• Konstantin Osipov's avatar
    Backport of: · c43f894c
    Konstantin Osipov authored
    revno: 2630.22.3
    committer: Davi Arnaut <Davi.Arnaut@Sun.COM>
    branch nick: 4284-6.0
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-07 22:33:43 -0300
    WL#4284: Transactional DDL locking
    Make transaction management more modular through a new interface.
    The overall objective of this change is to provide groundwork
    for the design of transactional DDL locking by cleaning up the
    transaction high level API to better distinguish operations implicit
    and explicit, and single statement transaction from operations on
    the normal transaction.
    Having a a high-level interface for transaction management provides
    a better base for implementing transactional concepts that are not
    always tied to storage engines and also makes it easier to interect
    with other higher level modules of the server.
rpl_rli.cc 42.4 KB