• cbell/Chuck@mysql_cab.'s avatar
    BUG#17233 : LOAD DATA INFILE: failure causes mysqld dbug_assert, binlog not flushed · e6718df3
    cbell/Chuck@mysql_cab. authored
    This patch corrects a bug involving a LOAD DATA INFILE operation on a 
    transactional table. It corrects a problem in the error handler by moving
    the transactional table check and autocommit_or_rollback operation to the 
    end of the error handler. 
    The problem was an assert was thrown after the operation completed. The 
    assert found a non-sunk event in the transaction cache. The events in the 
    transaction cache were added after commit_or_rollack and thereafter nothing 
    removed them.
    An additional test case was added to detect this
rpl_loaddata.test 5.18 KB