Commit ea105f21 authored by Michael Straube's avatar Michael Straube Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: r8188eu: clean up spacing style issues in hal dir, part 2

Clean up spacing style issues reported by checkpatch in the next 10
files in the hal directory.

CHECK: spaces preferred around that ...
CHECK: No space is necessary after a cast
WARNING: space prohibited before semicolon
WARNING: space prohibited between function name and open parenthesis '('
Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Straube <>
Link: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 550b1cda
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ static u8 odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(s8 AntPower)
else if (AntPower >= 0)
return 100;
return 100+AntPower;
return 100 + AntPower;
/* 2012/01/12 MH MOve some signal strength smooth method to MP HAL layer. */
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ static s32 odm_SignalScaleMapping_92CSeries(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm, s32 Cu
if (CurrSig >= 51 && CurrSig <= 100)
RetSig = 100;
else if (CurrSig >= 41 && CurrSig <= 50)
RetSig = 80 + ((CurrSig - 40)*2);
RetSig = 80 + ((CurrSig - 40) * 2);
else if (CurrSig >= 31 && CurrSig <= 40)
RetSig = 66 + (CurrSig - 30);
else if (CurrSig >= 21 && CurrSig <= 30)
......@@ -121,44 +121,44 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
cck_highpwr = dm_odm->bCckHighPower;
cck_agc_rpt = pPhyStaRpt->cck_agc_rpt_ofdm_cfosho_a ;
cck_agc_rpt = pPhyStaRpt->cck_agc_rpt_ofdm_cfosho_a;
/* 2011.11.28 LukeLee: 88E use different LNA & VGA gain table */
/* The RSSI formula should be modified according to the gain table */
/* In 88E, cck_highpwr is always set to 1 */
if (dm_odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8188E|ODM_RTL8812)) {
if (dm_odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8188E | ODM_RTL8812)) {
LNA_idx = ((cck_agc_rpt & 0xE0) >> 5);
VGA_idx = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x1F);
switch (LNA_idx) {
case 7:
if (VGA_idx <= 27)
rx_pwr_all = -100 + 2*(27-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 27~2 */
rx_pwr_all = -100 + 2 * (27 - VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 27~2 */
rx_pwr_all = -100;
case 6:
rx_pwr_all = -48 + 2*(2-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 2~0 */
rx_pwr_all = -48 + 2 * (2 - VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 2~0 */
case 5:
rx_pwr_all = -42 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~5 */
rx_pwr_all = -42 + 2 * (7 - VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~5 */
case 4:
rx_pwr_all = -36 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~4 */
rx_pwr_all = -36 + 2 * (7 - VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~4 */
case 3:
rx_pwr_all = -24 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~0 */
rx_pwr_all = -24 + 2 * (7 - VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~0 */
case 2:
if (cck_highpwr)
rx_pwr_all = -12 + 2*(5-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 5~0 */
rx_pwr_all = -12 + 2 * (5 - VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 5~0 */
rx_pwr_all = -6 + 2*(5-VGA_idx);
rx_pwr_all = -6 + 2 * (5 - VGA_idx);
case 1:
rx_pwr_all = 8-2*VGA_idx;
rx_pwr_all = 8 - 2 * VGA_idx;
case 0:
rx_pwr_all = 14-2*VGA_idx;
rx_pwr_all = 14 - 2 * VGA_idx;
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
if (!cck_highpwr) {
if (PWDB_ALL >= 80)
PWDB_ALL = ((PWDB_ALL-80)<<1)+((PWDB_ALL-80)>>1)+80;
PWDB_ALL = ((PWDB_ALL - 80) << 1) + ((PWDB_ALL - 80) >> 1) + 80;
else if ((PWDB_ALL <= 78) && (PWDB_ALL >= 20))
PWDB_ALL += 3;
if (PWDB_ALL > 100)
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
} else {
if (!cck_highpwr) {
report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0xc0)>>6;
report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0xc0) >> 6;
switch (report) {
/* 03312009 modified by cosa */
/* Modify the RF RNA gain value to -40, -20, -2, 14 by Jenyu's suggestion */
......@@ -194,19 +194,19 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
} else {
report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x60)>>5;
report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x60) >> 5;
switch (report) {
case 0x3:
rx_pwr_all = -46 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1) ;
