Commit 11abe15e authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Added Non-prelocked SP execution: Now a PROCEDURE doesn't enter/leave prelocked mode for

its body, but lets each statement to get/release its own locks. This allows a broader set
of statements to be executed inside PROCEDUREs (but breaks replication)
This patch should fix BUG#8072, BUG#8766, BUG#9563, BUG#11126

  Drop tables this test attempts to create
  Update test results
  Disabled a test that triggers BUG#11986, cleanup used tables when tests start.
  Enabled a test case that now works with prelocking-free SPs
  Drop tables this test attempts to create
  Disabled a test that triggers BUG#11986, cleanup used tables when tests start.
  Enabled a test case that now works with prelocking-free SPs
  Rename: thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt -> thd->in_sub_stmt
  Rename: thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt -> thd->in_sub_stmt
  Non-prelocked SP execution: Added support for skipping prelocking of procedure body for
  "CALL proc(...)" statements.
  Non-prelocked SP execution: Added support for skipping prelocking of procedure body for
  "CALL proc(...)" statements.
  Added comments
  Non-prelocked SP execution:
  * Try to unlock tables after PROCEDURE arguments have been evaluated.
  * Make sp_lex_keeper be able to execute in 2 modes: A) when already in prelocked mode
    B) when its statement enters/leaves prelocked mode itself.
  Non-prelocked SP execution:  Make sp_lex_keeper to additionally keep list of tables it 
  needs to prelock when its statement enters/leaves prelocked mode on its own.
  Non-prelocked SP execution: Make open_tables() to
   * detect 'CALL proc(...)' and not to do prelocking for procedure body statements.
   * Make lex->query_tables_last to point precisely to a boundary in lex->query_tables 
     list where 'own' tables and views' tables end and added-for-prelocking tables begin.
     (it was not true before - view's tables could end up after query_tables_own_last)
  Rename: thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt -> thd->in_sub_stmt
  Rename: thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt -> thd->in_sub_stmt
  Non-prelocked SP execution: More rigourous cleanup in st_lex::cleanup_after_one_table_open()
  Rename: thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt -> thd->in_sub_stmt, remove outdated comments
  Rename: thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt -> thd->in_sub_stmt
parent 482cf550
drop database if exists testdb;
drop table if exists t1, t2, t3, t4;
drop procedure if exists sp1;
drop procedure if exists sp2;
drop procedure if exists sp3;
drop procedure if exists sp4;
drop function if exists f1;
drop function if exists f2;
drop function if exists f3;
create database testdb;
use testdb//
create procedure sp1 ()
drop table if exists t1;
select 1 as "my-col";
select database();
call sp1();
Note 1051 Unknown table 't1'
select database();
use test;
select database();
call testdb.sp1();
Note 1051 Unknown table 't1'
select database();
drop procedure testdb.sp1;
drop database testdb;
create procedure sp1()
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (10);
create procedure sp2()
create table t2(a int);
insert into t2 values(1);
call sp1();
create function f1() returns int
return (select max(a) from t1);
create procedure sp3()
call sp1();
select 'func', f1();
call sp1();
select 't1',a from t1;
t1 a
t1 10
drop table t1;
call sp2();
select 't1',a from t1;
t1 a
t1 10
select 't2',a from t2;
t2 a
t2 1
drop table t1, t2;
call sp3();
func f1()
func 10
select 't1',a from t1;
t1 a
t1 10
drop table t1;
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
drop procedure sp3;
drop function f1;
create procedure sp1()
create temporary table t2(a int);
insert into t2 select * from t1;
create procedure sp2()
create temporary table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values(1);
call sp1();
select 't1', a from t1;
select 't2', b from t2;
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
call sp2();
t1 a
t1 1
