Commit db5225d4 authored by Philipp Zabel's avatar Philipp Zabel Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: drm/imx: ipu-di: add comments explaining signal generator configuration

Signed-off-by: default avatarPhilipp Zabel <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent b60b5bcb
......@@ -413,9 +413,11 @@ static void ipu_di_sync_config_noninterlaced(struct ipu_di *di,
struct di_sync_config cfg[] = {
/* 1: INT_HSYNC */
.run_count = h_total - 1,
.run_src = DI_SYNC_CLK,
} , {
/* PIN2: HSYNC */
.run_count = h_total - 1,
.run_src = DI_SYNC_CLK,
.offset_count = div * sig->v_to_h_sync,
......@@ -424,23 +426,28 @@ static void ipu_di_sync_config_noninterlaced(struct ipu_di *di,
.cnt_polarity_trigger_src = DI_SYNC_CLK,
.cnt_down = sig->h_sync_width * 2,
} , {
/* PIN3: VSYNC */
.run_count = v_total - 1,
.run_src = DI_SYNC_INT_HSYNC,
.cnt_polarity_gen_en = 1,
.cnt_polarity_trigger_src = DI_SYNC_INT_HSYNC,
.cnt_down = sig->v_sync_width * 2,
} , {
/* 4: Line Active */
.run_src = DI_SYNC_HSYNC,
.offset_count = sig->v_sync_width + sig->v_start_width,
.offset_src = DI_SYNC_HSYNC,
.repeat_count = sig->height,
.cnt_clr_src = DI_SYNC_VSYNC,
} , {
/* 5: DE, referenced by DC */
.run_src = DI_SYNC_CLK,
.offset_count = sig->h_sync_width + sig->h_start_width,
.offset_src = DI_SYNC_CLK,
.repeat_count = sig->width,
.cnt_clr_src = 5,
.cnt_clr_src = 5, /* Line Active */
} , {
/* unused */
} , {
/* unused */
} , {
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