Commit de1c1862 authored by Malcolm Priestley's avatar Malcolm Priestley Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: vt6655: replace typedef struct tagRDES0

with struct vnt_rdes0 replacing members as follows
wResCount -> res_count
f15Reserved -> f15_reserved
f1Owner -> owner

big endian
f8Reserved1 -> f8_reserved1
f7Reserved -> f7_reserved

Narrowing endian differences to inside structure.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMalcolm Priestley <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent e48c9c26
......@@ -573,16 +573,16 @@ CARDvSafeResetRx(
/* init state, all RD is chip's */
for (uu = 0; uu < pDevice->sOpts.nRxDescs0; uu++) {
pDesc = &(pDevice->aRD0Ring[uu]);
pDesc->m_rd0RD0.wResCount = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
pDesc->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pDesc->rd0.res_count = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
pDesc->rd0.owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pDesc->m_rd1RD1.wReqCount = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
/* init state, all RD is chip's */
for (uu = 0; uu < pDevice->sOpts.nRxDescs1; uu++) {
pDesc = &(pDevice->aRD1Ring[uu]);
pDesc->m_rd0RD0.wResCount = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
pDesc->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pDesc->rd0.res_count = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
pDesc->rd0.owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pDesc->m_rd1RD1.wReqCount = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
......@@ -172,31 +172,22 @@ typedef struct tagDEVICE_RD_INFO {
dma_addr_t skb_dma;
struct vnt_rdes0 {
volatile __le16 res_count;
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN
typedef struct tagRDES0 {
volatile __le16 wResCount;
union {
volatile u16 f15Reserved;
volatile u16 f15_reserved;
struct {
volatile u8 f8Reserved1;
volatile u8 f1Owner:1;
volatile u8 f7Reserved:7;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
volatile u8 f8_reserved1;
volatile u8 owner:1;
volatile u8 f7_reserved:7;
} __packed;
} __packed;
typedef struct tagRDES0 {
__le16 wResCount;
unsigned short f15Reserved:15;
unsigned short f1Owner:1;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__))
u16 f15_reserved:15;
u16 owner:1;
} __packed;
typedef struct tagRDES1 {
__le16 wReqCount;
......@@ -206,7 +197,7 @@ SRDES1;
/* Rx descriptor*/
typedef struct tagSRxDesc {
volatile SRDES0 m_rd0RD0;
volatile struct vnt_rdes0 rd0;
volatile SRDES1 m_rd1RD1;
volatile __le32 buff_addr;
volatile __le32 next_desc;
......@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ static int device_rx_srv(struct vnt_private *pDevice, unsigned int uIdx)
int works = 0;
for (pRD = pDevice->pCurrRD[uIdx];
pRD->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner == OWNED_BY_HOST;
pRD->rd0.owner == OWNED_BY_HOST;
pRD = pRD->next) {
if (works++ > 15)
......@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ static int device_rx_srv(struct vnt_private *pDevice, unsigned int uIdx)
pRD->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pRD->rd0.owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pDevice->pCurrRD[uIdx] = pRD;
......@@ -814,10 +814,10 @@ static bool device_alloc_rx_buf(struct vnt_private *pDevice, PSRxDesc pRD)
skb_put(pRDInfo->skb, skb_tailroom(pRDInfo->skb)),
pDevice->rx_buf_sz, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
*((unsigned int *)&(pRD->m_rd0RD0)) = 0; /* FIX cast */
*((unsigned int *)&pRD->rd0) = 0; /* FIX cast */
pRD->m_rd0RD0.wResCount = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
pRD->m_rd0RD0.f1Owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pRD->rd0.res_count = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
pRD->rd0.owner = OWNED_BY_NIC;
pRD->m_rd1RD1.wReqCount = cpu_to_le16(pDevice->rx_buf_sz);
pRD->buff_addr = cpu_to_le32(pRDInfo->skb_dma);
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ bool vnt_receive_frame(struct vnt_private *priv, PSRxDesc curr_rd)
priv->rx_buf_sz, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
frame_size = le16_to_cpu(curr_rd->m_rd1RD1.wReqCount)
- le16_to_cpu(curr_rd->m_rd0RD0.wResCount);
- le16_to_cpu(curr_rd->rd0.res_count);
if ((frame_size > 2364) || (frame_size < 33)) {
/* Frame Size error drop this packet.*/
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