Commit 4054d4af authored by Andy Whitcroft's avatar Andy Whitcroft Committed by Tim Gardner

UBUNTU: [debian] add custom upload for the kernel binary package

Pick out the kernel binaries and add them to a custom upload.  This upload
will trigger signing of the contained files which will later be pulled
into linux-*-signed packages.

Only include amd64 kernels as we only support EFI signed packages there.
Also ensure the kernel has a high enough interface version >= 0x020b
otherwise we may end up with an unsafe kernel loaded.
Signed-off-by: default avatarAndy Whitcroft <>
parent ecf31e89
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ stampdir := $(CURDIR)/debian/stamps
# are places that you'll find linux-image hard coded, but I guess thats OK since the
# assumption that the binary package always starts with linux-image will never change.
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ install-%: pkgdir = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-$*
install-%: pkgdir_ex = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(extra_pkg_name)-$*
install-%: bindoc = $(pkgdir)/usr/share/doc/$(bin_pkg_name)-$*
install-%: dbgpkgdir = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-$*-dbgsym
install-%: signed = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-signed
install-%: basepkg = $(hdrs_pkg_name)
install-%: hdrdir = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(basepkg)-$*/usr/src/$(basepkg)-$*
install-%: target_flavour = $*
......@@ -71,6 +72,16 @@ else
chmod 600 $(pkgdir)/boot/$(install_file)-$(abi_release)-$*
ifeq ($(arch),amd64)
install -d $(signed)/$(release)-$(revision)
# Check to see if this supports handoff, if not do not sign it.
# Check the identification area magic and version >= 0x020b
handoff=`dd if="$(pkgdir)/boot/$(install_file)-$(abi_release)-$*" bs=1 skip=514 count=6 2>/dev/null | od -s | awk '($$1 == 0 && $$2 == 25672 && $$3 == 21362 && $$4 >= 523) { print "GOOD" }'`; \
[ "$$handoff" = "GOOD" ] && \
cp -p $(pkgdir)/boot/$(install_file)-$(abi_release)-$* \
install -m644 $(builddir)/build-$*/.config \
install -m644 $(abidir)/$* \
......@@ -470,8 +481,17 @@ ifeq ($(do_tools),true)
dh_builddeb -p$(toolspkg)
binary-debs: signed = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-signed
binary-debs: signedv = $(CURDIR)/debian/$(bin_pkg_name)-signed/$(release)-$(revision)
binary-debs: signed_tar = $(src_pkg_name)_$(release)-$(revision)_$(arch).tar.gz
binary-debs: binary-perarch $(addprefix binary-,$(flavours))
@echo Debug: $@
ifeq ($(arch),amd64)
echo $(release)-$(revision) > $(signedv)/version
cd $(signedv) && ls *.efi >flavours
cd $(signed) && tar czvf ../../../$(signed_tar) .
dpkg-distaddfile $(signed_tar) raw-uefi -
build-arch-deps-$(do_flavour_image_package) += $(addprefix $(stampdir)/stamp-build-,$(flavours))
build-arch: $(build-arch-deps-true)
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