Commit 698f3f28 authored by Tim Gardner's avatar Tim Gardner

UBUNTU: Ubuntu-4.4.0-38.57

Signed-off-by: default avatarTim Gardner <>
parent ca6fe334
linux (4.4.0-38.57) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
linux (4.4.0-38.57) xenial; urgency=low
CHANGELOG: Do not edit directly. Autogenerated at release.
CHANGELOG: Use the printchanges target to see the curent changes.
CHANGELOG: Use the insertchanges target to create the final log.
[ Tim Gardner ]
* Release Tracking Bug
- LP: #1620658
* CIFS client: access problems after updating to kernel 4.4.0-29-generic
(LP: #1612135)
- Revert "UBUNTU: SAUCE: (namespace) Bypass sget() capability check for nfs"
- fs: Call d_automount with the filesystems creds
* apt-key add fails in overlayfs (LP: #1618572)
- SAUCE: overlayfs: fix regression in whiteout detection
-- Tim Gardner <> Tue, 30 Aug 2016 12:24:30 -0600
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