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/************* TabTbl C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/
/* PROGRAM NAME: TABTBL                                                */
/* -------------                                                       */
/*  Version 1.5                                                        */
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/*                                                                     */
/* COPYRIGHT:                                                          */
/* ----------                                                          */
/*  (C) Copyright to PlugDB Software Development          2008-2013    */
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/*  Author: Olivier BERTRAND                                           */
/*                                                                     */
/* WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES:                                             */
/* -----------------------                                             */
/*  This program are the TDBTBL class DB routines.                     */
/*                                                                     */
/* WHAT YOU NEED TO COMPILE THIS PROGRAM:                              */
/* --------------------------------------                              */
/*                                                                     */
/*  REQUIRED FILES:                                                    */
/*  ---------------                                                    */
/*    TABTBL.CPP     - Source code                                     */
/*    PLGDBSEM.H     - DB application declaration file                 */
/*    TABDOS.H       - TABDOS classes declaration file                 */
/*    TABTBL.H       - TABTBL classes declaration file                 */
/*    GLOBAL.H       - Global declaration file                         */
/*                                                                     */
/*  REQUIRED LIBRARIES:                                                */
/*  -------------------                                                */
/*    Large model C library                                            */
/*                                                                     */
/*  REQUIRED PROGRAMS:                                                 */
/*  ------------------                                                 */
/*    IBM, Borland, GNU or Microsoft C++ Compiler and Linker           */
/*                                                                     */

/*  Include relevant section of system dependant header files.         */
//#include "sql_base.h"
#include "my_global.h"
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(__BORLANDC__)
#define __MFC_COMPAT__                   // To define min/max as macro
//#include <windows.h>
#if defined(UNIX)
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "osutil.h"
//#include <io.h>
//#include <fcntl.h>

/*  Include application header files:                                  */
#include "table.h"       // MySQL table definitions
#include "global.h"      // global declarations
#include "plgdbsem.h"    // DB application declarations
#include "reldef.h"      // DB definition declares
//#include "filter.h"      // FILTER classes dcls
#include "filamtxt.h"
#include "tabcol.h"
#include "tabdos.h"      // TDBDOS and DOSCOL class dcls
#include "tabtbl.h"
74 75 76
#if defined(MYSQL_SUPPORT)
#include "tabmysql.h"
#endif   // MYSQL_SUPPORT
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77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
#include "ha_connect.h"
#include "mycat.h"       // For GetHandler

extern "C" int trace;

/* ---------------------------- Class TBLDEF ---------------------------- */

/*  Constructor.                                                          */
//To_Tables = NULL;
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90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101
  Ntables = 0;
  Pseudo = 3;
  } // end of TBLDEF constructor

/*  DefineAM: define specific AM block values from XDB file.              */
bool TBLDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
  char   *tablist, *dbname;

  Desc = "Table list table";
  tablist = Cat->GetStringCatInfo(g, "Tablist", "");
  dbname = Cat->GetStringCatInfo(g, "Dbname", "*");
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104 105 106
  Ntables = 0;

  if (*tablist) {
107 108
    char  *p, *pn, *pdb;
    PTABLE tbl;
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109 110 111 112 113

    for (pdb = tablist; ;) {
      if ((p = strchr(pdb, ',')))
        *p = 0;

      // Analyze the table name, it may have the format:
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      // [dbname.]tabname
      if ((pn = strchr(pdb, '.'))) {
        *pn++ = 0;
      } else {
        pn = pdb;
        pdb = dbname;
      } // endif p

      // Allocate the TBLIST block for that table
124 125
      tbl = new(g) XTAB(pn);
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      if (trace)
        htrc("TBL: Name=%s db=%s\n", tbl->GetName(), tbl->GetQualifier());
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      // Link the blocks
131 132 133 134 135
      if (Tablep)
        Tablep = tbl;

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      if (p)
        pdb = pn + strlen(pn) + 1;

      } // endfor pdb

145 146
    Maxerr = Cat->GetIntCatInfo("Maxerr", 0);
    Accept = (Cat->GetBoolCatInfo("Accept", 0) != 0);
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147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
    } // endif fsec || tablist

  return FALSE;
  } // end of DefineAM

/*  GetTable: makes a new Table Description Block.                     */
157 158 159 160
  if (Catfunc == FNC_COL)
    return new(g) TDBTBC(this);
    return new(g) TDBTBL(this);
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  } // end of GetTable

/* ------------------------- Class TDBTBL ---------------------------- */

/*  TDBTBL constructors.                                               */
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  Tablist = NULL;
  CurTable = NULL;
//Tdbp = NULL;
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  Accept = tdp->Accept;
  Maxerr = tdp->Maxerr;
  Nbf = 0;
  Rows = 0;
  Crp = 0;
//  NTables = 0;
//  iTable = 0;
  } // end of TDBTBL standard constructor