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values(1),(2);
create table t2 as select * from t1;
create table t3 as select * from t1;
create table t4 as select * from t1;
create procedure sp1(a int)
select a;
end //
create function f1() returns int
return (select max(a) from t1);
end //
CALL sp1(f1());
create procedure sp2(a int)
select * from t3;
select a;
end //
create procedure sp3()
select * from t1;
call sp2(5);
end //
create procedure sp4()
select * from t2;
call sp3();
end //
call sp4();
drop temporary table t1;
drop temporary table t2;
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
drop procedure sp3;
drop procedure sp4;
drop function f1;
drop view if exists v1;
create function f1(ab int) returns int
declare i int;
set i= (select max(a) from t1 where a < ab) ;
return i;
end //
create function f2(ab int) returns int
declare i int;
set i= (select max(a) from t2 where a < ab) ;
return i;
end //
create view v1 as
select t3.a as x, t4.a as y, f2(3) as z
from t3, t4 where t3.a = t4.a //
create procedure sp1()
declare a int;
set a= (select f1(4) + count(*) A from t1, v1);
end //
create function f3() returns int
call sp1();
return 1;
end //
call sp1() //
select f3() //
select f3() //
call sp1() //
drop procedure sp1//
drop function f3//
create procedure sp1()
declare x int;
declare c cursor for select f1(3) + count(*) from v1;
open c;
fetch c into x;
create function f3() returns int
call sp1();
return 1;
end //
call sp1() //
call sp1() //
select f3() //
call sp1() //
drop table t1,t2,t3;
drop function f1;
drop function f2;
drop function f3;
drop procedure sp1;
use test;
grant usage on *.* to user1@localhost;
flush privileges;
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t1,t2;
drop database if exists db1_secret;
create database db1_secret;
create procedure db1_secret.dummy() begin end;
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ lock tables t2 write;
show processlist;
Id User Host db Command Time State Info
# root localhost test Sleep # NULL
# root localhost test Query # Locked call bug9486()
# root localhost test Query # Locked update t1, t2 set val= 1 where id1=id2
# root localhost test Query # NULL show processlist
unlock tables;
drop procedure bug9486;
use test;
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
create table t1 (
id char(16) not null default '',
data int not null
drop table if exists t2;
create table t2 (
s char(16),
i int,
......@@ -3042,32 +3041,6 @@ drop procedure bug11529|
drop procedure if exists bug6063|
drop procedure if exists bug7088_1|
drop procedure if exists bug7088_2|
create procedure bug6063()
lbel: begin end|
call bug6063()|
show create procedure bug6063|
Procedure sql_mode Create Procedure
bug6063 CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`bug6063`()
l?bel: begin end
set character set utf8|
create procedure bug7088_1()
label1: begin end label1|
create procedure bug7088_2()
läbel1: begin end|
call bug7088_1()|
call bug7088_2()|
set character set default|
show create procedure bug7088_1|
Procedure sql_mode Create Procedure
bug7088_1 CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`bug7088_1`()
label1: begin end label1
show create procedure bug7088_2|
Procedure sql_mode Create Procedure
bug7088_2 CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`bug7088_2`()
lbel1: begin end
drop procedure bug6063|
drop procedure bug7088_1|
drop procedure bug7088_2|
drop procedure if exists bug9565_sub|
drop procedure if exists bug9565|
create procedure bug9565_sub()
......@@ -581,6 +581,11 @@ ERROR HY000: View 'test.v1' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function
drop view v1;
create view v1 (a,a) as select 'a','a';
ERROR 42S21: Duplicate column name 'a'
drop procedure if exists p1;
create procedure p1 () begin declare v int; create view v1 as select v; end;//
call p1();
ERROR HY000: View's SELECT contains a variable or parameter
drop procedure p1;
create table t1 (col1 int,col2 char(22));
insert into t1 values(5,'Hello, world of views');
create view v1 as select * from t1;
drop database if exists testdb;
drop table if exists t1, t2, t3, t4;
drop procedure if exists sp1;
