Commit c9ba1bda authored by Andy Whitcroft's avatar Andy Whitcroft Committed by Tim Gardner

UBUNTU: [Debian] config-check -- add support for enforced annotations

Allow annotations to be simply marked as ENFORCED and that to trigger
checking of that option.
Signed-off-by: default avatarAndy Whitcroft <>
parent fbe45706
...@@ -409,5 +409,63 @@ while (<CHECKS>) { ...@@ -409,5 +409,63 @@ while (<CHECKS>) {
} }
close(CHECKS); close(CHECKS);
print "$P: $pass/$total checks passed -- exit $exit_val\n";
# ANNOTATIONS: check any annotations marked for enforcement
my $pass = 0;
my $total = 0;
my $annotations = "$commonconfig/annotations";
my ($config, $value, $options, $option, $value, $check, $policy);
print "$P: $annotations loading annotations\n";
open(ANNOTATIONS, "<$annotations") || die "$P: $annotations: open failed -- $! -- aborting\n";
while (<ANNOTATIONS>) {
/^#/ && next;
/^$/ && next;
$check = 0;
($config, $value, $options) = split(' ', $_, 3);
$policy = { '*' => $value };
while ($options =~ /\s*(\S+)<(.*?)?>/g) {
($option, $value) = ($1, $2);
if ($option eq 'mark' && $value eq 'ENFORCED') {
$check = 1;
} elsif ($option eq 'policy') {
if ($value =~ /^{/) {
$value =~ s/:/=>/g;
$policy = eval($value);
} else {
$policy = undef;
if ($check == 1 && $policy == undef) {
print "$P: INVALID $_\n";
if ($check) {
my $is = '-';
$is = $values{$config} if (defined $values{$config});
my $value = '-';
for my $which ("$arch-$flavour", "$arch-*", "*-$flavour", "$arch", "*") {
if (defined $policy->{$which}) {
$value = $policy->{$which};
if ($is eq $value) {
} else {
print "$P: FAIL ($is != $value): $_\n";
$exit_val = $fail_exit;
print "$P: $pass/$total checks passed -- exit $exit_val\n"; print "$P: $pass/$total checks passed -- exit $exit_val\n";
exit $exit_val; exit $exit_val;
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