Commit ef4c54c3 authored by Alexey Brodkin's avatar Alexey Brodkin Committed by Vineet Gupta
Browse files

ARC: DTB: [scripted] fix node name and address spelling

1. Remove "0x" prefix from unit-address of node names
sed -i 's/@0x/@/g' arch/arc/boot/dts/*.dts*

2. Make all hex addresses lowercase:
sed -i 's/@\([0-9A-Za-z]*\)/@\L\1/g' arch/arc/boot/dts/*.dts*
sed -i 's/0x\([0-9A-Za-z]*\)/0x\L\1/g' arch/arc/boot/dts/*.dts*

Inspired by [1] and the like.


Reviewed-by: default avatarRob Herring <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexey Brodkin <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarVineet Gupta <>
parent 5908e6b7
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ahb_clk: clkdiv_ahb {
clock-div = <6>;
iomux: iomux@FF10601c {
iomux: iomux@ff10601c {
/* Port 1 */
pctl_tsin_s0: pctl-tsin-s0 { /* Serial TS-in 0 */
abilis,function = "mis0";
......@@ -162,182 +162,182 @@ pctl_gpio_i: pctl-gpio-i {
gpioa: gpio@FF140000 {
gpioa: gpio@ff140000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF140000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff140000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioa";
gpiob: gpio@FF141000 {
gpiob: gpio@ff141000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF141000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff141000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiob";
gpioc: gpio@FF142000 {
gpioc: gpio@ff142000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF142000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff142000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioc";
gpiod: gpio@FF143000 {
gpiod: gpio@ff143000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF143000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff143000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiod";
gpioe: gpio@FF144000 {
gpioe: gpio@ff144000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF144000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff144000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioe";
gpiof: gpio@FF145000 {
gpiof: gpio@ff145000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF145000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff145000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiof";
gpiog: gpio@FF146000 {
gpiog: gpio@ff146000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF146000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff146000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiog";
gpioh: gpio@FF147000 {
gpioh: gpio@ff147000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF147000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff147000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioh";
gpioi: gpio@FF148000 {
gpioi: gpio@ff148000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF148000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff148000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <12>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioi";
gpioj: gpio@FF149000 {
gpioj: gpio@ff149000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF149000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff149000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <32>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioj";
gpiok: gpio@FF14a000 {
gpiok: gpio@ff14a000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14A000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14a000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <22>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiok";
gpiol: gpio@FF14b000 {
gpiol: gpio@ff14b000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14B000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14b000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <4>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiol";
gpiom: gpio@FF14c000 {
gpiom: gpio@ff14c000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14C000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14c000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <4>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiom";
gpion: gpio@FF14d000 {
gpion: gpio@ff14d000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14D000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14d000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <5>;
......@@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ memory {
soc100 {
uart@FF100000 {
uart@ff100000 {
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pctl_uart0>;
ethernet@FE100000 {
ethernet@fe100000 {
phy-mode = "rgmii";
i2c0: i2c@FF120000 {
i2c0: i2c@ff120000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c1: i2c@FF121000 {
i2c1: i2c@ff121000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c2: i2c@FF122000 {
i2c2: i2c@ff122000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c3: i2c@FF123000 {
i2c3: i2c@ff123000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c4: i2c@FF124000 {
i2c4: i2c@ff124000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ahb_clk: clkdiv_ahb {
clock-div = <6>;
iomux: iomux@FF10601c {
iomux: iomux@ff10601c {
/* Port 1 */
pctl_tsin_s0: pctl-tsin-s0 { /* Serial TS-in 0 */
abilis,function = "mis0";
......@@ -171,182 +171,182 @@ pctl_gpio_i: pctl-gpio-i {
gpioa: gpio@FF140000 {
gpioa: gpio@ff140000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF140000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff140000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioa";
gpiob: gpio@FF141000 {
gpiob: gpio@ff141000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF141000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff141000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiob";
gpioc: gpio@FF142000 {
gpioc: gpio@ff142000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF142000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff142000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioc";
gpiod: gpio@FF143000 {
gpiod: gpio@ff143000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF143000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff143000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiod";
gpioe: gpio@FF144000 {
gpioe: gpio@ff144000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF144000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff144000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioe";
gpiof: gpio@FF145000 {
gpiof: gpio@ff145000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF145000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff145000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiof";
gpiog: gpio@FF146000 {
gpiog: gpio@ff146000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF146000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff146000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <3>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiog";
gpioh: gpio@FF147000 {
gpioh: gpio@ff147000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF147000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff147000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <2>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioh";
gpioi: gpio@FF148000 {
