• Konstantin Osipov's avatar
    A prerequisite patch for the fix for Bug#46224 · 39a1a50d
    Konstantin Osipov authored
    "HANDLER statements within a transaction might lead to deadlocks".
    Introduce a notion of a sentinel to MDL_context. A sentinel
    is a ticket that separates all tickets in the context into two
    groups: before and after it. Currently we can have (and need) only
    one designated sentinel -- it separates all locks taken by LOCK
    TABLE or HANDLER statement, which must survive COMMIT and ROLLBACK
    and all other locks, which must be released at COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
    The tricky part is maintaining the sentinel up to date when
    someone release its corresponding ticket. This can happen, e.g.
    if someone issues DROP TABLE under LOCK TABLES (generally,
    see all calls to release_all_locks_for_name()).
    MDL_context::release_ticket() is modified to take care of it.
    A fix and a test case for Bug#46224 "HANDLER statements within a
    transaction might lead to deadlocks".
    An attempt to mix HANDLER SQL statements, which are transaction-
    agnostic, an open multi-statement transaction,
    and DDL against the involved tables (in a concurrent connection) 
    could lead to a deadlock. The deadlock would occur when
    HANDLER OPEN or HANDLER READ would have to wait on a conflicting
    metadata lock. If the connection that issued HANDLER statement
    also had other metadata locks (say, acquired in scope of a 
    transaction), a classical deadlock situation of mutual wait
    could occur.
    Incompatible change: entering LOCK TABLES mode automatically
    closes all open HANDLERs in the current connection.
    Incompatible change: previously an attempt to wait on a lock
    in a connection that has an open HANDLER statement could wait
    indefinitely/deadlock. After this patch, an error ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK
    is produced.
    The idea of the fix is to merge thd->handler_mdl_context
    with the main mdl_context of the connection, used for transactional
    locks. This makes deadlock detection possible, since all waits
    with locks are "visible" and available to analysis in a single
    MDL context of the connection.
    Since HANDLER locks and transactional locks have a different life
    cycle -- HANDLERs are explicitly open and closed, and so
    are HANDLER locks, explicitly acquired and released, whereas
    transactional locks "accumulate" till the end of a transaction
    and are released only with COMMIT, ROLLBACK and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT,
    a concept of "sentinel" was introduced to MDL_context.
    All locks, HANDLER and others, reside in the same linked list.
    However, a selected element of the list separates locks with
    different life cycle. HANDLER locks always reside at the
    end of the list, after the sentinel. Transactional locks are
    prepended to the beginning of the list, before the sentinel.
    release those locks that reside before the sentinel. HANDLER locks
    must be released explicitly as part of HANDLER CLOSE statement,
    or an implicit close. 
    The same approach with sentinel
    is also employed for LOCK TABLES locks. Since HANDLER and LOCK TABLES
    statement has never worked together, the implementation is
    made simple and only maintains one sentinel, which is used either
    for HANDLER locks, or for LOCK TABLES locks.
rpl_rli.cc 41.9 KB