drop procedure if exists sp2;
drop procedure if exists sp3;
drop procedure if exists sp4;
drop function if exists f1;
drop function if exists f2;
drop function if exists f3;
# BUG#8072
create database testdb;
delimiter //;
use testdb//
create procedure sp1 ()
drop table if exists t1;
select 1 as "my-col";
delimiter ;//
select database();
call sp1();
select database();
use test;
select database();
call testdb.sp1();
select database();
drop procedure testdb.sp1;
drop database testdb;
# BUG#8766
delimiter //;
create procedure sp1()
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (10);
create procedure sp2()
create table t2(a int);
insert into t2 values(1);
call sp1();
create function f1() returns int
return (select max(a) from t1);
create procedure sp3()
call sp1();
select 'func', f1();
delimiter ;//
call sp1();
select 't1',a from t1;
drop table t1;
call sp2();
select 't1',a from t1;
select 't2',a from t2;
drop table t1, t2;
call sp3();
select 't1',a from t1;
drop table t1;
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
drop procedure sp3;
drop function f1;
delimiter //;
create procedure sp1()
create temporary table t2(a int);
insert into t2 select * from t1;
create procedure sp2()
create temporary table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values(1);
call sp1();
select 't1', a from t1;
select 't2', b from t2;
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
delimiter ;//
call sp2();
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
# Miscelaneous tests
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values(1),(2);
create table t2 as select * from t1;
create table t3 as select * from t1;
create table t4 as select * from t1;
delimiter //;
create procedure sp1(a int)
select a;
end //
create function f1() returns int
return (select max(a) from t1);
end //
delimiter ;//
CALL sp1(f1());
delimiter //;
create procedure sp2(a int)
select * from t3;
select a;
end //
create procedure sp3()
select * from t1;
call sp2(5);
end //
create procedure sp4()
select * from t2;
call sp3();
end //
delimiter ;//
call sp4();
drop temporary table t1;
drop temporary table t2;
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
drop procedure sp3;
drop procedure sp4;
drop function f1;
# Test that prelocking state restoration works with cursors
drop view if exists v1;
delimiter //;
create function f1(ab int) returns int
declare i int;
set i= (select max(a) from t1 where a < ab) ;
return i;
end //
create function f2(ab int) returns int
declare i int;
set i= (select max(a) from t2 where a < ab) ;
return i;
end //
create view v1 as
select t3.a as x, t4.a as y, f2(3) as z
from t3, t4 where t3.a = t4.a //
create procedure sp1()
declare a int;
set a= (select f1(4) + count(*) A from t1, v1);
end //
create function f3() returns int
call sp1();
return 1;
end //
call sp1() //
select f3() //
select f3() //
call sp1() //
drop procedure sp1//
drop function f3//
create procedure sp1()
declare x int;
declare c cursor for select f1(3) + count(*) from v1;
open c;
fetch c into x;
create function f3() returns int
call sp1();
return 1;
end //
call sp1() //
call sp1() //
select f3() //
call sp1() //
delimiter ;//
drop table t1,t2,t3;
drop function f1;
drop function f2;
drop function f3;
drop procedure sp1;
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ grant usage on *.* to user1@localhost;
flush privileges;
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t1,t2;
drop database if exists db1_secret;
# Create our secret database
......@@ -22,15 +22,12 @@ use test;
# t3 and up are created and dropped when needed.
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
create table t1 (
id char(16) not null default '',
data int not null
drop table if exists t2;
create table t2 (
s char(16),
i int,
......@@ -3812,26 +3809,27 @@ drop procedure if exists bug7088_1|
drop procedure if exists bug7088_2|
create procedure bug6063()
lbel: begin end|
call bug6063()|
# QQ Known bug: this will not show the label correctly.
show create procedure bug6063|
set character set utf8|
create procedure bug7088_1()
label1: begin end label1|
create procedure bug7088_2()