rx_pwr_all = -46 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f) << 1);
case 0x2:
rx_pwr_all = -26 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
rx_pwr_all = -26 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f) << 1);
case 0x1:
rx_pwr_all = -12 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
rx_pwr_all = -12 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f) << 1);
case 0x0:
rx_pwr_all = 16 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
rx_pwr_all = 16 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f) << 1);
......@@ -215,13 +215,13 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
/* Modification for ext-LNA board */
if (dm_odm->BoardType == ODM_BOARD_HIGHPWR) {
if ((cck_agc_rpt>>7) == 0) {
PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL > 94) ? 100 : (PWDB_ALL+6);
if ((cck_agc_rpt >> 7) == 0) {
PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL > 94) ? 100 : (PWDB_ALL + 6);
} else {
if (PWDB_ALL > 38)
PWDB_ALL -= 16;
PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL <= 16) ? (PWDB_ALL>>2) : (PWDB_ALL-12);
PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL <= 16) ? (PWDB_ALL >> 2) : (PWDB_ALL - 12);
/* CCK modification */
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
else if (SQ_rpt < 20)
SQ = 100;
SQ = ((64-SQ_rpt) * 100) / 44;
SQ = ((64 - SQ_rpt) * 100) / 44;
pPhyInfo->SignalQuality = SQ;
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalQuality[RF_PATH_A] = SQ;
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
if (dm_odm->RFPathRxEnable & BIT(i))
rx_pwr[i] = ((pPhyStaRpt->path_agc[i].gain & 0x3F)*2) - 110;
rx_pwr[i] = ((pPhyStaRpt->path_agc[i].gain & 0x3F) * 2) - 110;
if (i == RF_PATH_A)
adapt->signal_strength = rx_pwr[i];
......@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[i] = (u8)RSSI;
/* Get Rx snr value in DB */
pPhyInfo->RxSNR[i] = (s32)(pPhyStaRpt->path_rxsnr[i]/2);
dm_odm->PhyDbgInfo.RxSNRdB[i] = (s32)(pPhyStaRpt->path_rxsnr[i]/2);
pPhyInfo->RxSNR[i] = (s32)(pPhyStaRpt->path_rxsnr[i] / 2);
dm_odm->PhyDbgInfo.RxSNRdB[i] = (s32)(pPhyStaRpt->path_rxsnr[i] / 2);
/* Record Signal Strength for next packet */
if (pPktinfo->bPacketMatchBSSID) {
......@@ -390,8 +390,8 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
if (dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV) {
if (pDM_FatTable->FAT_State == FAT_TRAINING_STATE) {
if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf) {
antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2<<2) |
(pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) |
antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2 << 2) |
(pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1 << 1) |
pDM_FatTable->antSumRSSI[antsel_tr_mux] += pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
......@@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
} else if ((dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) || (dm_odm->AntDivType == CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV)) {
if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf || pPktinfo->bPacketBeacon) {
antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2<<2) |
(pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) | pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_0;
antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2 << 2) |
(pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1 << 1) | pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_0;
ODM_AntselStatistics_88E(dm_odm, antsel_tr_mux, pPktinfo->StationID, pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll);
......@@ -439,17 +439,17 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
} else {
if (pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll > (u32)UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM) {
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM =
(((UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM)*(Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
(((UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM) * (Rx_Smooth_Factor - 1)) +
(RSSI_Ave)) / (Rx_Smooth_Factor);
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM = UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM + 1;
} else {
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM =
(((UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM)*(Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
