Commit 3180e762 authored by Kristian Nielsen's avatar Kristian Nielsen

MDEV-7089: Test failures in main.failed_auth_unixsocket and...

MDEV-7089: Test failures in main.failed_auth_unixsocket and plugins.unix_socket depending on environment

The test cases had some --replace_result $USER USER. The problem is that the
value of $USER can be anything, depending on the name of the unix account that
runs the test suite. So random parts of the result can be errorneously
replaced, causing test failures.

Fix by making the replacements more specific, so they will match only the
intended stuff regardless of the value of $USER.
parent b84a892f
......@@ -12,11 +12,14 @@ eval install plugin unix_socket soname '$AUTH_SOCKET_SO';
--echo # with named user
--echo #
--replace_result $USER USER
--let $replace=create user $USER
--replace_result $replace "create user USER"
eval create user $USER identified via unix_socket;
--write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/peercred_test.txt
--replace_result $USER USER
--let $replace1=$USER@localhost
--let $replace2=$USER@%
--replace_result $replace1 "USER@localhost" $replace2 "USER@%"
select user(), current_user(), database();
......@@ -31,7 +34,8 @@ EOF
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST -u foobar --plugin-dir=$plugindir < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/peercred_test.txt
--replace_result $USER USER
--let $replace=drop user $USER
--replace_result $replace "drop user USER"
eval drop user $USER;
--echo #
......@@ -16,11 +16,17 @@ change_user $USER;
eval install plugin unix_socket soname '$AUTH_SOCKET_SO';
# Make sure that the replace works, even if $USER is 'user' or something else
# that matches other parts of the error message.
--echo connect(localhost,USER,,test,MASTER_PORT,MASTER_SOCKET);
--let $replace=Access denied for user '$USER'
--replace_result $MASTER_MYSOCK MASTER_SOCKET $MASTER_MYPORT MASTER_PORT $replace "Access denied for user 'USER'"
connect (fail,localhost,$USER);
--replace_result $USER USER
--replace_result $replace "Access denied for user 'USER'"
change_user $USER;
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