• aelkin/elkin@dsl-hkibras1-ff5dc300-70.dhcp.inet.fi's avatar
    Bug #27716 multi-update did partially and has not binlogged · 1c0ac638
    Implementation of mysql_multi_update did not call multi_update::send_error method in some cases 
    (see the test reported on bug page and test cases in changeset).
    Fixed with deploying the method, ::send_error() is refined to get binlogging code which works whenever 
    there is modified non-transactional table.
    thd->no_trans_update.stmt flag is set in to TRUE to ease testing though being the beginning of relative 
    bug#27417 fix (addresses a part of those issues).
    Eliminating two minor issues (small bugs) in multi_update methods.
    This patch for multi-update also addresses a part of the issues reported in bug#13270,bug#23333.
multi_update.result 17 KB