(((UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM) * (Rx_Smooth_Factor - 1)) +
(RSSI_Ave)) / (Rx_Smooth_Factor);
pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap = (pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap<<1) | BIT(0);
pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap = (pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap << 1) | BIT(0);
} else {
RSSI_Ave = pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
......@@ -460,16 +460,16 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
} else {
if (pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll > (u32)UndecoratedSmoothedCCK) {
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK =
((UndecoratedSmoothedCCK * (Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
((UndecoratedSmoothedCCK * (Rx_Smooth_Factor - 1)) +
pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll) / Rx_Smooth_Factor;
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK = UndecoratedSmoothedCCK + 1;
} else {
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK =
((UndecoratedSmoothedCCK * (Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
((UndecoratedSmoothedCCK * (Rx_Smooth_Factor - 1)) +
pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll) / Rx_Smooth_Factor;
pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap = pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap<<1;
pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap = pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap << 1;
/* 2011.07.28 LukeLee: modified to prevent unstable CCK RSSI */
if (pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit >= 64)
......@@ -478,16 +478,16 @@ static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
for (i = 0; i < pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit; i++)
OFDM_pkt += (u8)(pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap>>i)&BIT(0);
OFDM_pkt += (u8)(pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap >> i) & BIT(0);
if (pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit == 64) {
Weighting = ((OFDM_pkt<<4) > 64) ? 64 : (OFDM_pkt<<4);
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = (Weighting*UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM+(64-Weighting)*UndecoratedSmoothedCCK)>>6;
Weighting = ((OFDM_pkt << 4) > 64) ? 64 : (OFDM_pkt << 4);
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = (Weighting * UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM + (64 - Weighting) * UndecoratedSmoothedCCK) >> 6;
} else {
if (pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit != 0)
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = (OFDM_pkt * UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM +
(pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit-OFDM_pkt) *
(pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit - OFDM_pkt) *
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK) / pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit;
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ void odm_ConfigRFReg_8188E(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr,
void odm_ConfigRF_RadioA_8188E(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u32 Data)
u32 content = 0x1000; /* RF_Content: radioa_txt */
u32 maskforPhySet = (u32)(content&0xE000);
u32 maskforPhySet = (u32)(content & 0xE000);
odm_ConfigRFReg_8188E(pDM_Odm, Addr, Data, RF_PATH_A, Addr|maskforPhySet);
odm_ConfigRFReg_8188E(pDM_Odm, Addr, Data, RF_PATH_A, Addr | maskforPhySet);
void odm_ConfigRF_RadioB_8188E(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u32 Data)
u32 content = 0x1001; /* RF_Content: radiob_txt */
u32 maskforPhySet = (u32)(content&0xE000);
u32 maskforPhySet = (u32)(content & 0xE000);
odm_ConfigRFReg_8188E(pDM_Odm, Addr, Data, RF_PATH_B, Addr|maskforPhySet);
odm_ConfigRFReg_8188E(pDM_Odm, Addr, Data, RF_PATH_B, Addr | maskforPhySet);
void odm_ConfigMAC_8188E(struct odm_dm_struct *pDM_Odm, u32 Addr, u8 Data)
......@@ -80,26 +80,26 @@ static s32 FillH2CCmd_88E(struct adapter *adapt, u8 ElementID, u32 CmdLen, u8 *p
*(u8 *)(&h2c_cmd) = ElementID;
if (CmdLen <= 3) {
memcpy((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd)+1, pCmdBuffer, CmdLen);
memcpy((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd) + 1, pCmdBuffer, CmdLen);
} else {
memcpy((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd)+1, pCmdBuffer, 3);