/*  Allocate TBL column description block.                             */
PCOL TDBTBL::MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n)
  return new(g) PRXCOL(cdp, this, cprec, n);
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  } // end of MakeCol

/*  InsertSpecialColumn: Put a special column ahead of the column list.*/
PCOL TDBTBL::InsertSpecialColumn(PGLOBAL g, PCOL scp)
  PCOL colp;

  if (!scp->IsSpecial())
    return NULL;

  if (scp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_TABID)
    // This special column is handled locally
    colp = new((TIDBLK*)scp) TBTBLK(scp->GetValue());
  else  // Other special columns are treated normally
    colp = scp;

  Columns = colp;
  return colp;
  } // end of InsertSpecialColumn

/*  Initializes the table table list.                                  */
bool TDBTBL::InitTableList(PGLOBAL g)
  char   *colname;
  int     n, colpos;
  PTABLE  tp, tabp;
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220 221 222 223 224 225
  PTDB    tdbp;
  PCOL    colp;
  PTBLDEF tdp = (PTBLDEF)To_Def;

//  PlugSetPath(filename, Tdbp->GetFile(g), Tdbp->GetPath());

226 227 228
  for (n = 0, tp = tdp->Tablep; tp; tp = tp->GetNext()) {
    if (TestFil(g, To_Filter, tp)) {
      tabp = new(g) XTAB(tp);
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229 230

      // Get the table description block of this table
      if (!(tdbp = GetSubTable(g, tabp))) {
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232 233 234 235 236
        if (++Nbf > Maxerr)
          return TRUE;               // Error return
          continue;                  // Skip this table

237 238
      } else
        RemoveNext(tabp);            // To avoid looping
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239 240 241 242 243 244 245

      // We must allocate subtable columns before GetMaxSize is called
      // because some (PLG, ODBC?) need to have their columns attached.
      // Real initialization will be done later.
      for (PCOL cp = Columns; cp; cp = cp->GetNext())
        if (!cp->IsSpecial()) {
          colname = cp->GetName();
          colpos = ((PPRXCOL)cp)->Colnum;
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          // We try first to get the column by name
          if (!(colp = tdbp->ColDB(g, colname, 0)) && colpos)
            // When unsuccessful, if a column number was specified
            // try to get the column by its position in the table
            colp = tdbp->ColDB(g, NULL, colpos);

          if (!colp) {
            if (!Accept) {
              sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_MATCHING_COL),
                      colname, tdbp->GetName());
              return TRUE;               // Error return
              } // endif !Accept

          } else // this is needed by some tables (which?)
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          } // endif !special

      if (Tablist)
        Tablist = tabp;

      } // endif filp

    } // endfor tblp

//NumTables = n;
  To_Filter = NULL;        // To avoid doing it several times
  return FALSE;
  } // end of InitTableList

/*  Test the tablename against the pseudo "local" filter.              */
bool TDBTBL::TestFil(PGLOBAL g, PFIL filp, PTABLE tabp)
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  char *fil, op[8], tn[NAME_LEN];
  bool  neg;

  if (!filp)
    return TRUE;
  else if (strstr(filp, " OR ") || strstr(filp, " AND "))
    return TRUE;               // Not handled yet
    fil = filp + (*filp == '(' ? 1 : 0);

  if (sscanf(fil, "TABID %s", op) != 1)
    return TRUE;               // ignore invalid filter

  if ((neg = !strcmp(op, "NOT")))
    strcpy(op, "IN");

  if (!strcmp(op, "=")) {
    // Temporarily, filter must be "TABID = 'value'" only
    if (sscanf(fil, "TABID = '%[^']'", tn) != 1)
      return TRUE;             // ignore invalid filter

    return !stricmp(tn, tabp->GetName());
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308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325
  } else if (!strcmp(op, "IN")) {
    char *p, *tnl = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(fil) - 10);
    int   n;

    if (neg)
      n = sscanf(fil, "TABID NOT IN (%[^)])", tnl);
      n = sscanf(fil, "TABID IN (%[^)])", tnl);

    if (n != 1)
      return TRUE;             // ignore invalid filter

    while (tnl) {
      if ((p = strchr(tnl, ',')))
        *p++ = 0;

      if (sscanf(tnl, "'%[^']'", tn) != 1)
        return TRUE;           // ignore invalid filter
      else if (!stricmp(tn, tabp->GetName()))
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327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343
        return !neg;           // Found

      tnl = p;
      } // endwhile

    return neg;                // Not found
  } // endif op

  return TRUE;                 // invalid operator
  } // end of TestFil

/*  Sum up the sizes of all sub-tables.                                */
int TDBTBL::GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g)
  if (MaxSize < 0) {
    int mxsz;
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    if (!Tablist && InitTableList(g))
      return 0;               // Cannot be calculated at this stage