gpioi: gpio@ff148000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF148000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff148000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <12>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioi";
gpioj: gpio@FF149000 {
gpioj: gpio@ff149000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF149000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff149000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <32>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpioj";
gpiok: gpio@FF14a000 {
gpiok: gpio@ff14a000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14A000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14a000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <22>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiok";
gpiol: gpio@FF14b000 {
gpiol: gpio@ff14b000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14B000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14b000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <4>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiol";
gpiom: gpio@FF14c000 {
gpiom: gpio@ff14c000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14C000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14c000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <4>;
gpio-ranges = <&iomux 0 0 0>;
gpio-ranges-group-names = "gpiom";
gpion: gpio@FF14d000 {
gpion: gpio@ff14d000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-gpio";
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <27 2>;
reg = <0xFF14D000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff14d000 0x1000>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
abilis,ngpio = <5>;
......@@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ memory {
soc100 {
uart@FF100000 {
uart@ff100000 {
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pctl_uart0>;
ethernet@FE100000 {
ethernet@fe100000 {
phy-mode = "rgmii";
i2c0: i2c@FF120000 {
i2c0: i2c@ff120000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c1: i2c@FF121000 {
i2c1: i2c@ff121000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c2: i2c@FF122000 {
i2c2: i2c@ff122000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c3: i2c@FF123000 {
i2c3: i2c@ff123000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
i2c4: i2c@FF124000 {
i2c4: i2c@ff124000 {
i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <432>;
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ soc100 {
#size-cells = <1>;
device_type = "soc";
ranges = <0xfe000000 0xfe000000 0x02000000
0x000F0000 0x000F0000 0x00010000>;
0x000f0000 0x000f0000 0x00010000>;
compatible = "abilis,tb10x", "simple-bus";
pll0: oscillator {
......@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ ahb_clk: clkdiv_ahb {
clock-output-names = "ahb_clk";
iomux: iomux@FF10601c {
iomux: iomux@ff10601c {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-iomux";
#gpio-range-cells = <3>;
reg = <0xFF10601c 0x4>;
reg = <0xff10601c 0x4>;
intc: interrupt-controller {
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ intc: interrupt-controller {
tb10x_ictl: pic@fe002000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb10x-ictl";
reg = <0xFE002000 0x20>;
reg = <0xfe002000 0x20>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
......@@ -96,27 +96,27 @@ tb10x_ictl: pic@fe002000 {
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31>;
uart@FF100000 {
uart@ff100000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0xFF100000 0x100>;
reg = <0xff100000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <166666666>;
interrupts = <25 8>;
reg-shift = <2>;
reg-io-width = <4>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
ethernet@FE100000 {
ethernet@fe100000 {
compatible = "snps,dwmac-3.70a","snps,dwmac";
reg = <0xFE100000 0x1058>;
reg = <0xfe100000 0x1058>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <6 8>;
interrupt-names = "macirq";
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
clock-names = "stmmaceth";
dma@FE000000 {
dma@fe000000 {
compatible = "snps,dma-spear1340";
reg = <0xFE000000 0x400>;
reg = <0xfe000000 0x400>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <14 8>;
dma-channels = <6>;
......@@ -132,70 +132,70 @@ dma@FE000000 {
multi-block = <1 1 1 1 1 1>;
i2c0: i2c@FF120000 {
i2c0: i2c@ff120000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
reg = <0xFF120000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff120000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <12 8>;
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
i2c1: i2c@FF121000 {
i2c1: i2c@ff121000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
reg = <0xFF121000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff121000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <12 8>;
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
i2c2: i2c@FF122000 {
i2c2: i2c@ff122000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
reg = <0xFF122000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff122000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <12 8>;
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
i2c3: i2c@FF123000 {
i2c3: i2c@ff123000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
reg = <0xFF123000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff123000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <12 8>;
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
i2c4: i2c@FF124000 {
i2c4: i2c@ff124000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
reg = <0xFF124000 0x1000>;
reg = <0xff124000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <12 8>;
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
spi0: spi@0xFE010000 {
spi0: spi@fe010000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
cell-index = <0>;
compatible = "abilis,tb100-spi";
num-cs = <1>;
reg = <0xFE010000 0x20>;
reg = <0xfe010000 0x20>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <26 8>;
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
spi1: spi@0xFE011000 {
spi1: spi@fe011000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
cell-index = <1>;
compatible = "abilis,tb100-spi";
num-cs = <2>;
reg = <0xFE011000 0x20>;
reg = <0xfe011000 0x20>;
interrupt-parent = <&tb10x_ictl>;
interrupts = <10 8>;
clocks = <&ahb_clk>;
......@@ -226,23 +226,23 @@ tb10x_stream_proc: tb10x-stream-proc {
interrupts = <20 2>, <19 2>;
interrupt-names = "cmd_irq", "event_irq";
tb10x_mdsc0: tb10x-mdscr@FF300000 {
tb10x_mdsc0: tb10x-mdscr@ff300000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb100-mdscr";
reg = <0xFF300000 0x7000>;
reg = <0xff300000 0x7000>;
tb10x_mscr0: tb10x-mdscr@FF307000 {
tb10x_mscr0: tb10x-mdscr@ff307000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb100-mdscr";
reg = <0xFF307000 0x7000>;
reg = <0xff307000 0x7000>;
tb10x_scr0: tb10x-mdscr@ff30e000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb100-mdscr";
reg = <0xFF30e000 0x4000>;
reg = <0xff30e000 0x4000>;
tb10x_scr1: tb10x-mdscr@ff312000 {
compatible = "abilis,tb100-mdscr";
reg = <0xFF312000 0x4000>;
reg = <0xff312000 0x4000>;
tb10x_wfb: tb10x-wfb@ff319000 {
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ core_intc: arc700-intc@cpu {
* this GPIO block ORs all interrupts on CPU card (creg,..)