ext_cmd_len = CmdLen-3;
memcpy((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd_ex), pCmdBuffer+3, ext_cmd_len);
memcpy((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd) + 1, pCmdBuffer, 3);
ext_cmd_len = CmdLen - 3;
memcpy((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd_ex), pCmdBuffer + 3, ext_cmd_len);
/* Write Ext command */
msgbox_ex_addr = REG_HMEBOX_EXT_0 + (h2c_box_num * RTL88E_EX_MESSAGE_BOX_SIZE);
for (cmd_idx = 0; cmd_idx < ext_cmd_len; cmd_idx++) {
rtw_write8(adapt, msgbox_ex_addr+cmd_idx, *((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd_ex)+cmd_idx));
rtw_write8(adapt, msgbox_ex_addr + cmd_idx, *((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd_ex) + cmd_idx));
/* Write command */
msgbox_addr = REG_HMEBOX_0 + (h2c_box_num * RTL88E_MESSAGE_BOX_SIZE);
for (cmd_idx = 0; cmd_idx < RTL88E_MESSAGE_BOX_SIZE; cmd_idx++) {
rtw_write8(adapt, msgbox_addr+cmd_idx, *((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd)+cmd_idx));
rtw_write8(adapt, msgbox_addr + cmd_idx, *((u8 *)(&h2c_cmd) + cmd_idx));
bcmd_down = true;
haldata->LastHMEBoxNum = (h2c_box_num+1) % RTL88E_MAX_H2C_BOX_NUMS;
haldata->LastHMEBoxNum = (h2c_box_num + 1) % RTL88E_MAX_H2C_BOX_NUMS;
} while ((!bcmd_down) && (retry_cnts--));
......@@ -157,24 +157,24 @@ void rtl8188e_Add_RateATid(struct adapter *pAdapter, u32 bitmap, u8 arg, u8 rssi
u8 macid, init_rate, raid, shortGIrate = false;
macid = arg&0x1f;
macid = arg & 0x1f;
raid = (bitmap>>28) & 0x0f;
raid = (bitmap >> 28) & 0x0f;
bitmap &= 0x0fffffff;
if (rssi_level != DM_RATR_STA_INIT)
bitmap = ODM_Get_Rate_Bitmap(&haldata->odmpriv, macid, bitmap, rssi_level);
bitmap |= ((raid<<28)&0xf0000000);
bitmap |= ((raid << 28) & 0xf0000000);
init_rate = get_highest_rate_idx(bitmap&0x0fffffff)&0x3f;
init_rate = get_highest_rate_idx(bitmap & 0x0fffffff) & 0x3f;
shortGIrate = (arg&BIT(5)) ? true : false;
shortGIrate = (arg & BIT(5)) ? true : false;
if (shortGIrate)
init_rate |= BIT(6);
raid = (bitmap>>28) & 0x0f;
raid = (bitmap >> 28) & 0x0f;
bitmap &= 0x0fffffff;
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ void rtl8188e_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(struct adapter *adapt, u8 Mode)
H2CSetPwrMode.SmartPS_RLBM = (((pwrpriv->smart_ps<<4)&0xf0) | (RLBM & 0x0f));
H2CSetPwrMode.SmartPS_RLBM = (((pwrpriv->smart_ps << 4) & 0xf0) | (RLBM & 0x0f));
H2CSetPwrMode.AwakeInterval = 1;
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ void rtl8188e_set_FwMediaStatus_cmd(struct adapter *adapt, __le16 mstatus_rpt)
u8 opmode, macid;
u16 mst_rpt = le16_to_cpu(mstatus_rpt);
opmode = (u8) mst_rpt;
opmode = (u8)mst_rpt;
macid = (u8)(mst_rpt >> 8);
DBG_88E("### %s: MStatus=%x MACID=%d\n", __func__, opmode, macid);
......@@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ static void ConstructBeacon(struct adapter *adapt, u8 *pframe, u32 *pLength)
pframe += 2;
pktlen += 2;
if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) == WIFI_FW_AP_STATE) {
if ((pmlmeinfo->state & 0x03) == WIFI_FW_AP_STATE) {
pktlen += cur_network->IELength - sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_fixed_ie);
memcpy(pframe, cur_network->IEs+sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_fixed_ie), pktlen);
memcpy(pframe, cur_network->IEs + sizeof(struct ndis_802_11_fixed_ie), pktlen);
goto _ConstructBeacon;
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ static void ConstructBeacon(struct adapter *adapt, u8 *pframe, u32 *pLength)
/* DS parameter set */
pframe = rtw_set_ie(pframe, _DSSET_IE_, 1, (unsigned char *)&cur_network->Configuration.DSConfig, &pktlen);
if ((pmlmeinfo->state&0x03) == WIFI_FW_ADHOC_STATE) {
if ((pmlmeinfo->state & 0x03) == WIFI_FW_ADHOC_STATE) {
u32 ATIMWindow;
/* IBSS Parameter Set... */
ATIMWindow = 0;
......@@ -516,43 +516,43 @@ static void SetFwRsvdPagePkt(struct adapter *adapt, bool bDLFinished)
PageNum += PageNeed;
haldata->FwRsvdPageStartOffset = PageNum;
BufIndex += PageNeed*128;
BufIndex += PageNeed * 128;
/* 3 (2) ps-poll *1 page */
RsvdPageLoc.LocPsPoll = PageNum;
ConstructPSPoll(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex], &PSPollLength);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex-TxDescLen], PSPollLength, true, false);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex - TxDescLen], PSPollLength, true, false);
PageNeed = (u8)PageNum_128(TxDescLen + PSPollLength);