läbel1: begin end|
call bug7088_1()|
call bug7088_2()|
set character set default|
show create procedure bug7088_1|
show create procedure bug7088_2|
drop procedure bug6063|
drop procedure bug7088_1|
drop procedure bug7088_2|
# psergey: temporarily disabled until Bar fixes BUG#11986
# create procedure bug6063()
# lbel: begin end|
# call bug6063()|
# # QQ Known bug: this will not show the label correctly.
# show create procedure bug6063|
# set character set utf8|
# create procedure bug7088_1()
# label1: begin end label1|
# create procedure bug7088_2()
# läbel1: begin end|
# call bug7088_1()|
# call bug7088_2()|
# set character set default|
# show create procedure bug7088_1|
# show create procedure bug7088_2|
# drop procedure bug6063|
# drop procedure bug7088_1|
# drop procedure bug7088_2|
# BUG#9565: "Wrong locking in stored procedure if a sub-sequent procedure
......@@ -490,15 +490,15 @@ create view v1 (a,a) as select 'a','a';
# SP variables inside view test
# QQ This can't be tested with the new table locking for functions,
# QQ since views created in an SP can't be used within the same SP
# QQ (just as for tables). Instead it fails with error 1146.
#delimiter //;
#create procedure p1 () begin declare v int; create view v1 as select v; end;//
#delimiter ;//
#-- error 1351
#call p1();
#drop procedure p1;
drop procedure if exists p1;
delimiter //;
create procedure p1 () begin declare v int; create view v1 as select v; end;//
delimiter ;//
-- error 1351
call p1();
drop procedure p1;
# updatablity should be transitive
......@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ int ha_commit_trans(THD *thd, bool all)
my_xid xid= thd->transaction.xid.get_my_xid();
if (thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt)
if (thd->in_sub_stmt)
Since we don't support nested statement transactions in 5.0,
......@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ int ha_rollback_trans(THD *thd, bool all)
THD_TRANS *trans=all ? &thd->transaction.all : &thd->transaction.stmt;
bool is_real_trans=all || thd->transaction.all.nht == 0;
if (thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt)
if (thd->in_sub_stmt)
If we are inside stored function or trigger we should not commit or
......@@ -4844,7 +4844,7 @@ Item_func_sp::execute(Item **itp)
THD *thd= current_thd;
ulong old_client_capabilites;
int res= -1;
bool save_in_sub_stmt= thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt;
bool save_in_sub_stmt= thd->in_sub_stmt;
my_bool save_no_send_ok;
st_sp_security_context save_ctx;
......@@ -4882,11 +4882,11 @@ Item_func_sp::execute(Item **itp)
tmp_disable_binlog(thd); /* don't binlog the substatements */
thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt= TRUE;
thd->in_sub_stmt= TRUE;
res= m_sp->execute_function(thd, args, arg_count, itp);
thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt= save_in_sub_stmt;
thd->in_sub_stmt= save_in_sub_stmt;
if (res && mysql_bin_log.is_open() &&
(m_sp->m_chistics->daccess == SP_CONTAINS_SQL ||
......@@ -1175,6 +1175,44 @@ extern "C" byte* sp_sroutine_key(const byte *ptr, uint *plen, my_bool first)
Check if routines in routines_list require sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables
need_skip_first OUT TRUE - don't do prelocking for the 1st element in
routines list.
FALSE- otherwise
This function assumes that for any "CALL proc(...)" statement routines_list
will have 'proc' as first element (it may have several, consider e.g.
"proc(sp_func(...)))". This property is currently guaranted by the parser.
TRUE Need to sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables call for this statement.
FALSE Otherwise.
bool sp_need_cache_routines(THD *thd, SQL_LIST *routines_list, bool *need_skip_first)
Sroutine_hash_entry *routine;
routine= (Sroutine_hash_entry*)routines_list->first;
*need_skip_first= FALSE;
if (!routine)
return FALSE;
if (routine->key.str[0] != TYPE_ENUM_PROCEDURE)
return TRUE;
*need_skip_first= TRUE;
return TRUE;
Auxilary function that adds new element to the set of stored routines
used by statement.
