• pcrews@pcrews-mac-local.local's avatar
    Bug#36026 - Test funcs_1.<engine>_trig_03 failing on Windows · 853b9f4d
    pcrews@pcrews-mac-local.local authored
    Bug#36028 - Test funcs_1.<engine>_trig_03e failing on Windows
    Bug#36029 - Test funcs_1.<engine>_trig_0407 failing on Windows
    Bug#36030 - Test funcs_1.<engine>_trig_08 failing on Windows
    Adding $MASTER_MYSOCK to init_win_path()
    When path names are short, master.sock ends up in MYSQL_TMP_DIR, but with longer path names,
    master.sock ends up in /tmp/<random_string>/ and these tests will fail due to path delimiter difference.
    New changeset to start with 5.0 -- Not all of these tests are present in 5.0, but want to keep mysqltest the same
mysqltest.c 225 KB