• Mats Kindahl's avatar
    Bug #37939 rpl_row_stop_middle_update fails sporadically on pushbuild · eabc3f75
    Mats Kindahl authored
    Bug #37940    rpl_dual_pos_advance fails sporadically on pushbuild,fail wait_for_slave_to_stop
    Bug #37941    rpl_flushlog_loop fails sporadically on pushbuild
    Several tests fail when waiting for the slave to stop in what
    appears to be timeouts caused by a timeout value set to low. 
    This causes false failures when the servers are loaded.
    In order to try to avoid false negatives, we increase the
    timeout 10 times and also print some more information in the
    event that the slave fails to stop when expected to.
    We add a printout of the current processes running to be able
    to see if any process have been executing for an unexpectedly
    long time, and also print the binlog events at the position
    indicated by SHOW SLAVE STATUS.
      - Increasing default timeout 10 times and allowing it to be configurable.
      - Adding printout of process list on failure.
      - Adding printout of binlog events on master that has not yet been applied,
        unless $keep_connection is true.
wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc 1.91 KB