......@@ -1312,11 +1350,13 @@ static void sp_update_stmt_used_routines(THD *thd, LEX *lex, HASH *src)
thd - thread context
lex - LEX representing statement
start - first routine from the list of routines to be cached
(this list defines mentioned sub-set).
thd - thread context
lex - LEX representing statement
start - first routine from the list of routines to be cached
(this list defines mentioned sub-set).
first_no_prelock - If true, don't add tables or cache routines used by
the body of the first routine (i.e. *start)
will be executed in non-prelocked mode.
If some function is missing this won't be reported here.
Instead this fact will be discovered during query execution.
......@@ -1328,10 +1368,11 @@ static void sp_update_stmt_used_routines(THD *thd, LEX *lex, HASH *src)
static bool
sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
Sroutine_hash_entry *start)
Sroutine_hash_entry *start,
bool first_no_prelock)
bool result= FALSE;
bool first= TRUE;
for (Sroutine_hash_entry *rt= start; rt; rt= rt->next)
......@@ -1367,9 +1408,13 @@ sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
if (sp)
sp_update_stmt_used_routines(thd, lex, &sp->m_sroutines);
result|= sp->add_used_tables_to_table_list(thd, &lex->query_tables_last);
if (!(first && first_no_prelock))
sp_update_stmt_used_routines(thd, lex, &sp->m_sroutines);
result|= sp->add_used_tables_to_table_list(thd, &lex->query_tables_last);
first= FALSE;
......@@ -1382,20 +1427,22 @@ sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
thd - thread context
lex - LEX representing statement
thd - thread context
lex - LEX representing statement
first_no_prelock - If true, don't add tables or cache routines used by
the body of the first routine (i.e. *start)
TRUE - some tables were added
FALSE - no tables were added.
sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables(THD *thd, LEX *lex)
sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables(THD *thd, LEX *lex, bool first_no_prelock)
return sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(thd, lex,
(Sroutine_hash_entry *)lex->sroutines_list.first);
(Sroutine_hash_entry *)lex->sroutines_list.first,
......@@ -1417,8 +1464,8 @@ sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_for_view(THD *thd, LEX *lex, LEX *aux_lex)
Sroutine_hash_entry **last_cached_routine_ptr=
(Sroutine_hash_entry **)lex->;
sp_update_stmt_used_routines(thd, lex, &aux_lex->sroutines);
(void)sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(thd, lex,
(void)sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(thd, lex,
*last_cached_routine_ptr, FALSE);
......@@ -1453,7 +1500,8 @@ sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_for_triggers(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
(void)sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_aux(thd, lex,
......@@ -79,10 +79,13 @@ sp_show_status_function(THD *thd, const char *wild);
Procedures for pre-caching of stored routines and building table list
for prelocking.
bool sp_need_cache_routines(THD *thd, SQL_LIST *routines_list,
bool *need_skip_first);
void sp_add_used_routine(LEX *lex, Query_arena *arena,
sp_name *rt, char rt_type);
void sp_update_sp_used_routines(HASH *dst, HASH *src);
bool sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables(THD *thd, LEX *lex);
bool sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
bool first_no_prelock);
void sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_for_view(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
LEX *aux_lex);
void sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables_for_triggers(THD *thd, LEX *lex,
......@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
#pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */
Stored procedures/functions cache. This is used as follows:
* Each thread has its own cache.
* When SP is used it is always in some thread's cache.
class sp_head;
class sp_cache;
......@@ -31,16 +37,20 @@ void sp_cache_init();
/* Clear the cache *cp and set *cp to NULL */
void sp_cache_clear(sp_cache **cp);
/* Insert an SP to cache. If 'cp' points to NULL, it's set to a new cache */
/* Insert an SP into cache. If 'cp' points to NULL, it's set to a new cache */
void sp_cache_insert(sp_cache **cp, sp_head *sp);
/* Lookup an SP in cache */
sp_head *sp_cache_lookup(sp_cache **cp, sp_name *name);
/* Remove an SP from cache. Returns true if something was removed */
Remove an SP from cache, and also bump the Cversion number so all other
caches are invalidated.
