Commit 5c2fa44c authored by unknown's avatar unknown


  Auto merged
  Auto merged
  SCCS merged
parents 0906c576 21758630
......@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ extra/my_print_defaults
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ INCLUDES = @MT_INCLUDES@ -I$(top_srcdir)/include \
LDADD = @CLIENT_EXTRA_LDFLAGS@ ../mysys/libmysys.a \
../dbug/libdbug.a ../strings/libmystrings.a
BUILT_SOURCES= mysqld_error.h sql_state.h
BUILT_SOURCES= mysqld_error.h sql_state.h mysqld_ername.h
created_sources = created_include_files
CLEANFILES = $(created_sources)
......@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ all: $(created_sources)
# This will build mysqld_error.h and sql_state.h
mysqld_error.h: created_include_files
mysqld_ername.h: created_include_files
sql_state.h: created_include_files
created_include_files: comp_err
$(top_builddir)/extra/comp_err --charset=$(srcdir)/../sql/share/charsets --out-dir=$(top_builddir)/sql/share/ --header_file=$(top_builddir)/extra/mysqld_error.h --state_file=$(top_builddir)/extra/sql_state.h --in_file=$(srcdir)/../sql/share/errmsg.txt
$(top_builddir)/extra/comp_err --charset=$(srcdir)/../sql/share/charsets --out-dir=$(top_builddir)/sql/share/ --header_file=$(top_builddir)/extra/mysqld_error.h --name_file=$(top_builddir)/extra/mysqld_ername.h --state_file=$(top_builddir)/extra/sql_state.h --in_file=$(srcdir)/../sql/share/errmsg.txt
touch created_include_files
bin_PROGRAMS = replace comp_err perror resolveip my_print_defaults \
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#define ER_PREFIX "ER_"
static char *OUTFILE= (char*) "errmsg.sys";
static char *HEADERFILE= (char*) "mysqld_error.h";
static char *NAMEFILE= (char*) "mysqld_ername.h";
static char *STATEFILE= (char*) "sql_state.h";
static char *TXTFILE= (char*) "../sql/share/errmsg.txt";
static char *DATADIR= (char*) "../sql/share/";
......@@ -117,6 +118,8 @@ static struct my_option my_long_options[]=
(gptr *) & OUTFILE, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"header_file", 'H', "mysqld_error.h file ", (gptr *) & HEADERFILE,
(gptr *) & HEADERFILE, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"name_file", 'N', "mysqld_ername.h file ", (gptr *) & NAMEFILE,
(gptr *) & NAMEFILE, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{"state_file", 'S', "sql_state.h file", (gptr *) & STATEFILE,
(gptr *) & STATEFILE, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
......@@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
static int create_header_files(struct errors *error_head)
uint er_last;
FILE *er_definef, *sql_statef;
FILE *er_definef, *sql_statef, *er_namef;
struct errors *tmp_error;
......@@ -206,9 +209,16 @@ static int create_header_files(struct errors *error_head)
my_fclose(er_definef, MYF(0));
if (!(er_namef= my_fopen(NAMEFILE, O_WRONLY, MYF(MY_WME))))
my_fclose(er_definef, MYF(0));
my_fclose(sql_statef, MYF(0));
fprintf(er_definef, "/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */\n\n");
fprintf(sql_statef, "/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */\n\n");
fprintf(er_namef, "/* Autogenerated file, please don't edit */\n\n");
fprintf(er_definef, "#define ER_ERROR_FIRST %d\n", error_head->d_code);
......@@ -227,11 +237,16 @@ static int create_header_files(struct errors *error_head)
"%-40s,\"%s\", \"%s\",\n", tmp_error->er_name,
tmp_error->sql_code1, tmp_error->sql_code2);
/*generating er_name file */
fprintf(er_namef, "{ \"%s\", %d },\n", tmp_error->er_name,
/* finishing off with mysqld_error.h */
fprintf(er_definef, "#define ER_ERROR_LAST %d\n", er_last);
my_fclose(er_definef, MYF(0));
my_fclose(sql_statef, MYF(0));
my_fclose(er_namef, MYF(0));
......@@ -4023,28 +4023,11 @@ ER_DUMP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
swe "Tabellhanteraren klarar inte en binr kopiering av tabellen"
ukr " æ Цդ ¦ æ"
cze "Binlog uzav-Ben pi pokusu o FLUSH MASTER"
dan "Binlog blev lukket mens kommandoen FLUSH MASTER blev udfrt"
nla "Binlog gesloten tijdens FLUSH MASTER poging"
eng "Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER"
est "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
fre "Le 'binlog' a t ferm pendant l'excution du FLUSH MASTER"
ger "Binlog geschlossen. Kann RESET MASTER nicht ausfhren"
greek "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
hun "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
