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Commit a2b31dd9 authored by Vivek Mahajan's avatar Vivek Mahajan Committed by Kumar Gala

powerpc/fsl: 85xx: document cache sram bindings

Adds binding documentation for cache sram for the PQ3 and some QorIQ
based platforms.
Signed-off-by: default avatarVivek Mahajan <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarKumar Gala <>
parent 52052875
* Freescale PQ3 and QorIQ based Cache SRAM
Freescale's mpc85xx and some QorIQ platforms provide an
option of configuring a part of (or full) cache memory
as SRAM. This cache SRAM representation in the device
tree should be done as under:-
Required properties:
- compatible : should be "fsl,p2020-cache-sram"
- fsl,cache-sram-ctlr-handle : points to the L2 controller
- reg : offset and length of the cache-sram.
cache-sram@fff00000 {
fsl,cache-sram-ctlr-handle = <&L2>;
reg = <0 0xfff00000 0 0x10000>;
compatible = "fsl,p2020-cache-sram";
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