(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw2);
DBG_88E("txdw3(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw3);
DBG_88E("txdw4(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw4);
DBG_88E("txdw5(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw5);
DBG_88E("txdw6(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw6);
DBG_88E("txdw7(0x%08x)\n", ptxdesc->txdw7);
......@@ -330,7 +330,6 @@ static s32 update_txdesc(struct xmit_frame *pxmitframe, u8 *pmem, s32 sz, u8 bag
ODM_SetTxAntByTxInfo_88E(&haldata->odmpriv, pmem, pattrib->mac_id);
_dbg_dump_tx_info(adapt, pxmitframe->frame_tag, ptxdesc);
return pull;
......@@ -153,7 +153,4 @@ s32 rtl8188eu_xmitframe_complete(struct adapter *padapter,
void dump_txrpt_ccx_88e(void *buf);
void handle_txrpt_ccx_88e(struct adapter *adapter, u8 *buf);
void _dbg_dump_tx_info(struct adapter *padapter, int frame_tag,
struct tx_desc *ptxdesc);
#endif /* __RTL8188E_XMIT_H__ */
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