the fix for BUG#24432

  "INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE skips auto_increment values"
didn't make it into 5.0.36 and 5.1.16,
so we need to adjust the bug-detection-based-on-version-number code.
Because the rpl tree has a too old version, rpl_insert_id cannot pass,
so I disable it (like is already the case in 5.1-rpl for the same reason),
and the repl team will re-enable it when they merge 5.0 and 5.1 into
their trees (thus getting the right version number).
parent 2f75c9cd
......@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ im_daemon_life_cycle : Bug#24415 see note: [19 Dec 23:17] Trudy Pelzer
ndb_load : Bug#17233
user_limits : Bug#23921 random failure of user_limits.test
flush2 : Bug#24805 Pushbuild can't handle test with --disable-log-bin
rpl_insert_id : replication team will enable as soon as they merge their tree with main tree and so got version number 5.0.38
......@@ -5181,8 +5181,8 @@ bool rpl_master_has_bug(RELAY_LOG_INFO *rli, uint bug_id)
static struct st_version_range_for_one_bug versions_for_all_bugs[]=
{24432, { 5, 0, 24 }, { 5, 0, 36 } },
{24432, { 5, 1, 12 }, { 5, 1, 16 } }
{24432, { 5, 0, 24 }, { 5, 0, 38 } },
{24432, { 5, 1, 12 }, { 5, 1, 17 } }
const uchar *master_ver=
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