PageNum += PageNeed;
BufIndex += PageNeed*128;
BufIndex += PageNeed * 128;
/* 3 (3) null data * 1 page */
RsvdPageLoc.LocNullData = PageNum;
ConstructNullFunctionData(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex], &NullDataLength, get_my_bssid(&pmlmeinfo->network), false, 0, 0, false);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex-TxDescLen], NullDataLength, false, false);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex - TxDescLen], NullDataLength, false, false);
PageNeed = (u8)PageNum_128(TxDescLen + NullDataLength);
PageNum += PageNeed;
BufIndex += PageNeed*128;
BufIndex += PageNeed * 128;
/* 3 (4) probe response * 1page */
RsvdPageLoc.LocProbeRsp = PageNum;
ConstructProbeRsp(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex], &ProbeRspLength, get_my_bssid(&pmlmeinfo->network), false);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex-TxDescLen], ProbeRspLength, false, false);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex - TxDescLen], ProbeRspLength, false, false);
PageNeed = (u8)PageNum_128(TxDescLen + ProbeRspLength);
PageNum += PageNeed;
BufIndex += PageNeed*128;
BufIndex += PageNeed * 128;
/* 3 (5) Qos null data */
RsvdPageLoc.LocQosNull = PageNum;
ConstructNullFunctionData(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex],
&QosNullLength, get_my_bssid(&pmlmeinfo->network), true, 0, 0, false);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex-TxDescLen], QosNullLength, false, false);
rtl8188e_fill_fake_txdesc(adapt, &ReservedPagePacket[BufIndex - TxDescLen], QosNullLength, false, false);
PageNeed = (u8)PageNum_128(TxDescLen + QosNullLength);
PageNum += PageNeed;
......@@ -594,26 +594,26 @@ void rtl8188e_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(struct adapter *adapt, u8 mstatus)
if (mstatus == 1) {
/* We should set AID, correct TSF, HW seq enable before set JoinBssReport to Fw in 88/92C. */
/* Suggested by filen. Added by tynli. */
rtw_write16(adapt, REG_BCN_PSR_RPT, (0xC000|pmlmeinfo->aid));
rtw_write16(adapt, REG_BCN_PSR_RPT, (0xC000 | pmlmeinfo->aid));
/* Do not set TSF again here or vWiFi beacon DMA INT will not work. */
/* Set REG_CR bit 8. DMA beacon by SW. */
haldata->RegCR_1 |= BIT(0);
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_CR+1, haldata->RegCR_1);
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_CR + 1, haldata->RegCR_1);
/* Disable Hw protection for a time which revserd for Hw sending beacon. */
/* Fix download reserved page packet fail that access collision with the protection time. */
/* 2010.05.11. Added by tynli. */
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL)&(~BIT(3)));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL)|BIT(4));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL) & (~BIT(3)));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL) | BIT(4));
if (haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl&BIT(6)) {
if (haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl & BIT(6)) {
DBG_88E("HalDownloadRSVDPage(): There is an Adapter is sending beacon.\n");
bSendBeacon = true;
/* Set FWHW_TXQ_CTRL 0x422[6]=0 to tell Hw the packet is not a real beacon frame. */
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL+2, (haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl&(~BIT(6))));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL + 2, (haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl & (~BIT(6))));
haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl &= (~BIT(6));
/* Clear beacon valid check bit. */
......@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ void rtl8188e_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(struct adapter *adapt, u8 mstatus)
/* check rsvd page download OK. */
rtw_hal_get_hwreg(adapt, HW_VAR_BCN_VALID, (u8 *)(&bcn_valid));
} while (!bcn_valid && (poll%10) != 0 && !adapt->bSurpriseRemoved && !adapt->bDriverStopped);
} while (!bcn_valid && (poll % 10) != 0 && !adapt->bSurpriseRemoved && !adapt->bDriverStopped);
} while (!bcn_valid && DLBcnCount <= 100 && !adapt->bSurpriseRemoved && !adapt->bDriverStopped);
if (adapt->bSurpriseRemoved || adapt->bDriverStopped)
......@@ -647,8 +647,8 @@ void rtl8188e_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(struct adapter *adapt, u8 mstatus)
/* */
/* Enable Bcn */
