Commit e0ca1674 authored by Masahiro Yamada's avatar Masahiro Yamada

kbuild: make perf-tar*-src-pkg work without relying on git

Currently, perf-tar*-src-pkg only uses 'git archive', but it is better
to make it work without relying on git.

The file, HEAD, which saves the commit hash, will be included in the
tarball only when the source tree is managed by git. The git tree is
more precisely checked; it has been copied from scripts/setlocalversion.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMasahiro Yamada <>
parent e7853995
......@@ -50,10 +50,25 @@ quiet_cmd_tar = TAR $@
tar-rootdir := $(srctree)
$(call cmd,tar)
%.tar.gz: private tar-compress-opt := -I $(KGZIP)
$(call cmd,tar)
%.tar.bz2: private tar-compress-opt := -I $(KBZIP2)
$(call cmd,tar)
%.tar.xz: private tar-compress-opt := -I $(XZ)
$(call cmd,tar)
%.tar.zst: private tar-compress-opt := -I $(ZSTD)
$(call cmd,tar)
# Linux source tarball
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -138,36 +153,52 @@ $(tar-pkgs):
$(MAKE) -f $(srctree)/Makefile
+$(CONFIG_SHELL) $(srctree)/scripts/package/buildtar $@
# perf-pkg - generate a source tarball with perf source
# perf-tar*-src-pkg - generate a source tarball with perf source
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
quiet_cmd_perf_tar = TAR
cmd_perf_tar = \
git --git-dir=$(srctree)/.git archive --prefix=$(perf-tar)/ \
HEAD^{tree} $$(cd $(srctree); \
echo $$(cat tools/perf/MANIFEST)) \
-o $(perf-tar).tar; \
mkdir -p $(perf-tar); \
git --git-dir=$(srctree)/.git rev-parse HEAD > $(perf-tar)/HEAD; \
(cd $(srctree)/tools/perf; \
util/PERF-VERSION-GEN $(CURDIR)/$(perf-tar)/); \
tar rf $(perf-tar).tar $(perf-tar)/HEAD $(perf-tar)/PERF-VERSION-FILE; \
rm -r $(perf-tar); \
$(if $(findstring tar-src,$@),, \
$(if $(findstring bz2,$@),$(KBZIP2), \
$(if $(findstring gz,$@),$(KGZIP), \
$(if $(findstring xz,$@),$(XZ), \
$(if $(findstring zst,$@),$(ZSTD), \
$(error unknown target $@))))) \
-f -9 $(perf-tar).tar)
perf-tar-pkgs := perf-tar-src-pkg perf-targz-src-pkg perf-tarbz2-src-pkg \
perf-tarxz-src-pkg perf-tarzst-src-pkg
PHONY += $(perf-tar-pkgs)
$(call cmd,perf_tar)
perf-tar-src-pkg-tarball = perf-$(KERNELVERSION).$(1)
perf-tar-src-pkg-phony = perf-$(subst .,,$(1))-src-pkg
quiet_cmd_stage_perf_src = STAGE $@
cmd_stage_perf_src = \
rm -rf $@; \
mkdir -p $@; \
tar -c -f - --exclude-from=$<_exclude -C $(srctree) --files-from=$(srctree)/tools/perf/MANIFEST | \
tar -x -f - -C $@
.tmp_perf: .tmp_filelist
$(call cmd,stage_perf_src)
filechk_perf_head = \
if test -z "$(git -C $(srctree) rev-parse --show-cdup 2>/dev/null)" && \
head=$$(git -C $(srctree) rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null); then \
echo $$head; \
else \
echo "not a git tree"; \
.tmp_perf/HEAD: .tmp_perf FORCE
$(call filechk,perf_head)
quiet_cmd_perf_version_file = GEN $@
cmd_perf_version_file = cd $(srctree)/tools/perf; util/PERF-VERSION-GEN $(dir $(abspath $@))
# PERF-VERSION-FILE and HEAD are independent, but this avoids updating the
# timestamp of PERF-VERSION-FILE.
# The best is to fix tools/perf/util/PERF-VERSION-GEN.
.tmp_perf/PERF-VERSION-FILE: .tmp_perf/HEAD $(srctree)/tools/perf/util/PERF-VERSION-GEN
$(call cmd,perf_version_file)
define perf-tar-src-pkg-rule
PHONY += $(perf-tar-src-pkg-phony)
$(perf-tar-src-pkg-phony): $(perf-tar-src-pkg-tarball)
$(perf-tar-src-pkg-tarball): private tar-rootdir := .tmp_perf
$(perf-tar-src-pkg-tarball): .tmp_filelist .tmp_perf/HEAD .tmp_perf/PERF-VERSION-FILE
$(foreach x, tar tar.gz tar.bz2 tar.xz tar.zst, $(eval $(call perf-tar-src-pkg-rule,$(x))))
# Help text displayed when executing 'make help'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -186,11 +217,11 @@ help:
@echo ' tarbz2-pkg - Build the kernel as a bzip2 compressed tarball'
@echo ' tarxz-pkg - Build the kernel as a xz compressed tarball'
@echo ' tarzst-pkg - Build the kernel as a zstd compressed tarball'
@echo ' perf-tar-src-pkg - Build $(perf-tar).tar source tarball'
@echo ' perf-targz-src-pkg - Build $(perf-tar).tar.gz source tarball'
@echo ' perf-tarbz2-src-pkg - Build $(perf-tar).tar.bz2 source tarball'
@echo ' perf-tarxz-src-pkg - Build $(perf-tar).tar.xz source tarball'
@echo ' perf-tarzst-src-pkg - Build $(perf-tar).tar.zst source tarball'
@echo ' perf-tar-src-pkg - Build the perf source tarball with no compression'
@echo ' perf-targz-src-pkg - Build the perf source tarball with gzip compression'
@echo ' perf-tarbz2-src-pkg - Build the perf source tarball with bz2 compression'
@echo ' perf-tarxz-src-pkg - Build the perf source tarball with xz compression'
@echo ' perf-tarzst-src-pkg - Build the perf source tarball with zst compression'
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