Commit 1fa67251 authored by's avatar

- removed more build tools that are now maintained seperately

parent fa41ce09
# By Matt Wagner <> 2005
# This script generates HP Depot packages for MySQL Server.
# It basically repackages a binary tarball as a depot.
# Usage: ./Do-hpux-depot <untarred-binary-tarball>
$fullname = shift @ARGV;
$fullname or die "No package name was specified";
-d $fullname or die "That directory is not present!";
$fullname =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any
chomp($pwd= `pwd`);
%title= (
"mysql-standard" => "MySQL Community Edition - Standard (GPL)",
"mysql-debug" => "MySQL Community Edition - Debug (GPL)",
"mysql-max" => "MySQL Community Edition - Experimental (GPL)",
"mysql-pro" => "MySQL Pro (Commercial)",
"mysql-classic" => "MySQL Classic (Commercial)",
"mysql-cluster" => "MySQL Cluster (Commercial)",
%architecture= (
"hpux11.23" => "HP-UX_B.11.23",
"hpux11.11" => "HP-UX_B.11.11",
"hpux11.00" => "HP-UX_B.11.00",
%os_release= (
"hpux11.23" => "?.11.2?",
"hpux11.11" => "?.11.1?",
"hpux11.00" => "?.11.0?",
%machine_type= (
"ia64" => "ia64*",
"hppa2.0w" => "9000/*",
$fullname =~ m/^(mysql-\w+)-([\d\.]+)-hp-(hpux11\.\d\d)-(hppa2\.0w|(ia64))-?(64bit)?$/;
# print "title: $1\n";
# print "version: $2\n";
# print "os: $3\n";
# print "cpu: $4\n";
# print "64: $6\n";
$cpu64= ($6 ne "") ? "_64" : "";
open (PSF,">${fullname}.psf") or die "Unable to write PSF file ($!)\n";
print PSF <<EOF;
tag $1
vendor_tag "MySQL_AB"
title "$title{$1}"
description "MySQL Database Server and Clients"
revision $2
architecture $architecture{$3}$cpu64
machine_type $machine_type{$4}
os_name HP-UX
os_release $os_release{$3}
directory /usr/local
tag all
revision $2
directory $fullname=/usr/local/$fullname
file_permissions -u 222 -g bin -o bin
file *
system("/usr/sbin/swpackage -v -d \"|gzip -c > $fullname.depot.gz\" -x target_type=tape -s ${pwd}/${fullname}.psf");
# Script to create Solaris packages
chomp ($hostname= `hostname`);
$find = "/usr/bin/find";
$pkgproto = "/usr/bin/pkgproto";
$pkgmk = "/usr/bin/pkgmk -o";
$pkgtrans = "/usr/bin/pkgtrans";
$temp = "/tmp/prototype$$";
$prototype = "prototype";
$pkginfo = "pkginfo";
($gid ,$pkg ,$uid ,$userInfo ,$email ,$quota ,$group ,$passwd
,$category ,$userHome ,$vendor ,$loginShell ,$pstamp ,$basedir)=();
$tarball= $fullname= shift @ARGV;
$fullname=~ s/.*(mysql.*)\.tar\.gz/$1/;
$workdir= $$;
chomp ($parent_workdir= `pwd`);
$hostname= ($fullname=~ m/^.+-64bit$/) ? $hostname . "-64bit" : $hostname;
$pkgdir= "$ENV{'HOME'}/$hostname";
mkdir $workdir or die "Can't make workdir: $!\n";
chdir $workdir or die "Can't change to workdir: $!\n";
system ("tar xzvf $tarball") == 0 or die "Can't untar: $!\n";
system ("$find . -print | $pkgproto > $temp");
open (PREPROTO,"<$temp") or die "Unable to read prototype information ($!)\n";
open (PROTO,">$prototype") or die "Unable to write file prototype ($!)\n";
print PROTO "i pkginfo=./$pkginfo\n";
while (<PREPROTO>) {
# Read the prototype information from /tmp/prototype$$
$thisline = $_;
if ($thisline =~ " prototype "
or $thisline =~ " pkginfo ") {
# We don't need that line
} elsif ($thisline =~ "^[fd] ") {
# Change the ownership for files and directories
($dir, $none, $file, $mode, $user, $group) = split / /,$thisline;
print PROTO "$dir $none $file $mode bin bin\n";
} else {
# Symlinks and other stuff should be printed as well ofcourse
print PROTO "$thisline\n";
close PROTO;
# Clean up
unlink $temp or warn "Unable to remove tempfile ($!)\n";
