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Commit fbad26dc authored by Sebastian Reichel's avatar Sebastian Reichel Committed by Neil Armstrong

drm/panel: sitronix-st7789v: simplify st7789v_spi_write

st7789v_spi_write initializes a message with just
a single transfer, spi_sync_transfer can be used
for that.
Reviewed-by: default avatarMichael Riesch <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarSebastian Reichel <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarNeil Armstrong <>
parent b6b65e45
......@@ -129,17 +129,13 @@ static int st7789v_spi_write(struct st7789v *ctx, enum st7789v_prefix prefix,
u8 data)
struct spi_transfer xfer = { };
struct spi_message msg;
u16 txbuf = ((prefix & 1) << 8) | data;
xfer.tx_buf = &txbuf;
xfer.bits_per_word = 9;
xfer.len = sizeof(txbuf);
spi_message_add_tail(&xfer, &msg);
return spi_sync(ctx->spi, &msg);
return spi_sync_transfer(ctx->spi, &xfer, 1);
static int st7789v_write_command(struct st7789v *ctx, u8 cmd)
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