Commit 42d656b9 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Merge changes in docs do go further

  Automerge (Arjen please check)
parents e95d4a73 904a1e07
......@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@
......@@ -64,10 +67,8 @@ tonu@volk.internalnet
......@@ -31885,17 +31885,58 @@ mysql> SELECT EXP(2);
mysql> SELECT EXP(-2);
-> 0.135335
@end example
@findex LOG()
@item LOG(X)
@findex LN()
@item LN(X)
Returns the natural logarithm of @code{X}:
mysql> SELECT LN(2);
-> 0.693147
mysql> SELECT LN(-2);
@end example
This function was added in MySQL version 4.0.3.
It is synonymous with @code{LOG(X)} in MySQL.
@findex LOG()
@item LOG([B,]X)
When called with one parameter, this function returns the natural logarithm
of @code{X}:
mysql> SELECT LOG(2);
-> 0.693147
mysql> SELECT LOG(-2);
@end example
If you want the log of a number @code{X} to some arbitrary base @code{B}, use
the formula @code{LOG(X)/LOG(B)}.
When called with two parameters, this function returns the logarithm of
@code{X} for an arbitary base @code{B}:
mysql> SELECT LOG(2,65536);
-> 16.000000
mysql> SELECT LOG(1,100);
@end example
The arbitrary base option was added in MySQL version 4.0.3.
@code{LOG(B,X)} is equivalent to @code{LOG(X)/LOG(B)}.
@findex LOG2()
@item LOG2(X)
Returns the base-2 logarithm of @code{X}:
mysql> SELECT LOG2(65536);
-> 16.000000
mysql> SELECT LOG2(-100);
@end example
@code{LOG2()} is useful for finding out how many bits a number would
require for storage.
This function was added in MySQL version 4.0.3.
In earlier versions, you can use @code{LOG(X)/LOG(2)} instead.
@findex LOG10()
@item LOG10(X)
......@@ -49699,6 +49740,12 @@ Our TODO section contains what we plan to have in 4.0. @xref{TODO MySQL 4.0}.
@itemize @bullet
Fixed a bug that made the pager option in the mysql client non-functional.
Extended @code{LOG()} function to accept an optional arbitrary base parameter.
@xref{Mathematical functions}.
Added @code{LOG2()} function (useful for finding out how many bits a number would require for storage).
Added @code{LN()} natural logarithm function for compatibility with other databases. It is synonymous with @code{LOG(X)}.
@end itemize
......@@ -16,9 +16,18 @@ round(5.64,1) round(5.64,2) round(5.64,-1) round(5.64,-2)
select abs(-10), sign(-5), sign(5), sign(0);
abs(-10) sign(-5) sign(5) sign(0)
10 -1 1 0
select log(exp(10)),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2);
log(exp(10)) exp(log(sqrt(10))*2)
10.000000 10.000000
select log(exp(10)),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2),log(-1),log(NULL),log(1,1),log(3,9),log(-1,2),log(NULL,2);
log(exp(10)) exp(log(sqrt(10))*2) log(-1) log(NULL) log(1,1) log(3,9) log(-1,2) log(NULL,2)
10.000000 10.000000 NULL NULL NULL 2.000000 NULL NULL
select ln(exp(10)),exp(ln(sqrt(10))*2),ln(-1),ln(0),ln(NULL);
ln(exp(10)) exp(ln(sqrt(10))*2) ln(-1) ln(0) ln(NULL)
10.000000 10.000000 NULL NULL NULL
select log2(8),log2(15),log2(-2),log2(0),log2(NULL);
log2(8) log2(15) log2(-2) log2(0) log2(NULL)
3.000000 3.906891 NULL NULL NULL
select log10(100),log10(18),log10(-4),log10(0),log10(NULL);
log10(100) log10(18) log10(-4) log10(0) log10(NULL)
2.000000 1.255273 NULL NULL NULL
select pow(10,log10(10)),power(2,4);
pow(10,log10(10)) power(2,4)
10.000000 16.000000
......@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ select truncate(52.64,1),truncate(52.64,2),truncate(52.64,-1),truncate(52.64,-2)