# Now we can start building the package
# First get some info
$fullname =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any
$fullname =~ /^((mysql)(?:-\w+){1,3})-([\d\.]+\w?)-.+$/
or die "This name is not what I expected - \"$fullname\"";
$default{"name"}= $2;
$default{"version"}= $3;
$default{"pkg"}= $1;
$default{"arch"} = `uname -m`;
chomp $default{"arch"};
$default{"category"}= "application";
$default{"vendor"}= "MySQL AB";
$default{"email"}= "build\";
$default{"pstamp"}= "MySQL AB Build Engineers";
$os = `uname -r`;
$os =~ '\.';
$os = "sol$'";
chomp $os;
$default{"basedir"}= "/usr/local";
$default{"packagename"}= "${fullname}.pkg";
# Check for correctness of guessed values by userinput
%questions = (
pkg => "Please give the name for this package",
name => "Now enter the real name for this package",
arch => "What architecture did you build the package on?",
version => "Enter the version number of the package",
category => "What category does this package belong to?",
vendor => "Who is the vendor of this package?",
email => "Enter the email adress for contact",
pstamp => "Enter your own name",
basedir => "What is the basedir this package will install into?",
packagename => "How should I call the packagefile?",
@vars = qw(pkg name arch version category vendor email pstamp basedir
foreach $varname (@vars) {
while (!&chkvar()) {
print "\n";
foreach $varname (@vars) {
@vars = qw(pkg name arch version category vendor email pstamp basedir
$classes = "none";
# Create the pkginfo file
print "\nNow creating $pkginfo file\n";
open (PKGINFO,">$pkginfo") || die "Unable to open $pkginfo for writing ($!)\n";
print PKGINFO "PKG=\"$pkg\"\n";
print PKGINFO "NAME=\"$name\"\n";
print PKGINFO "ARCH=\"$arch\"\n";
print PKGINFO "VERSION=\"$version\"\n";
print PKGINFO "CATEGORY=\"$category\"\n";
print PKGINFO "VENDOR=\"$vendor\"\n";
print PKGINFO "EMAIL=\"$email\"\n";
print PKGINFO "PSTAMP=\"$pstamp\"\n";
print PKGINFO "BASEDIR=\"$basedir\"\n";
print PKGINFO "CLASSES=\"$classes\"\n";
close PKGINFO;
print "Done.\n";
# Build and zip the package
print "Building package\n";
system ("$pkgmk -r `pwd`");
system ("(cd /var/spool/pkg; $pkgtrans -s -o `pwd` /tmp/$packagename $pkg)");
system ("gzip /tmp/$packagename");
# Clean-up the spool area
system ("(cd /var/spool/pkg; rm -rf $pkg)");
# Clean-up the ~/packaging/ area
unlink $pkginfo;
unlink $prototype;
chdir $parent_workdir or die "Can't change to parent workdir '$parent_workdir': $!\n";
system ("rm -rf $workdir") == 0 or die "Can't remove the working dir: $!\n";
system ("mv /tmp/${packagename}.gz $pkgdir") == 0 or die "Can't move the finished package out of /tmp: $!\n";
print "Done. (~/$hostname/$packagename.gz)\n";
# The subroutines
sub chkvar {
print "\n";
print "PKG=$pkg\n";
print "NAME=$name\n";
print "ARCH=$arch\n";
print "VERSION=$version\n";
print "CATEGORY=$category\n";
print "VENDOR=$vendor\n";
print "EMAIL=$email\n";
print "PSTAMP=$pstamp\n";
print "BASEDIR=$basedir\n";
print "PACKAGENAME=$packagename\n";
print "\nIs this information correct? [Y/n]: ";
my $answer= <STDIN>;
chomp $answer;
$answer= 'Y' if ($answer eq "");
$answer= uc $answer;
my $res= ($answer eq 'Y')? 1 : 0;
sub getvar_noq {
my $questionname = "@_";
$$questionname = $default{$questionname};
sub getvar {
my $questionname = "@_";
my $ucquestionname= uc $questionname;
print "$ucquestionname: $questions{$questionname} [$default{\"$questionname\"}]: ";
my $answer = <STDIN>;
chomp $answer;
$$questionname = $answer;
$$questionname = $default{$questionname} if ($$questionname eq "");
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