Commit 9a92eee3 authored by Masahiro Yamada's avatar Masahiro Yamada

builddeb: avoid invoking sub-shells where possible

The commands surrounded by ( ... ) is run in a sub-shell, but you do
not have to spawn a sub-shell for every single line.

Use just one ( ... ) for creating debian/hdrsrcfiles.

For tar, use -C option instead.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMasahiro Yamada <>
parent f9a4711e
......@@ -165,21 +165,30 @@ EOF
# Build kernel header package
(cd $srctree; find . arch/$SRCARCH -maxdepth 1 -name Makefile\*) > debian/hdrsrcfiles
(cd $srctree; find include scripts -type f -o -type l) >> debian/hdrsrcfiles
(cd $srctree; find arch/$SRCARCH -name -o -name Kbuild.platforms -o -name Platform) >> debian/hdrsrcfiles
(cd $srctree; find $(find arch/$SRCARCH -name include -o -name scripts -type d) -type f) >> debian/hdrsrcfiles
if is_enabled CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION; then
echo tools/objtool/objtool >> debian/hdrobjfiles
find arch/$SRCARCH/include Module.symvers include scripts -type f >> debian/hdrobjfiles
if is_enabled CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS; then
find scripts/gcc-plugins -name \*.so >> debian/hdrobjfiles
cd $srctree
find . arch/$SRCARCH -maxdepth 1 -name Makefile\*
find include scripts -type f -o -type l
find arch/$SRCARCH -name -o -name Kbuild.platforms -o -name Platform
find $(find arch/$SRCARCH -name include -o -name scripts -type d) -type f
) > debian/hdrsrcfiles
if is_enabled CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION; then
echo tools/objtool/objtool
find arch/$SRCARCH/include Module.symvers include scripts -type f
if is_enabled CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS; then
find scripts/gcc-plugins -name \*.so
} > debian/hdrobjfiles
mkdir -p "$destdir"
(cd $srctree; tar -c -f - -T -) < debian/hdrsrcfiles | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
tar -c -f - -T - < debian/hdrobjfiles | (cd $destdir; tar -xf -)
tar -c -f - -C $srctree -T debian/hdrsrcfiles | tar -xf - -C $destdir
tar -c -f - -T debian/hdrobjfiles | tar -xf - -C $destdir
cp $KCONFIG_CONFIG $destdir/.config # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be
ln -sf "/usr/src/linux-headers-$version" "$kernel_headers_dir/lib/modules/$version/build"
rm -f debian/hdrsrcfiles debian/hdrobjfiles
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