select round(5.5),round(-5.5);
select round(5.64,1),round(5.64,2),round(5.64,-1),round(5.64,-2);
select abs(-10), sign(-5), sign(5), sign(0);
select log(exp(10)),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2);
select log(exp(10)),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2),log(-1),log(NULL),log(1,1),log(3,9),log(-1,2),log(NULL,2);
select ln(exp(10)),exp(ln(sqrt(10))*2),ln(-1),ln(0),ln(NULL);
select log2(8),log2(15),log2(-2),log2(0),log2(NULL);
select log10(100),log10(18),log10(-4),log10(0),log10(NULL);
select pow(10,log10(10)),power(2,4);
select rand(999999),rand();
select pi(),sin(pi()/2),cos(pi()/2),abs(tan(pi())),cot(1),asin(1),acos(0),atan(1);
......@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ static struct my_option my_long_options[] =
{"version", 'V', "Output version information and exit",
0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"rnd1", 'r', "Set 1 part of rnd value for hash generator",
(gptr*) &best_t1, (gptr*) &best_t1, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 6657025L,
(gptr*) &best_t1, (gptr*) &best_t1, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 5075635L,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"rnd2", 'R', "Set 2 part of rnd value for hash generator",
(gptr*) &best_t2, (gptr*) &best_t2, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 6114496L,
(gptr*) &best_t2, (gptr*) &best_t2, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1345933L,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"type", 't', "Set type of char table to generate",
(gptr*) &best_type, (gptr*) &best_type, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 0, 0,
(gptr*) &best_type, (gptr*) &best_type, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0},
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
......@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ int main(int argc,char **argv)
start_value=1109118L; /* mode=4903 add=3 type: 0 */
start_value=3807640L; /* mode=6971 add=3 type: 0 */
if (get_options(argc,(char **) argv))
......@@ -220,9 +220,14 @@ Item *create_func_char_length(Item* a)
return new Item_func_char_length(a);
Item *create_func_log(Item* a)
Item *create_func_ln(Item* a)
return new Item_func_log(a);
return new Item_func_ln(a);
Item *create_func_log2(Item* a)
return new Item_func_log2(a);
Item *create_func_log10(Item* a)
......@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ Item *create_func_instr(Item* a, Item *b);
Item *create_func_isnull(Item* a);
Item *create_func_lcase(Item* a);
Item *create_func_length(Item* a);
Item *create_func_ln(Item* a);
Item *create_func_locate(Item* a, Item *b);
Item *create_func_log(Item* a);
Item *create_func_log2(Item* a);
Item *create_func_log10(Item* a);
Item *create_func_lpad(Item* a, Item *b, Item *c);
Item *create_func_ltrim(Item* a);
......@@ -437,14 +437,43 @@ void Item_func_abs::fix_length_and_dec()
hybrid_type= args[0]->result_type() == INT_RESULT ? INT_RESULT : REAL_RESULT;
/* Gateway to natural LOG function */
double Item_func_ln::val()
double value=args[0]->val();
if ((null_value=(args[0]->null_value || value <= 0.0)))
return 0.0;
return log(value);
Extended but so slower LOG function
We have to check if all values are > zero and first one is not one
as these are the cases then result is not a number.