* to uplink only 1 IRQ to ARC core intc
dw-apb-gpio@0x2000 {
dw-apb-gpio@2000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio";
reg = < 0x2000 0x80 >;
#address-cells = <1>;
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ ictl_intc: gpio-controller@0 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@0x5000 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@5000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x5000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <33333000>;
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ arcpct0: pct {
* avoid duplicating the MB dtsi file given that IRQ from
* this intc to cpu intc are different for axs101 and axs103
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@0xe0012000 {
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@e0012000 {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ictl";
reg = < 0x0 0xe0012000 0x0 0x200 >;
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ core_intc: archs-intc@cpu {
* this GPIO block ORs all interrupts on CPU card (creg,..)
* to uplink only 1 IRQ to ARC core intc
dw-apb-gpio@0x2000 {
dw-apb-gpio@2000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio";
reg = < 0x2000 0x80 >;
#address-cells = <1>;
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ ictl_intc: gpio-controller@0 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@0x5000 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@5000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x5000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <33333000>;
......@@ -102,19 +102,19 @@ arcpct0: pct {
* external DMA buffer located outside of IOC aperture.
axs10x_mb {
ethernet@0x18000 {
ethernet@18000 {
ehci@0x40000 {
ehci@40000 {
ohci@0x60000 {
ohci@60000 {
mmc@0x15000 {
mmc@15000 {
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ mmc@0x15000 {
* avoid duplicating the MB dtsi file given that IRQ from
* this intc to cpu intc are different for axs101 and axs103
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@0xe0012000 {
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@e0012000 {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ictl";
reg = < 0x0 0xe0012000 0x0 0x200 >;
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ reserved-memory {
#size-cells = <2>;
* Move frame buffer out of IOC aperture (0x8z-0xAz).
* Move frame buffer out of IOC aperture (0x8z-0xaz).
frame_buffer: frame_buffer@be000000 {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ idu_intc: idu-interrupt-controller {
* this GPIO block ORs all interrupts on CPU card (creg,..)
* to uplink only 1 IRQ to ARC core intc
dw-apb-gpio@0x2000 {
dw-apb-gpio@2000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-gpio";
reg = < 0x2000 0x80 >;
#address-cells = <1>;
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ictl_intc: gpio-controller@0 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@0x5000 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@5000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x5000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <33333000>;
......@@ -109,19 +109,19 @@ arcpct0: pct {
* external DMA buffer located outside of IOC aperture.
axs10x_mb {
ethernet@0x18000 {
ethernet@18000 {
ehci@0x40000 {
ehci@40000 {
ohci@0x60000 {
ohci@60000 {
mmc@0x15000 {
mmc@15000 {
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ mmc@0x15000 {
* avoid duplicating the MB dtsi file given that IRQ from
* this intc to cpu intc are different for axs101 and axs103
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@0xe0012000 {
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@e0012000 {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ictl";
reg = < 0x0 0xe0012000 0x0 0x200 >;
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ reserved-memory {
#size-cells = <2>;
* Move frame buffer out of IOC aperture (0x8z-0xAz).
