• Anurag Shekhar's avatar
    Bug#30102: Rename table does corrupt tables with partition files on failure · f7ecccd9
    Anurag Shekhar authored
    Problem was that a failing rename just left the partitions at the state
    it was at the failure.
    Solution was to try to revert the started rename if a failure occured.
      Bug#30102: Rename table does corrupt tables with partition files on failure
      New result file
      Bug#30102: Rename table does corrupt tables with partition files on failure
      New test file
      (list_files does not report the files in embedded)
      Bug#30102: Rename table does corrupt tables with partition files on failure
      Better error handling for rename partitions (reverting the started rename
      Different order of files for delete.
      Bug#30102: Rename table does corrupt tables with partition files on failure
      Tries to remove as many table files as possible
      if the first delete succeeds.
handler.cc 140 KB