Commit edee82f7 authored by Renius Chen's avatar Renius Chen Committed by Ulf Hansson

mmc: sdhci-pci-gli: Enlarge ASPM L1 entry delay of GL9763E

GL9763E enters ASPM L1 state after a very short idle in default,
even during a burst of request. So the R/W performance of GL9763E
is low with some platforms, which support ASPM mechanism, due to
entering ASPM L1 state very frequently in R/W process. Set the L1
entry delay bits in vendor-specific register to 0x3FF to enlarge
the idle period to 260us for improving the R/W performance
of GL9763E.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRenius Chen <>
Link: default avatarUlf Hansson <>
parent 783667cc
......@@ -88,6 +88,10 @@
#define PCIE_GLI_9763E_SCR 0x8E0
#define GLI_9763E_SCR_AXI_REQ BIT(9)
#define PCIE_GLI_9763E_CFG2 0x8A4
#define GLI_9763E_CFG2_L1DLY GENMASK(28, 19)
#define GLI_9763E_CFG2_L1DLY_MAX 0x3FF
#define PCIE_GLI_9763E_MMC_CTRL 0x960
#define GLI_9763E_HS400_SLOW BIT(3)
......@@ -792,6 +796,12 @@ static void gli_set_gl9763e(struct sdhci_pci_slot *slot)
value &= ~GLI_9763E_HS400_SLOW;
pci_write_config_dword(pdev, PCIE_GLI_9763E_MMC_CTRL, value);
pci_read_config_dword(pdev, PCIE_GLI_9763E_CFG2, &value);
value &= ~GLI_9763E_CFG2_L1DLY;
/* set ASPM L1 entry delay to 260us */
value |= FIELD_PREP(GLI_9763E_CFG2_L1DLY, GLI_9763E_CFG2_L1DLY_MAX);
pci_write_config_dword(pdev, PCIE_GLI_9763E_CFG2, value);
pci_read_config_dword(pdev, PCIE_GLI_9763E_VHS, &value);
value &= ~GLI_9763E_VHS_REV;
value |= FIELD_PREP(GLI_9763E_VHS_REV, GLI_9763E_VHS_REV_R);
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