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL)|BIT(3));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL)&(~BIT(4)));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL) | BIT(3));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(adapt, REG_BCN_CTRL) & (~BIT(4)));
/* To make sure that if there exists an adapter which would like to send beacon. */
/* If exists, the origianl value of 0x422[6] will be 1, we should check this to */
......@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ void rtl8188e_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(struct adapter *adapt, u8 mstatus)
/* the beacon cannot be sent by HW. */
/* 2010.06.23. Added by tynli. */
if (bSendBeacon) {
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL+2, (haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl|BIT(6)));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL + 2, (haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl | BIT(6)));
haldata->RegFwHwTxQCtrl |= BIT(6);
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ void rtl8188e_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(struct adapter *adapt, u8 mstatus)
/* Do not enable HW DMA BCN or it will cause Pcie interface hang by timing issue. 2011.11.24. by tynli. */
/* Clear CR[8] or beacon packet will not be send to TxBuf anymore. */
haldata->RegCR_1 &= (~BIT(0));
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_CR+1, haldata->RegCR_1);
rtw_write8(adapt, REG_CR + 1, haldata->RegCR_1);
......@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ void Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjust(struct adapter *Adapter, bool bInCH14)
/* Readback the current bb cck swing value and compare with the table to */
/* get the current swing index */
for (i = 0; i < CCK_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
if (((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][0]) &&
(((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff00)>>8) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][1])) {
if (((CurrCCKSwingVal & 0xff) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][0]) &&
(((CurrCCKSwingVal & 0xff00) >> 8) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][1])) {
CCKSwingIndex = i;
......@@ -87,23 +87,23 @@ void Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjust(struct adapter *Adapter, bool bInCH14)
/* Write 0xa22 0xa23 */
TempVal = CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][0] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][1] << 8);
/* Write 0xa24 ~ 0xa27 */
TempVal2 = 0;
TempVal2 = CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][2] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][3]<<8) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][3] << 8) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][4] << 16) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][5] << 24);
/* Write 0xa28 0xa29 */
TempVal3 = 0;
TempVal3 = CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][6] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][7] << 8);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < CCK_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
if (((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][0]) &&
(((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff00)>>8) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][1])) {
if (((CurrCCKSwingVal & 0xff) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][0]) &&
(((CurrCCKSwingVal & 0xff00) >> 8) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][1])) {
CCKSwingIndex = i;
......@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ void Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjust(struct adapter *Adapter, bool bInCH14)
/* Write 0xa22 0xa23 */
TempVal = CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][0] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][1] << 8);
/* Write 0xa24 ~ 0xa27 */
TempVal2 = 0;
TempVal2 = CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][2] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][3]<<8) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][3] << 8) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][4] << 16) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][5] << 24);
/* Write 0xa28 0xa29 */
TempVal3 = 0;
TempVal3 = CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][6] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][7] << 8);
