will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 6e0972e0 authored by Petr Machata's avatar Petr Machata Committed by David S. Miller

selftests: forwarding: devlink_lib: Split devlink_..._set() into save & set

Changing pool type from static to dynamic causes reinterpretation of
threshold values. They therefore need to be saved before pool type is
changed, then the pool type can be changed, and then the new values need
to be set up.

For that reason, set cannot subsume save, because it would be saving the
wrong thing, with possibly a nonsensical value, and restore would then fail
to restore the nonsensical value.

Thus extract a _save() from each of the relevant _set()'s. This way it is
possible to save everything up front, then to tweak it, and then restore in
the required order.
Signed-off-by: default avatarPetr Machata <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>
parent 611ba753
......@@ -147,17 +147,26 @@ switch_create()
# Make sure that ingress quotas are smaller than egress so that there is
# room for both streams of traffic to be admitted to shared buffer.
devlink_pool_size_thtype_save 0
devlink_pool_size_thtype_set 0 dynamic 10000000
devlink_pool_size_thtype_save 4
devlink_pool_size_thtype_set 4 dynamic 10000000
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp1 0
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp1 0 6
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp1 1 ingress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp1 1 ingress 0 6
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp2 0
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp2 0 6
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp2 2 ingress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp2 2 ingress 0 6
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp3 1 egress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp3 1 egress 4 7
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp3 2 egress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp3 2 egress 4 7
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp3 4
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp3 4 7
......@@ -145,12 +145,17 @@ switch_create()
# Make sure that ingress quotas are smaller than egress so that there is
# room for both streams of traffic to be admitted to shared buffer.
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp1 0
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp1 0 5
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp1 0 ingress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp1 0 ingress 0 5
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp2 0
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp2 0 5
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp2 1 ingress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp2 1 ingress 0 5
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp3 4
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp3 4 12
......@@ -27,11 +27,17 @@ switch_create()
# amount of traffic that is admitted to the shared buffers. This makes
# sure that there is always enough traffic of all types to select from
# for the DWRR process.
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp1 0
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp1 0 12
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp1 0 ingress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp1 0 ingress 0 12
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp2 4
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp2 4 12
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp2 7 egress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp2 7 egress 4 5
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp2 6 egress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp2 6 egress 4 5
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_save $swp2 5 egress
devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set $swp2 5 egress 4 5
# Note: uses VLAN ingress-qos-map to assign packet
......@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ switch_create()
ip link set dev br2_11 up
local size=$(devlink_pool_size_thtype 0 | cut -d' ' -f 1)
devlink_port_pool_th_save $swp3 8
devlink_port_pool_th_set $swp3 8 $size
......@@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ devlink_reload()
# Changing pool type from static to dynamic causes reinterpretation of threshold
# values. They therefore need to be saved before pool type is changed, then the
# pool type can be changed, and then the new values need to be set up. Therefore
# instead of saving the current state implicitly in the _set call, provide
# functions for all three primitives: save, set, and restore.
local port=$1; shift
......@@ -126,14 +132,21 @@ devlink_port_pool_threshold()
| jq '.port_pool."'"$port"'"[].threshold'
local port=$1; shift
local pool=$1; shift
local th=$1; shift
local key="port_pool($port,$pool).threshold"
DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]=$(devlink_port_pool_threshold $port $pool)
local port=$1; shift
local pool=$1; shift
local th=$1; shift
devlink sb port pool set $port pool $pool th $th
......@@ -142,8 +155,13 @@ devlink_port_pool_th_restore()
local port=$1; shift
local pool=$1; shift
local key="port_pool($port,$pool).threshold"
local -a orig=(${DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]})
devlink sb port pool set $port pool $pool th ${DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]}
if [[ -z $orig ]]; then
echo "WARNING: Mismatched devlink_port_pool_th_restore"
devlink sb port pool set $port pool $pool th $orig
......@@ -154,14 +172,20 @@ devlink_pool_size_thtype()
| jq -r '.pool[][] | (.size, .thtype)'
local pool=$1; shift
local key="pool($pool).size_thtype"
DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]=$(devlink_pool_size_thtype $pool)
local pool=$1; shift
local thtype=$1; shift
local size=$1; shift
local key="pool($pool).size_thtype"
DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]=$(devlink_pool_size_thtype $pool)
devlink sb pool set "$DEVLINK_DEV" pool $pool size $size thtype $thtype
......@@ -171,8 +195,12 @@ devlink_pool_size_thtype_restore()
local key="pool($pool).size_thtype"
local -a orig=(${DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]})
devlink sb pool set "$DEVLINK_DEV" pool $pool \
size ${orig[0]} thtype ${orig[1]}
if [[ -z ${orig[0]} ]]; then
echo "WARNING: Mismatched devlink_pool_size_thtype_restore"
devlink sb pool set "$DEVLINK_DEV" pool $pool \
size ${orig[0]} thtype ${orig[1]}
......@@ -185,6 +213,16 @@ devlink_tc_bind_pool_th()
| jq -r '.tc_bind[][] | (.pool, .threshold)'
local port=$1; shift
local tc=$1; shift
local dir=$1; shift
local key="tc_bind($port,$dir,$tc).pool_th"
DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]=$(devlink_tc_bind_pool_th $port $tc $dir)
local port=$1; shift
......@@ -192,9 +230,7 @@ devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_set()
local dir=$1; shift
local pool=$1; shift
local th=$1; shift
local key="tc_bind($port,$dir,$tc).pool_th"
DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]=$(devlink_tc_bind_pool_th $port $tc $dir)
devlink sb tc bind set $port tc $tc type $dir pool $pool th $th
......@@ -206,8 +242,12 @@ devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_restore()
local key="tc_bind($port,$dir,$tc).pool_th"
local -a orig=(${DEVLINK_ORIG[$key]})
devlink sb tc bind set $port tc $tc type $dir \
pool ${orig[0]} th ${orig[1]}
if [[ -z ${orig[0]} ]]; then
echo "WARNING: Mismatched devlink_tc_bind_pool_th_restore"
devlink sb tc bind set $port tc $tc type $dir \
pool ${orig[0]} th ${orig[1]}
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