Returns true if something was removed.
bool sp_cache_remove(sp_cache **cp, sp_name *name);
/* Invalidate a cache */
/* Invalidate all existing SP caches by bumping Cversion number. */
void sp_cache_invalidate();
......@@ -879,7 +879,10 @@ sp_head::execute_procedure(THD *thd, List<Item> *args)
octx= new sp_rcontext(csize, hmax, cmax);
tmp_octx= TRUE;
/* Evaluate SP arguments (i.e. get the values passed as parameters) */
// QQ: Should do type checking?
DBUG_PRINT("info",(" %.*s: eval args", m_name.length, m_name.str));
for (i = 0 ; (it= li++) && i < params ; i++)
sp_pvar_t *pvar= m_pcont->find_pvar(i);
......@@ -916,6 +919,14 @@ sp_head::execute_procedure(THD *thd, List<Item> *args)
Okay, got values for all arguments. Close tables that might be used by
arguments evaluation.
if (!thd->in_sub_stmt)
close_thread_tables(thd, 0, 0, 0);
DBUG_PRINT("info",(" %.*s: eval args done", m_name.length, m_name.str));
// The rest of the frame are local variables which are all IN.
// Default all variables to null (those with default clauses will
// be set by an set instruction).
......@@ -1480,8 +1491,37 @@ sp_lex_keeper::reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp,
implemented at the same time as ability not to store LEX for
instruction if it is not really used.
reinit_stmt_before_use(thd, m_lex);
bool collect_prelocking_tail= FALSE;
if (thd->prelocked_mode == NON_PRELOCKED)
This statement will enter/leave prelocked mode on its own.
Entering prelocked mode changes table list and related members
of LEX, so we'll need to restore them.
if (lex_query_tables_own_last)
We've already entered/left prelocked mode with this statement.
Attach the list of tables that need to be prelocked and mark m_lex
as having such list attached.
*lex_query_tables_own_last= prelocking_tables;
Let open_tables_calculate list of tables that this statement needs
to have prelocked.
collect_prelocking_tail= TRUE;
reinit_stmt_before_use(thd, m_lex);
If requested check whenever we have access to tables in LEX's table list
and open and lock them before executing instructtions core function.
......@@ -1499,6 +1539,35 @@ sp_lex_keeper::reset_lex_and_exec_core(THD *thd, uint *nextp,
thd->proc_info="closing tables";
if (thd->prelocked_mode == NON_PRELOCKED)
if (!lex_query_tables_own_last)
lex_query_tables_own_last= thd->lex->query_tables_own_last;
if (lex_query_tables_own_last)
if (collect_prelocking_tail)
This is the first time this statement has entered/left prelocked
mode on its own. open_tables() has calculated the set of tables this
statement needs to have prelocked and added them to the end of
Save this "tail" for subsequent calls (and restore original list
lex_query_tables_own_last= m_lex->query_tables_own_last;
prelocking_tables= *lex_query_tables_own_last;
The table list now has list of tables that need to be prelocked
when this statement executes, chop it off, and mark this statement
as not requiring prelocking.
*lex_query_tables_own_last= NULL;
......@@ -282,6 +282,10 @@ private:
Multi-set representing optimized list of tables to be locked by this
routine. Does not include tables which are used by invoked routines.
Note: for prelocking-free SPs this multiset is constructed too.
We do so because the same instance of sp_head may be called both
in prelocked mode and in non-prelocked mode.
HASH m_sptabs;
......@@ -383,7 +387,8 @@ class sp_lex_keeper
sp_lex_keeper(LEX *lex, bool lex_resp)
: m_lex(lex), m_lex_resp(lex_resp)
: m_lex(lex), m_lex_resp(lex_resp),
lex->sp_lex_in_use= TRUE;
......@@ -418,6 +423,25 @@ private:
for LEX deletion.
bool m_lex_resp;
Support for being able to execute this statement in two modes:
a) inside prelocked mode set by the calling procedure or its ancestor.
b) outside of prelocked mode, when this statement enters/leaves
prelocked mode itself.
