• Kristofer Pettersson's avatar
    Fix for BUG#35570 "CHECKSUM TABLE unreliable if LINESTRING field (same content/ differen · 88fe9da4
    Kristofer Pettersson authored
    The problem was that checksum of GEOMETRY type used memory addresses
    in the computation, making it un-repeatable thus useless.
    (This patch is a backport from 6.0 branch)
      test case for bug35570 that same tables give same checksums
      test case for bug35570 that same tables give same checksums
      Type GEOMETRY is implemented on top of type BLOB, so, just like for BLOB,
      its 'field' contains pointers which it does not make sense to include in
      the checksum; it rather has to be converted to a string and then we can
      compute the checksum.
myisam.test 57.2 KB