* Move frame buffer out of IOC aperture (0x8z-0xaz).
frame_buffer: frame_buffer@be000000 {
compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ pguclk: pguclk {
gmac: ethernet@0x18000 {
gmac: ethernet@18000 {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
compatible = "snps,dwmac";
reg = < 0x18000 0x2000 >;
......@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ gmac: ethernet@0x18000 {
mac-address = [00 00 00 00 00 00]; /* Filled in by U-Boot */
ehci@0x40000 {
ehci@40000 {
compatible = "generic-ehci";
reg = < 0x40000 0x100 >;
interrupts = < 8 >;
ohci@0x60000 {
ohci@60000 {
compatible = "generic-ohci";
reg = < 0x60000 0x100 >;
interrupts = < 8 >;
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ ohci@0x60000 {
* dw_mci_pltfm_prepare_command() is used in generic platform
* code.
mmc@0x15000 {
mmc@15000 {
compatible = "altr,socfpga-dw-mshc";
reg = < 0x15000 0x400 >;
fifo-depth = < 16 >;
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ mmc@0x15000 {
bus-width = < 4 >;
uart@0x20000 {
uart@20000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x20000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <33333333>;
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ uart@0x20000 {
reg-io-width = <4>;
uart@0x21000 {
uart@21000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x21000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <33333333>;
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ uart@0x21000 {
/* UART muxed with USB data port (ttyS3) */
uart@0x22000 {
uart@22000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x22000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <33333333>;
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ uart@0x22000 {
reg-io-width = <4>;
i2c@0x1d000 {
i2c@1d000 {
compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
reg = <0x1d000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <400000>;
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ i2s: i2s@1e000 {
#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
i2c@0x1f000 {
i2c@1f000 {
compatible = "snps,designware-i2c";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
......@@ -218,13 +218,13 @@ adv7511_output: endpoint {
compatible = "atmel,24c01";
reg = <0x54>;
pagesize = <0x8>;
compatible = "atmel,24c04";
reg = <0x57>;
pagesize = <0x8>;
......@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ soc {
cgu_rst: reset-controller@8a0 {
compatible = "snps,hsdk-reset";
#reset-cells = <1>;
reg = <0x8A0 0x4>, <0xFF0 0x4>;
reg = <0x8a0 0x4>, <0xff0 0x4>;
core_clk: core-clk@0 {
compatible = "snps,hsdk-core-pll-clock";
reg = <0x00 0x10>, <0x14B8 0x4>;
reg = <0x00 0x10>, <0x14b8 0x4>;
#clock-cells = <0>;
clocks = <&input_clk>;
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ core_intc: archs-intc@cpu {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@0x5000 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@5000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x5000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <2403200>;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@0x5000 {
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@0xe0012000 {
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@e0012000 {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ictl";
reg = < 0xe0012000 0x200 >;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ idu_intc: idu-interrupt-controller {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@0x5000 {
debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@5000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x5000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <2403200>;
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ debug_uart: dw-apb-uart@0x5000 {
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@0xe0012000 {
mb_intc: dw-apb-ictl@e0012000 {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-ictl";
reg = < 0xe0012000 0x200 >;
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ pguclk: pguclk {
ethernet@0x18000 {
ethernet@18000 {
#interrupt-cells = <1>;
compatible = "snps,dwmac";
reg = < 0x18000 0x2000 >;
......@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ ethernet@0x18000 {
clock-names = "stmmaceth";
ehci@0x40000 {
ehci@40000 {
compatible = "generic-ehci";
reg = < 0x40000 0x100 >;
interrupts = < 8 >;
uart@0x20000 {
uart@20000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x20000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <2403200>;
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ uart@0x20000 {
reg-io-width = <4>;
uart@0x21000 {
uart@21000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x21000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <2403200>;
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ uart@0x21000 {
reg-io-width = <4>;
uart@0x22000 {
uart@22000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
reg = <0x22000 0x100>;
clock-frequency = <2403200>;
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ps2: ps2@e0017400 {
interrupt-names = "arc_ps2_irq";
mmc@0x15000 {
mmc@15000 {
compatible = "snps,dw-mshc";
reg = <0x15000 0x400>;
fifo-depth = <1024>;
......@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ mmc@0x15000 {
* Embedded Vision subsystem UIO mappings; only relevant for EV VDK
* This node is intentionally put outside of MB above becase
* it maps areas outside of MB's 0xEz-0xFz.
* it maps areas outside of MB's 0xez-0xfz.
uio_ev: uio@0xD0000000 {
uio_ev: uio@d0000000 {
compatible = "generic-uio";
reg = <0xD0000000 0x2000 0xD1000000 0x2000 0x90000000 0x10000000 0xC0000000 0x10000000>;
reg = <0xd0000000 0x2000 0xd1000000 0x2000 0x90000000 0x10000000 0xc0000000 0x10000000>;
reg-names = "ev_gsa", "ev_ctrl", "ev_shared_mem", "ev_code_mem";
interrupt-parent = <&mb_intc>;
interrupts = <23>;
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