List of additional tables this statement needs to lock when it
enters/leaves prelocked mode on its own.
TABLE_LIST *prelocking_tables;
The value m_lex->query_tables_own_last should be set to this when the
statement enters/leaves prelocked mode on its own.
TABLE_LIST **lex_query_tables_own_last;
......@@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ static void mark_used_tables_as_free_for_reuse(THD *thd, TABLE *table)
skip_derived Set to 1 (0 = default) if we should not free derived
stopper When closing tables from thd->open_tables(->next)*,
don't close/remove tables starting from stopper.
Unlocks tables and frees derived tables.
......@@ -474,6 +476,7 @@ void close_thread_tables(THD *thd, bool lock_in_use, bool skip_derived,
We are in prelocked mode, so we have to leave it now with doing
implicit UNLOCK TABLES if need.
DBUG_PRINT("info",("thd->prelocked_mode= NON_PRELOCKED"));
thd->prelocked_mode= NON_PRELOCKED;
if (prelocked_mode == PRELOCKED_UNDER_LOCK_TABLES)
......@@ -1792,6 +1795,7 @@ err:
Open all tables in list
......@@ -1843,10 +1847,6 @@ int open_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST **start, uint *counter)
statement for which table list for prelocking is already built, let
us cache routines and try to build such table list.
NOTE: If we want queries with functions to work under explicit
LOCK TABLES we have to additionaly lock mysql.proc table in it.
At least until Monty will fix SP loading :)
NOTE: We can't delay prelocking until we will met some sub-statement
which really uses tables, since this will imply that we have to restore
its table list to be able execute it in some other context.
......@@ -1860,19 +1860,28 @@ int open_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST **start, uint *counter)
mode we will have some locked tables, because queries which use only
derived/information schema tables and views possible. Thus "counter"
may be still zero for prelocked statement...
NOTE: The above notes may be out of date. Please wait for psergey to
document new prelocked behavior.
if (!thd->prelocked_mode && !thd->lex->requires_prelocking() &&
if (!thd->prelocked_mode && !thd->lex->requires_prelocking())
TABLE_LIST **save_query_tables_last= thd->lex->query_tables_last;
bool first_no_prelocking;
if (sp_need_cache_routines(thd, &thd->lex->sroutines_list,
TABLE_LIST **save_query_tables_last= thd->lex->query_tables_last;
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->query_tables == *start);
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->query_tables == *start);
if (sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables(thd, thd->lex) ||
query_tables_last_own= save_query_tables_last;
*start= thd->lex->query_tables;
if (sp_cache_routines_and_add_tables(thd, thd->lex,
first_no_prelocking) ||
query_tables_last_own= save_query_tables_last;
*start= thd->lex->query_tables;
......@@ -1891,14 +1900,31 @@ int open_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST **start, uint *counter)
if (!tables->table &&
!(tables->table= open_table(thd, tables, &new_frm_mem, &refresh, 0)))
free_root(&new_frm_mem, MYF(MY_KEEP_PREALLOC));
if (tables->view)
/* VIEW placeholder */
tables->next_global list consists of two parts:
1) Query tables and underlying tables of views.
2) Tables used by all stored routines that this statement invokes on
We need to know where the bound between these two parts is. If we've
just opened the last table in part #1, and it added tables after
itself, adjust the boundary pointer accordingly.
if (query_tables_last_own &&
query_tables_last_own == &(tables->next_global) &&
query_tables_last_own= tables->view->query_tables_last;
Again if needed we have to get cache all routines used by this view
and add tables used by them to table list.
......@@ -2323,6 +2349,7 @@ int lock_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, uint count)
and was marked as occupied during open_tables() as free for reuse.
