Commit 2074b26d authored by Leonard Zhou's avatar Leonard Zhou

BUG#39858 rpl.rpl_rotate (rpl.rpl_rotate_logs) failed on pushbuild: result mismatch

The method to purge binary log files produces different results in some platforms.
The reason is that the purge time is calculated based on table modified time and
that can't guarantee to purge master-bin.000002 in all platforms.(eg. windows)

Use a new way that sets the time to purge binlog file 1 second after the last
modified time of master-bin.000002.
That can be sure that the file is always deleted in any platform.

  Test result
  Test file
parent 40f5c12d
......@@ -87,9 +87,7 @@ show binary logs;
Log_name File_size
master-bin.000002 #
master-bin.000003 #
select @time_for_purge:=DATE_ADD(UPDATE_TIME, INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
from information_schema.tables
where TABLE_SCHEMA="test" and TABLE_NAME="t2";
SELECT @time_for_purge:=DATE_ADD('tmpval', INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
purge master logs before (@time_for_purge);
show binary logs;
Log_name File_size
......@@ -112,14 +112,24 @@ source include/;
purge binary logs to 'master-bin.000002';
source include/;
# Calculate time to use in "purge master logs before" by taking
# last modification time of t2 and adding 1 second
# This is donw in order to handle the case where file system
# time differs from mysqld's time
# Set the purge time 1 second after the last modify time of master-bin.000002.
open F, ">>".$ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}.'/tmp/rpl_rotate_logs.tmp' or die "Tmp file rpl_rotate_logs.tmp not found";
my $binlogpath = $ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}.'/mysqld.1/data/master-bin.000002';
my @array = stat($binlogpath);
my $filemodifytime = $array[9];
my @t = localtime $filemodifytime;
my $modifytime = sprintf "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u",$t[5]+1900,$t[4]+1,$t[3],$t[2],$t[1],$t[0];
printf F ("let \$tmpval = %s;",$modifytime);
close F;
--source $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_rotate_logs.tmp
remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/rpl_rotate_logs.tmp;
select @time_for_purge:=DATE_ADD(UPDATE_TIME, INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
from information_schema.tables
where TABLE_SCHEMA="test" and TABLE_NAME="t2";
--replace_result $tmpval tmpval
--eval SELECT @time_for_purge:=DATE_ADD('$tmpval', INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
purge master logs before (@time_for_purge);
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