Commit 7eb1570f authored by Malcolm Priestley's avatar Malcolm Priestley Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: vt6655: rf.c Removed unneeded comments

Type and function that are not present comments
Signed-off-by: default avatarMalcolm Priestley <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 0a5ea1e3
......@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@
#include "rf.h"
#include "baseband.h"
/*--------------------- Static Definitions -------------------------*/
#define BY_AL2230_REG_LEN 23 //24bit
#define CB_AL2230_INIT_SEQ 15
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_AL2230 200 //us
......@@ -51,10 +49,6 @@
#define SWITCH_CHANNEL_DELAY_AL7230 200 //us
#define AL7230_PWR_IDX_LEN 64
/*--------------------- Static Classes ----------------------------*/
/*--------------------- Static Variables --------------------------*/
static const unsigned long dwAL2230InitTable[CB_AL2230_INIT_SEQ] = {
0x03F79000+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
0x03333100+(BY_AL2230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW, //
......@@ -410,8 +404,6 @@ static const unsigned long dwAL7230ChannelTable2[CB_MAX_CHANNEL] = {
0x77D78400+(BY_AL7230_REG_LEN<<3)+IFREGCTL_REGW // channel = 165, Tf = 5825MHz (56)
/*--------------------- Static Functions --------------------------*/
* Description: AIROHA IFRF chip init function
......@@ -497,64 +489,6 @@ static bool s_bAL7230SelectChannel(struct vnt_private *priv, unsigned char byCha
return bResult;
* Description: Select channel with UW2452 chip
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* uChannel - Channel number
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: UW2452 IFRF chip init function
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: VT3226 IFRF chip init function
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: Select channel with VT3226 chip
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* uChannel - Channel number
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
/*--------------------- Export Variables --------------------------*/
/*--------------------- Export Functions --------------------------*/
* Description: Write to IF/RF, by embedded programming
......@@ -589,33 +523,6 @@ bool IFRFbWriteEmbedded(struct vnt_private *priv, unsigned long dwData)
return true;
* Description: RFMD RF2959 IFRF chip init function
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: Select channel with RFMD 2959 chip
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* uChannel - Channel number
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: AIROHA IFRF chip init function
......@@ -692,47 +599,6 @@ static bool RFbAL2230SelectChannel(struct vnt_private *priv, unsigned char byCha
return bResult;
* Description: UW2451 IFRF chip init function
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: Select channel with UW2451 chip
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* uChannel - Channel number
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: Set sleep mode to UW2451 chip
* Parameters:
* In:
* dwIoBase - I/O base address
* uChannel - Channel number
* Out:
* none
* Return Value: true if succeeded; false if failed.
* Description: RF init function
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