ita "Binlog e` stato chiuso durante l'esecuzione del FLUSH MASTER"
jpn "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
kor "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
nor "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
norwegian-ny "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
pol "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
por "Binlog fechado. No pode fazer RESET MASTER"
rum "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
serbian "Binarni log file zatvoren, ne mogu da izvrim komandu 'RESET MASTER'"
slo "Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER"
spa "Binlog cerrado mientras tentaba el FLUSH MASTER"
swe "Binrloggen stngdes medan FLUSH MASTER utfrdes"
ukr "̦æ , RESET MASTER"
cze "P-Bebudovn indexu dumpnut tabulky '%-.64s' nebylo spn"
......@@ -4258,7 +4241,6 @@ ER_SLAVE_THREAD
ita "Impossibile creare il thread 'slave', controllare le risorse di sistema"
por "No conseguiu criar 'thread' de 'slave'. Verifique os recursos do sistema"
rus " . "
slo "Could not create slave thread, check system resources"
serbian "Nisam mogao da startujem thread za podreeni server, proverite sistemske resurse"
spa "No puedo crear el thread esclavo, verifique recursos del sistema"
swe "Kunde inte starta en trd fr replikering"
......@@ -4788,9 +4770,7 @@ ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR
eng "ZLIB: Input data corrupted"
ger "ZLIB: Eingabedaten beschdigt"
por "ZLIB: Dados de entrada est corrupto"
spa "Z_DATA_ERROR: Dato de entrada fu corrompido para zlib"
swe "Z_DATA_ERROR: Input data was corrupted for zlib"
ukr "Z_DATA_ERROR: Input data was corrupted for zlib"
spa "ZLIB: Dato de entrada fu corrompido para zlib"
eng "%d line(s) were cut by GROUP_CONCAT()"
ger "%d Zeile(n) durch GROUP_CONCAT() abgeschnitten"
......@@ -4867,8 +4847,6 @@ ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_SSL_PARAMS
ger "SSL-Parameter in CHANGE MASTER werden ignoriert, weil dieser MySQL-Slave ohne SSL-Untersttzung kompiliert wurde. Sie knnen aber spter verwendet werden, wenn der MySQL-Slave mit SSL gestartet wird"
por "SSL parmetros em CHANGE MASTER so ignorados porque este escravo MySQL foi compilado sem o SSL suporte. Os mesmos podem ser usados mais tarde quando o escravo MySQL com SSL seja iniciado."
spa "Parametros SSL en CHANGE MASTER son ignorados porque este slave MySQL fue compilado sin soporte SSL; pueden ser usados despues cuando el slave MySQL con SSL sea inicializado"
swe "SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later when MySQL slave with SSL will be started"
ukr "SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later when MySQL slave with SSL will be started"
eng "Server is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format"
ger "Server luft im Modus --secure-auth, aber '%s'@'%s' hat ein Passwort im alten Format. Bitte Passwort ins neue Format ndern"
......@@ -4965,26 +4943,20 @@ ER_TOO_MUCH_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_COLS
eng "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause"
por "Incorreta definio de tabela; Pode ter somente uma coluna TIMESTAMP com CURRENT_TIMESTAMP em DEFAULT ou ON UPDATE clusula"
spa "Incorrecta definicin de tabla; Solamente debe haber una columna TIMESTAMP con CURRENT_TIMESTAMP en DEFAULT o ON UPDATE clusula"
swe "Incorrect table definition; There can only be one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause"
ukr "Incorrect table definition; There can only be one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause"
eng "Invalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.64s' column"
por "Invlida clusula ON UPDATE para campo '%-.64s'"
spa "Invlido ON UPDATE clusula para campo '%-.64s'"
swe "Invalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.64s' field"
ukr "Invalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.64s' field"
eng "This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet"
dan "Modtog fejl %d '%-.100s' fra %s"
eng "Got error %d '%-.100s' from %s"
jpn "Got NDB error %d '%-.100s'"
nor "Mottok feil %d '%-.100s' fa %s"
norwegian-ny "Mottok feil %d '%-.100s' fra %s"
dan "Modtog temporary fejl %d '%-.100s' fra %s"
eng "Got temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %s"
jpn "Got temporary NDB error %d '%-.100s'"
nor "Mottok temporary feil %d '%-.100s' fra %s"
norwegian-ny "Mottok temporary feil %d '%-.100s' fra %s"
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