DBUG_PRINT("info",("prelocked_mode= PRELOCKED"));
thd->prelocked_mode= PRELOCKED;
......@@ -2346,6 +2373,7 @@ int lock_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, uint count)
if (thd->lex->requires_prelocking())
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("thd->prelocked_mode= PRELOCKED_UNDER_LOCK_TABLES"));
thd->prelocked_mode= PRELOCKED_UNDER_LOCK_TABLES;
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ THD::THD()
rand_used(0), time_zone_used(0),
last_insert_id_used(0), insert_id_used(0), clear_next_insert_id(0),
in_lock_tables(0), bootstrap(0), derived_tables_processing(FALSE),
spcont(NULL), in_sub_stmt(FALSE)
current_arena= this;
host= user= priv_user= db= ip= 0;
......@@ -1132,6 +1132,10 @@ public:
thr_lock_type update_lock_default;
delayed_insert *di;
my_bool tablespace_op; /* This is TRUE in DISCARD/IMPORT TABLESPACE */
/* TRUE if we are inside of trigger or stored function. */
bool in_sub_stmt;
/* container for handler's private per-connection data */
void *ha_data[MAX_HA];
struct st_transactions {
......@@ -1139,8 +1143,6 @@ public:
THD_TRANS all; // Trans since BEGIN WORK
THD_TRANS stmt; // Trans for current statement
bool on; // see ha_enable_transaction()
/* TRUE if we are inside of trigger or stored function. */
bool in_sub_stmt;
XID xid; // transaction identifier
enum xa_states xa_state; // used by external XA only
......@@ -2008,6 +2008,7 @@ void st_lex::cleanup_after_one_table_open()
time_zone_tables_used= 0;
if (sroutines.records)
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "sp_head.h"
#include "sp.h"
#include "sp_cache.h"
......@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ static bool end_active_trans(THD *thd)
int error=0;
if (unlikely(thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt))
if (unlikely(thd->in_sub_stmt))
......@@ -147,11 +148,7 @@ static bool end_active_trans(THD *thd)
static bool begin_trans(THD *thd)
int error=0;
QQ: May be it is better to simply prohibit COMMIT and ROLLBACK in
stored routines as SQL2003 suggests?
if (unlikely(thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt))
if (unlikely(thd->in_sub_stmt))
return 1;
......@@ -1340,11 +1337,7 @@ int end_trans(THD *thd, enum enum_mysql_completiontype completion)
int res= 0;
QQ: May be it is better to simply prohibit COMMIT and ROLLBACK in
stored routines as SQL2003 suggests?
if (unlikely(thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt))
if (unlikely(thd->in_sub_stmt))
......@@ -4128,9 +4121,8 @@ end_with_restore_list:
goto error;
By this moment all needed SPs should be in cache so no need
to look into DB. Moreover we may be unable to do it becuase
we may don't have read lock on mysql.proc
By this moment all needed SPs should be in cache so no need to look
into DB.
if (!(sp= sp_find_procedure(thd, lex->spname, TRUE)))
......@@ -4195,7 +4187,7 @@ end_with_restore_list:
select_limit= thd->variables.select_limit;
thd->variables.select_limit= HA_POS_ERROR;
thd->row_count_func= 0;
thd->row_count_func= 0;
tmp_disable_binlog(thd); /* don't binlog the substatements */
res= sp->execute_procedure(thd, &lex->value_list);
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
if (bodies[event][time_type])
bool save_in_sub_stmt= thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt;
bool save_in_sub_stmt= thd->in_sub_stmt;
/* Surpress OK packets in case if we will execute statements */
my_bool nsok= thd->net.no_send_ok;
......@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ public:
does NOT go into binlog.
thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt= TRUE;
thd->in_sub_stmt= TRUE;
res= bodies[event][time_type]->execute_function(thd, 0, 0, 0);
thd->transaction.in_sub_stmt= save_in_sub_stmt;
thd->in_sub_stmt= save_in_sub_stmt;
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