    MaxSize = 0;
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351 352
    for (PTABLE tabp = Tablist; tabp; tabp = tabp->GetNext()) {
      if ((mxsz = tabp->GetTo_Tdb()->GetMaxSize(g)) < 0) {
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        MaxSize = -1;
        return mxsz;
        } // endif mxsz

      MaxSize += mxsz;
      } // endfor i

    } // endif MaxSize

  return MaxSize;
  } // end of GetMaxSize

/*  Reset read/write position values.                                  */
void TDBTBL::ResetDB(void)
  for (PCOL colp = Columns; colp; colp = colp->GetNext())
    if (colp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_TABID)

374 375
  for (PTABLE tabp = Tablist; tabp; tabp = tabp->GetNext())
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  Tdbp = (PTDBASE)Tablist->GetTo_Tdb();
  Crp = 0;
  } // end of ResetDB

/*  Returns RowId if b is false or Rownum if b is true.                */
int TDBTBL::RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b)
  return Tdbp->RowNumber(g) + ((b) ? 0 : Rows);
  } // end of RowNumber

/*  TBL Access Method opening routine.                                 */
/*  Open first file, other will be opened sequencially when reading.   */
  if (trace)
    htrc("TBL OpenDB: tdbp=%p tdb=R%d use=%d key=%p mode=%d\n",
                      this, Tdb_No, Use, To_Key_Col, Mode);

  if (Use == USE_OPEN) {
    /*  Table already open, replace it at its beginning.               */
    return Tdbp->OpenDB(g);  // Re-open fist table
    } // endif use

  /*  When GetMaxsize was called, To_Filter was not set yet.           */
  if (To_Filter && Tablist) {
    Tablist = NULL;
    Nbf = 0;
    } // endif To_Filter

  /*  Open the first table of the list.                                */
  if (!Tablist && InitTableList(g))     //  done in GetMaxSize
    return TRUE;

  if ((CurTable = Tablist)) {
    Tdbp = (PTDBASE)CurTable->GetTo_Tdb();
//  Tdbp->ResetDB();
//  Tdbp->ResetSize();

    // Check and initialize the subtable columns
    for (PCOL cp = Columns; cp; cp = cp->GetNext())
      if (cp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_TABID)
      else if (((PPRXCOL)cp)->Init(g))
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        return TRUE;
    if (trace)
      htrc("Opening subtable %s\n", Tdbp->GetName());

    // Now we can safely open the table
    if (Tdbp->OpenDB(g))
      return TRUE;

    } // endif *Tablist

  Use = USE_OPEN;
  return FALSE;
  } // end of OpenDB

/*  ReadDB: Data Base read routine for MUL access method.              */
  int rc;

  if (!CurTable)
    return RC_EF;
  else if (To_Kindex) {
    /*  Reading is by an index table.                                  */
    strcpy(g->Message, MSG(NO_INDEX_READ));
    rc = RC_FX;
  } else {
    /*  Now start the reading process.                                 */
    rc = Tdbp->ReadDB(g);

    if (rc == RC_EF) {
      // Total number of rows met so far
      Rows += Tdbp->RowNumber(g) - 1;
      Crp += Tdbp->GetProgMax(g);

      if ((CurTable = CurTable->GetNext())) {
        /*  Continue reading from next table file.                     */
        Tdbp = (PTDBASE)CurTable->GetTo_Tdb();

        // Check and initialize the subtable columns
        for (PCOL cp = Columns; cp; cp = cp->GetNext())
          if (cp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_TABID)
          else if (((PPRXCOL)cp)->Init(g))
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486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516
            return RC_FX;

        if (trace)
          htrc("Opening subtable %s\n", Tdbp->GetName());

        // Now we can safely open the table
        if (Tdbp->OpenDB(g))     // Open next table
          return RC_FX;

        goto retry;
        } // endif iFile

    } else if (rc == RC_FX)
      strcat(strcat(strcat(g->Message, " ("), Tdbp->GetName()), ")");

  } // endif To_Kindex

  return rc;
  } // end of ReadDB

/* ---------------------------- TBTBLK ------------------------------- */

/*  ReadColumn:                                                        */
void TBTBLK::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
  if (trace)
    htrc("TBT ReadColumn: name=%s\n", Name);


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  } // end of ReadColumn

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */