• aelkin/elkin@koti.dsl.inet.fi's avatar
    Bug #30594 rpl.rpl_skip_error is nondeterministic · 271c98d0
    aelkin/elkin@koti.dsl.inet.fi authored
    Non-determinism in the tests was due to results of SBR are different from those gained
    with row binlog format.
    Because tests effectively verify skipping only ER_DUP_ENTRY it is explicitly required
    to run the test on in mixed and stmt binlog format.
    ER_DUP_ENTRY is automatically ignored when happened in RBR because of implicit rule
    favoring reentrant reading from binlog rule
    which means that a Write_rows_log_event overwrites a slave's row
    if the one has the same primary key.
    If future we might have skipping error due to applying of row-based events.
    The comments added saying a new file would be needed for that: rpl_row_skip_error or smth.
rpl_skip_error.result 1.37 KB