write_bbreg(Adapter, rCCK0_TxFilter1, bMaskHWord, TempVal);
......@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ void Hal_SetCCKTxPower(struct adapter *pAdapter, u8 *TxPower)
/* rf-A cck tx power */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_CCK1_Mcs32, bMaskByte1, TxPower[RF_PATH_A]);
tmpval = (TxPower[RF_PATH_A]<<16) | (TxPower[RF_PATH_A]<<8) | TxPower[RF_PATH_A];
tmpval = (TxPower[RF_PATH_A] << 16) | (TxPower[RF_PATH_A] << 8) | TxPower[RF_PATH_A];
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, 0xffffff00, tmpval);
/* rf-B cck tx power */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, bMaskByte0, TxPower[RF_PATH_B]);
tmpval = (TxPower[RF_PATH_B]<<16) | (TxPower[RF_PATH_B]<<8) | TxPower[RF_PATH_B];
tmpval = (TxPower[RF_PATH_B] << 16) | (TxPower[RF_PATH_B] << 8) | TxPower[RF_PATH_B];
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_CCK1_55_Mcs32, 0xffffff00, tmpval);
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ void Hal_SetOFDMTxPower(struct adapter *pAdapter, u8 *TxPower)
/* HT Tx-rf(A) */
tmpval = TxPower[RF_PATH_A];
TxAGC = (tmpval<<24) | (tmpval<<16) | (tmpval<<8) | tmpval;
TxAGC = (tmpval << 24) | (tmpval << 16) | (tmpval << 8) | tmpval;
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Rate18_06, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Rate54_24, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ void Hal_SetOFDMTxPower(struct adapter *pAdapter, u8 *TxPower)
/* HT Tx-rf(B) */
tmpval = TxPower[RF_PATH_B];
TxAGC = (tmpval<<24) | (tmpval<<16) | (tmpval<<8) | tmpval;
TxAGC = (tmpval << 24) | (tmpval << 16) | (tmpval << 8) | tmpval;
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Rate18_06, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Rate54_24, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ void Hal_SetAntennaPathPower(struct adapter *pAdapter)
case RF_6052:
Hal_SetCCKTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
if (pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx < MPT_RATE_6M) /* CCK rate */
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjustbyIndex(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel[rfPath]%2 == 0);
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjustbyIndex(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel[rfPath] % 2 == 0);
Hal_SetOFDMTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ void Hal_SetTxPower(struct adapter *pAdapter)
case RF_6052:
Hal_SetCCKTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
if (pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx < MPT_RATE_6M) /* CCK rate */
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjustbyIndex(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel[rfPath]%2 == 0);
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjustbyIndex(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel[rfPath] % 2 == 0);
Hal_SetOFDMTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ static u32 phy_CalculateBitShift(u32 BitMask)
u32 i;
for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++) {
if (((BitMask>>i) & 0x1) == 1)
if (((BitMask >> i) & 0x1) == 1)
return i;
......@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ phy_RFSerialRead(
tmplong2 = PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, pPhyReg->rfHSSIPara2, bMaskDWord);
tmplong2 = (tmplong2 & (~bLSSIReadAddress)) | (NewOffset<<23) | bLSSIReadEdge; /* T65 RF */
tmplong2 = (tmplong2 & (~bLSSIReadAddress)) | (NewOffset << 23) | bLSSIReadEdge; /* T65 RF */
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter2, bMaskDWord, tmplong&(~bLSSIReadEdge));
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter2, bMaskDWord, tmplong & (~bLSSIReadEdge));
udelay(10);/* PlatformStallExecution(10); */
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, pPhyReg->rfHSSIPara2, bMaskDWord, tmplong2);
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ phy_RFSerialWrite(
/* */
/* Put write addr in [5:0] and write data in [31:16] */
/* */
DataAndAddr = ((NewOffset<<20) | (Data&0x000fffff)) & 0x0fffffff; /* T65 RF */
DataAndAddr = ((NewOffset << 20) | (Data & 0x000fffff)) & 0x0fffffff; /* T65 RF */
/* */
/* Write Operation */
......@@ -582,11 +582,11 @@ PHY_BBConfig8188E(
/* Enable BB and RF */
RegVal = rtw_read16(Adapter, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN);
rtw_write16(Adapter, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, (u16)(RegVal|BIT(13)|BIT(0)|BIT(1)));
