Commit ea9770e6 authored by Sagiv Ozeri's avatar Sagiv Ozeri Committed by Oded Gabbay

habanalabs: save f/w preboot minor version

We need this property for backward compatibility against the f/w.
Signed-off-by: default avatarSagiv Ozeri <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarOded Gabbay <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarOded Gabbay <>
parent d6a66d59
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static char *extract_fw_ver_from_str(const char *fw_str)
ver_offset = str - fw_str;
/* Copy until the next whitespace */
whitespace = strnstr(str, " ", VERSION_MAX_LEN - ver_offset);
whitespace = strnstr(str, " ", VERSION_MAX_LEN - ver_offset);
if (!whitespace)
goto free_fw_ver;
......@@ -54,6 +54,43 @@ static char *extract_fw_ver_from_str(const char *fw_str)
return NULL;
static int extract_fw_sub_versions(struct hl_device *hdev, char *preboot_ver)
char major[8], minor[8], *first_dot, *second_dot;
int rc;
first_dot = strnstr(preboot_ver, ".", 10);
if (first_dot) {
strscpy(major, preboot_ver, first_dot - preboot_ver + 1);
rc = kstrtou32(major, 10, &hdev->fw_major_version);
} else {
rc = -EINVAL;
if (rc) {
dev_err(hdev->dev, "Error %d parsing preboot major version\n", rc);
goto out;
/* skip the first dot */
second_dot = strnstr(first_dot, ".", 10);
if (second_dot) {
strscpy(minor, first_dot, second_dot - first_dot + 1);
rc = kstrtou32(minor, 10, &hdev->fw_minor_version);
} else {
rc = -EINVAL;
if (rc)
dev_err(hdev->dev, "Error %d parsing preboot minor version\n", rc);
return rc;
static int hl_request_fw(struct hl_device *hdev,
const struct firmware **firmware_p,
const char *fw_name)
......@@ -2012,18 +2049,14 @@ static int hl_fw_dynamic_read_device_fw_version(struct hl_device *hdev,
preboot_ver = extract_fw_ver_from_str(prop->preboot_ver);
if (preboot_ver) {
char major[8];
int rc;
dev_info(hdev->dev, "preboot version %s\n", preboot_ver);
sprintf(major, "%.2s", preboot_ver);
rc = kstrtou32(major, 10, &hdev->fw_major_version);
if (rc) {
dev_err(hdev->dev, "Error %d parsing preboot major version\n", rc);
/* This function takes care of freeing preboot_ver */
rc = extract_fw_sub_versions(hdev, preboot_ver);
if (rc)
return rc;
......@@ -3012,7 +3012,8 @@ struct hl_reset_info {
* @last_error: holds information about last session in which CS timeout or razwi error occurred.
* @reset_info: holds current device reset information.
* @stream_master_qid_arr: pointer to array with QIDs of master streams.
* @fw_major_version: major version of current loaded preboot
* @fw_major_version: major version of current loaded preboot.
* @fw_minor_version: minor version of current loaded preboot.
* @dram_used_mem: current DRAM memory consumption.
* @memory_scrub_val: the value to which the dram will be scrubbed to using cb scrub_device_dram
* @timeout_jiffies: device CS timeout value.
......@@ -3186,6 +3187,7 @@ struct hl_device {
u32 *stream_master_qid_arr;
u32 fw_major_version;
u32 fw_minor_version;
atomic64_t dram_used_mem;
u64 memory_scrub_val;
u64 timeout_jiffies;
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