Commit 51ea3939 authored by Daniel Black's avatar Daniel Black

Complete test for status slave_skipped_errors

parent eac71ced
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ show variables like 'slave_load_tmpdir';
# We just set some arbitrary values in variables-master.opt so we can test
# that a list of values works correctly
show variables like 'slave_skip_errors';
show global status like 'slave_skipped_errors';
# Cleanup
set global slave_net_timeout=@my_slave_net_timeout;
......@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ DELETE FROM t2 WHERE id = 5;
UPDATE t2 SET id= id + 3, data = 2;
show global status like 'slave_skipped_errors';
Variable_name Value
Slave_skipped_errors 5
**** We cannot execute a select as there are differences in the
**** behavior between STMT and RBR.
==== Clean Up ====
......@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ sync_slave_with_master;
let $error= query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Last_SQL_Error, 1);
echo $error;
show global status like 'slave_skipped_errors';
--echo **** We cannot execute a select as there are differences in the
--echo **** behavior between STMT and RBR.
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