double Item_func_log::val()
double value=args[0]->val();
if ((null_value=(args[0]->null_value || value <= 0.0)))
return 0.0; /* purecov: inspected */
return 0.0;
if (arg_count == 2)
double value2= args[1]->val();
if ((null_value=(args[1]->null_value || value2 <= 0.0 || value == 1.0)))
return 0.0;
return log(value2) / log(value);
return log(value);
double Item_func_log2::val()
double value=args[0]->val();
if ((null_value=(args[0]->null_value || value <= 0.0)))
return 0.0;
return log(value) / log(2.0);
double Item_func_log10::val()
double value=args[0]->val();
......@@ -338,15 +338,35 @@ public:
const char *func_name() const { return "exp"; }
class Item_func_ln :public Item_dec_func
Item_func_ln(Item *a) :Item_dec_func(a) {}
double val();
const char *func_name() const { return "ln"; }
class Item_func_log :public Item_dec_func
Item_func_log(Item *a) :Item_dec_func(a) {}
Item_func_log(Item *a,Item *b) :Item_dec_func(a,b) {}
double val();
const char *func_name() const { return "log"; }
class Item_func_log2 :public Item_dec_func
Item_func_log2(Item *a) :Item_dec_func(a) {}
double val();
const char *func_name() const { return "log2"; }
class Item_func_log10 :public Item_dec_func
......@@ -461,9 +461,11 @@ static SYMBOL sql_functions[] = {
{ "LCASE", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_lcase)},
{ "LENGTH", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_length)},
{ "LN", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_ln)},
{ "LOAD_FILE", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_load_file)},
{ "LOG", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_log)},
{ "LOG", SYM(LOG_SYM),0,0},
{ "LOG2", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_log2)},
{ "LOG10", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_log10)},
{ "LOWER", SYM(FUNC_ARG1),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_lcase)},
{ "LPAD", SYM(FUNC_ARG3),0,CREATE_FUNC(create_func_lpad)},
......@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ bool my_yyoverflow(short **a, YYSTYPE **b,int *yystacksize);
%token LIKE
%token LINES
%token LOCAL_SYM
%token LOG_SYM
%token LOGS_SYM
%token LONG_NUM
%token LONG_SYM
......@@ -1779,6 +1780,10 @@ simple_expr:
{ $5->push_front($3); $$= new Item_func_max(*$5); }
| LEAST_SYM '(' expr ',' expr_list ')'
{ $5->push_front($3); $$= new Item_func_min(*$5); }
| LOG_SYM '(' expr ')'
{ $$= new Item_func_log($3); }
| LOG_SYM '(' expr ',' expr ')'
{ $$= new Item_func_log($3, $5); }
| MINUTE_SYM '(' expr ')'
{ $$= new Item_func_minute($3); }
| MONTH_SYM '(' expr ')'
......@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ select floor(5.5),floor(-5.5),ceiling(5.5),ceiling(-5.5),round(5.5),round(-5.5)
floor(5.5) floor(-5.5) ceiling(5.5) ceiling(-5.5) round(5.5) round(-5.5)
5 -6 6 -5 6 -6
select abs(-10),log(exp(10)),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2),pow(10,log10(10)),rand(999999),rand()
select abs(-10),log(exp(10)),ln(exp(10)),log2(65535),log(2,65535),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2),pow(10,log10(10)),rand(999999),rand()
abs(-10) log(exp(10)) exp(log(sqrt(10))*2) pow(10,log10(10)) rand(999999) rand()
10 10.000000 10.000000 10.000000 0.1844 0.7637
abs(-10) log(exp(10)) ln(exp(10)) log2(65535) log(2,65535) exp(log(sqrt(10))*2) pow(10,log10(10)) rand(999999) rand()
10 10.000000 10.000000 2.000000 2.000000 10.000000 10.000000 0.1844 0.7637
select least(6,1.0,2.0),greatest(3,4,5,0)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
select 1+1,1-1,1+1*2,8/5,8%5,mod(8,5),mod(8,5)|0,-(1+1)*-2,sign(-5) ;
select floor(5.5),floor(-5.5),ceiling(5.5),ceiling(-5.5),round(5.5),round(-5.5);
select abs(-10),log(exp(10)),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2),pow(10,log10(10)),rand(999999),rand();
select abs(-10),log(exp(10)),ln(exp(10)),log2(65535),log(2,65535),exp(log(sqrt(10))*2),pow(10,log10(10)),rand(999999),rand();
select least(6,1.0,2.0),greatest(3,4,5,0) ;
select 1 | (1+1),5 & 3,bit_count(7) ;
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