rtw_write16(Adapter, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN, (u16)(RegVal | BIT(13) | BIT(0) | BIT(1)));
/* 20090923 Joseph: Advised by Steven and Jenyu. Power sequence before init RF. */
rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_RF_CTRL, RF_EN|RF_RSTB|RF_SDMRSTB);
rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_RF_CTRL, RF_EN | RF_RSTB | RF_SDMRSTB);
......@@ -787,10 +787,10 @@ static void getTxPowerIndex88E(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 channel, u8 *cckPower
/* 1. CCK */
cckPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_CCK_Base[TxCount][index];
/* 2. OFDM */
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
/* 1. BW20 */
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
/* 2. BW40 */
BW40PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[TxCount][index];
......@@ -798,12 +798,12 @@ static void getTxPowerIndex88E(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 channel, u8 *cckPower
/* 1. CCK */
cckPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_CCK_Base[TxCount][index];
/* 2. OFDM */
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_A][index] +
/* 1. BW20 */
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[TxCount][RF_PATH_A] +
/* 2. BW40 */
BW40PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[TxCount][index];
......@@ -811,14 +811,14 @@ static void getTxPowerIndex88E(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 channel, u8 *cckPower
/* 1. CCK */
cckPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_CCK_Base[TxCount][index];
/* 2. OFDM */
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_B][index] +
/* 1. BW20 */
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_B][index] +
/* 2. BW40 */
BW40PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[TxCount][index];
......@@ -826,17 +826,17 @@ static void getTxPowerIndex88E(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 channel, u8 *cckPower
/* 1. CCK */
cckPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_CCK_Base[TxCount][index];
/* 2. OFDM */
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
ofdmPowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_B][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_C][index] +
/* 1. BW20 */
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index]+
BW20PowerLevel[TxCount] = pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_A][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_B][index] +
pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[RF_PATH_C][index] +
/* 2. BW40 */
......@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ _PHY_SetBWMode92C(
/* 3 */
regBwOpMode = rtw_read8(Adapter, REG_BWOPMODE);
regRRSR_RSC = rtw_read8(Adapter, REG_RRSR+2);
regRRSR_RSC = rtw_read8(Adapter, REG_RRSR + 2);
switch (pHalData->CurrentChannelBW) {
......@@ -988,8 +988,8 @@ _PHY_SetBWMode92C(
regBwOpMode &= ~BW_OPMODE_20MHZ;
/* 2007/02/07 Mark by Emily because we have not verify whether this register works */
rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_BWOPMODE, regBwOpMode);
regRRSR_RSC = (regRRSR_RSC&0x90) | (pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC<<5);
rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_RRSR+2, regRRSR_RSC);
regRRSR_RSC = (regRRSR_RSC & 0x90) | (pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC << 5);
rtw_write8(Adapter, REG_RRSR + 2, regRRSR_RSC);
......@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ _PHY_SetBWMode92C(
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bRFMOD, 0x1);
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rFPGA1_RFMOD, bRFMOD, 0x1);
/* Set Control channel to upper or lower. These settings are required only for 40MHz */
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKSideBand, (pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC>>1));
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKSideBand, (pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC >> 1));
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, 0xC00, pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC);
PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, 0x818, (BIT(26) | BIT(27)),
(pHalData->nCur40MhzPrimeSC == HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_LOWER) ? 2 : 1);
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